Flag: Japan
Registered: August 25, 2022
Last post: October 22, 2024 at 5:52 PM
Posts: 3736
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Jared "NA's most feared controller" Gitlin drops 50

posted 2 minutes ago

I don't even remember you bro. No German team is EVER beating a Japanese team.

Too poor to even afford a team in franchising, too talentless to win ascension. Your best players identifies as an American. That's got to hurt.

posted 1 day ago

An incomplete SEN lost to C9. Red bull should have just invited them and G2.

Last year Americas teams and Shitmean teams were invited. This year they need to go through qualifiers? And the only decent Americas team has to fight a billion shitmean teams and tire themselves out just to get in the event?

Is freemea THAT scared of Americas?

posted 1 day ago

The only thing that was unfair last year was that FNC was invited. You don't remember FNC from 2023? Who cares if 3 Japanese teams were invited? There is no way any of them were winning it.

If we wanted to be as shameless, pathetic and disgusting as shitmea, we would've invited BBL, Karmine Corp. Integrity is more important than meaningless wins. A shitmean wouldn't understand.

posted 1 day ago

So what if it's hosted in shitmea? The fact they didn't invite a single good team from a different region shows how much of a pussy they are.

You are forgetting that last year in RBHG prime FNC was invited. If only we were as pussy as shitmea and cared about winning meaningless trophies, would've probably invited teams like Karmine Corp and MIBR, and then invited the whole of Japan. Instead, prime FNC was invited.

You are clearly delusional if you don't see the difference.

posted 1 day ago

"I'm gonna pack my things and leave you behind, this feelings old and i know that I've made up my mind" ahh post

gtfo weirdo

posted 1 day ago

It's really not. They were different when my boy Daichi was still there. They would have only struggled against TH a bit.

posted 1 day ago

fokus wins a ticket to oktoberfest where they can drink das bier and eat prinzeregententorten!

posted 1 day ago

Prime FL clears every current shitmea team, and that's just a fact.

posted 1 day ago
Invited teams from every region, 2 from the best region in 2023, and 2 from shitmea which includes prime 2023 FNC.
Who did shitmea invite? 2 of the shakiest teams right now? And put G2 in playins with a billion shitmea teams (easy for them but still lmao)

It's funny how confidently shitmeans can just blurt out stuff like this. But continue searching for a VLR user that will reply back and forth 50 times, cause I remember you, the saddest shitmean on this website, and I'm not up for that shit πŸ™

posted 1 day ago

What he said ----------------------------------------------------↑

If an event being hosted in shitmea means only freeu teams can participate, then no events shall be hosted on shitmea grounds. Relegate the region.

posted 1 day ago

It's kind of a good thing, don't have to think about Valorant for 3 months. It will be a nice break

posted 2 days ago

europoor lmaooooo

posted 2 days ago

There is like 4 shitmea teams, possibly 6, and only 2 other regions lol. This is the only way shitmea wins ANYTHING all year round.

Let's see them invite SEN, G2, DRX or EDG. What happened to balls?

posted 2 days ago

Yeah I know he doesn't listen to you
Why did you reiterate it

posted 2 days ago

Flair up and oil up

posted 2 days ago

See how good it felt not playing with b*n and g0v0rn0r?

Bro just leave TLN, this shit is not worth it.

posted 2 days ago

Messi of eSports in more ways than one

Got people saying the game is rigged.

posted 2 days ago

Meiy survived even worse teammates. Imagine being him.

posted 2 days ago

Yeah. Something like CR cup but for franchised Japanese teams, VCJ play-in and Korean invited teams would be ideal

posted 2 days ago

The Meiysterclass wasn't enough

posted 2 days ago

Gen.G 3-0 domination πŸ—Ώ

posted 2 days ago

Like CR cup?

posted 2 days ago


posted 2 days ago

Japan factos

posted 2 days ago

ZETA easily. At one point it was close with CR and ZETA

posted 2 days ago

Does somebody know where Talon bootcamps? Like the exact location?

Asking for a friend

posted 2 days ago


posted 3 days ago

huge gap

posted 3 days ago



posted 3 days ago

Bro said Vancouver
What is it better for? Doing cocaine and fentanyl with the roadside homeless?

posted 3 days ago

How is b*n and g0v still on the team. This is criminal work

Save Primmie

posted 3 days ago

No chance.

posted 3 days ago

137k peak viewers

Where is the Viewership trophy?

posted 3 days ago

GE fix:

-GE +a slot to OCE

posted 3 days ago

This is why India can't put up 5 players on a roster

posted 3 days ago

Clone Primmie 5 times

posted 3 days ago

I don't get the hype behind this guy, it's really odd the level of hype he's getting. He's not a Primmie type player, nor is he putting up outstanding numbers like smthlikeyou. People really need to stop hyping up anyone who gets high ACS in T2 Japan. I mean I get, VCJ is the best T2 after all (undebatable)

Not everybody is something.

posted 5 days ago

Everyone with the exception of Art. Also, Akame is a confirmed aimer lol. When has he won a game with insane calls? I have only seen him frying with aim, as that's mostly what RC did.

posted 5 days ago

Nah, I have complained about ZETA enough. I genuinely gave up hope for them. So it can only go uphill from there.

Also Dep and SugarHero are solid players, I have rarely seen them drag down the team. Dep said he is willing to move to flex if there comes a better duelist. That's class. That means he wants to win. That alone is enough for me.

posted 5 days ago

Why is this more of a banger to people than the ZETA roster unveil

The team went from absolute shit to slightly shit. I still don't trust the roster except Meiy.

I thought we already what happens when you ONLY pick good aim players.

posted 5 days ago

For the first time since the birth of ZETA, I am not complaining.

We have actually won

posted 5 days ago

I might be wrong but didn't bl00d already book Aspas? Like everything was finalized and stuff

posted 5 days ago


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posted 5 days ago

Gen.G stupidest fucking org ever

posted 1 week ago

They need to stop using the E word too

posted 1 week ago

I might just become a fan

posted 1 week ago

Not really. Every citizen has VPN installed, either warp (I think the most popular choice) or something else. But those only help you bypass the great firewall. Unless you know what you're doing, you still can't do something like criticizing the government.

posted 1 week ago

Of course the botzillian is in favor of government censorship.

Did you even read the news or are you speaking out of your ass lol. Their reason for banning the entire app is so silly, they might as well ban Instagram, Twitter, Reddit, every social media platform ever. Cause name one platform that doesn't have cyber bullying/crime or shit like that.
Fuck it, let's let the Turkish Empire and the botzillian kingdom decide for the whole world, what to ban and what not to ban.

Bro said "I see" as if he really did something

posted 1 week ago

Did they sign b0ng to negate the positive aftereffects of narrate? s0n haters won, they will never win anything ever again

posted 2 weeks ago
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