Country: India
Registered: August 23, 2021
Last post: March 30, 2024 at 9:19 AM
Posts: 523
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just post as much as you can

posted 8 months ago

viper harbor skye sova chamber

posted 8 months ago

it has been 8 teams for all redbull homeground but they might expand ...

posted 8 months ago

its the winner btween whoever wins todays matches

posted 8 months ago

makes actually 0 sense...if vanity igl why have redgar if u can have better ini ...ig redgar igls why have vanity if u can have better smokes player

posted 8 months ago

99% sure that fnc will be invited

posted 8 months ago

i can hook you up... send 0.005btc to this wallet id -fsbinlw8662e86

posted 8 months ago

no sentinel , jet , sova, skye , viper , harbor

posted 8 months ago

there will be op ceremony ...bbno grabbitz and ericdoa are confirmed

posted 8 months ago

yeah but did you watch haven against zeta where ardis took over completely....its just conformation bias...u see what u wanna believe...he had good games and he had bad games just like everyone on the team and everyone else in the world

posted 8 months ago

losing to edg followed by losing to blg would be a great way for the curse to manifest itself

posted 8 months ago

wat do u expect...their critique for yay last year was crosshair placement abuser

posted 8 months ago

marvel rights are too expensive and i doubt disney even wants to sell them...

posted 8 months ago

coach - chet
igl/sentinel - fns
flex - ethan
smokes - marved
ini - trent
duel - zekken

fns has to play sentinel only though...they cannot play the kj musical chairs nrg played this whole season

posted 8 months ago


posted 8 months ago

what joining sentineL does to a man

posted 8 months ago

1 NA
1 br
1 kr
1 turk
1 sea
2 CN

china on top

posted 8 months ago

bro its not a choke if they lose the match

posted 8 months ago

liquid already beat them

posted 8 months ago


this is sick cheering for edg and giants as well as being loud and has been housefull all days until now...

probably best place to hold champs

posted 8 months ago

he is owner..came to some regular season and lcq matches as well

posted 8 months ago


posted 8 months ago

Org dont earn money as most suffer losses

revenue streams are -
in game items
prize money(including sticker money or champs bundle money)
rev share with partner events
buyouts of player (though they would buy players from other orgs so this is not consistent source of rev)
youtube/social media (but most org have bad social media and spend more than they earn)

posted 8 months ago

more fragging capability

posted 8 months ago


posted 8 months ago

everyone knows this is a fluke year....first year of franchise every team is still setting up , moving to hub cities ,making changes,need more time for preparation, honestly the game is just fluke... flukenatic wont win anything after this year unless2024 is also a fluke year....also b0tster

posted 8 months ago

nothing against eg but it would be kind of haunting if they get grouped and second place curse continues

posted 8 months ago

so NA was a 1 team region till 2023

posted 8 months ago


best performance without OPTIC core and FNC

2021 -
sen 1st place vs 5-6th place liquid

100t 4th place vs 1st place gambit

c9 5-8th place vs 1st place acend

2022 -
guard 7-8th place vs 5-6th place g2

xset 7-8th place vs 1st place fpx

xset 5-6th place vs 4th place fpx

100t 5-8th place vs 3-4th place navi

eg 2nd place vs 5-6th place liquid

posted 8 months ago

what do you mean I cant call out opponent teams position and tell my team to go A or B

posted 8 months ago

LOCK in - best production aside from tokyo , great matches (100tvsedg , drx vs talon nrg vs loud etc a lot more) , first val event with a big crowd , best finals ever , i am biased as well because i am fnc fan

posted 8 months ago

ideally i would want a promotion regelation for every split with bottom 2 teams of t1 and top 2 teams of t2 but thats a hard no for riot

posted 8 months ago

if we want to make least changes with the current ascension system my proposed formats is -

hold bi weekly tournament completely open quals kind of like the ones we had with nsg weekly just make it bi weekly
tournament structure
week1 open quals -256teams to 16 single elim
week2 -main event -16 team double elim

give it a points system so u can accumulate points - > top 16 point qualify for challngers finals -> 16 team double elim challengers final top2 qual to ascension

in total we would have (52weeks - 8 weeks for breaks challengers finals and ascension = 44weeks) :-
22 tournament each has prizepool of 10K =220K over the whole year so even if you dont qual for ascension you still have something to play for and showcase your talent for t1 scouts

posted 8 months ago

if we want to make least changes with the current ascension system my proposed formats is -

hold bi weekly tournament completely open quals kind of like the ones we had with nsg weekly just make it bi weekly
tournament structure
week1 open quals -256teams to 16 single elim
week2 -main event -16 team double elim

give it a points system so u can accumulate points - > top 16 point qualify for challngers finals -> 16 team double elim challengers final top2 qual to ascension

in total we would have (52weeks - 8 weeks for breaks challengers finals and ascension = 44weeks) :-
22 tournament each has prizepool of 10K =220K over the whole year so even if you dont qual for ascension you still have something to play for and showcase your talent for t1 scouts

posted 8 months ago

i dont hate him he is fine on analyst desks but his casting is just not it...i think he is smart

posted 8 months ago

and still it looks better

posted 8 months ago

doug and sgares are casting lets see if balla was the problem

posted 8 months ago

we get china

posted 8 months ago

my guess is france or spain

posted 8 months ago

i think riot doesnt like saudi

posted 8 months ago

its because of you...they hate you but they project their hate towards you on rossi

=here you refers to the people who since the start of the game made millions of threads about rossi nagged big streamers and pro players and after some time people just became tired of it

posted 9 months ago

if FNS plays perma sentinel and not get tempted to play init then this is best NA lineup

posted 9 months ago

and with the year ending ....i think we can all agree that i was right

posted 9 months ago
watch this

posted 9 months ago

400k if it is a stomp
500k if close 13-11s
600k if 3rd map quadruple OTs

posted 9 months ago

at this point whatever it is ..its very strong .... they fail every time but then next split people still believe in them ...respect honestly

posted 9 months ago

if edg wins ay intl he is going to be a star in china

posted 9 months ago

just take sleeping meds and wake up in 9 hrs cause u will not make it to match

posted 9 months ago

i have a dream

apeks make franchising then add doma and brave for shadow and keiko so we have 2 fnatics

posted 9 months ago


posted 9 months ago
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