Flag: Italy
Registered: April 15, 2022
Last post: April 26, 2023 at 11:37 AM
Posts: 4557
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you're american and rooting for an european team to "clear" an american team


posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

are you retarded?

posted about a year ago

south america OWNS you

posted about a year ago

water is wet

posted about a year ago

football is a braindead sport, you can't expect intelligence from their fans

posted about a year ago

red cuckids perdeu para isso

posted about a year ago

this article is about brazilian empire, brazil was already independent from Portugal at the time

you're so stupid

this is what you meant:

posted about a year ago

loud OWNS you

posted about a year ago

Meu deus moleque esquece essa Red Cuckids

posted about a year ago

yeah it's in our overseas state called Portugal

posted about a year ago

theres already a map in Brazil (Pearl)
so it does not make sense two maps in Brazil

there are other countries in the world

posted about a year ago

yet he played duelist and sucked at it

that's what I said

posted about a year ago

so why he has 2657 rounds as Jett, 901 rounds as Raze and 335 rounds as neon?

posted about a year ago

Vivo Keyd would farm those indian teams kekw

posted about a year ago

nah, Mako is a support player and often MVPs

Rb is a duelist and often bottomfrags

PAncada is just inconsistent

thanks god he's out of Loud.

posted about a year ago

hey clown
after your dumb post I decided to check Loud's stats in their 34 games

and there are they:

How many times each player MVPED:

Aspas 19
Less 3
Pancada 5
Sacy 3
Saadhak 4

How many times each player had the LOWEST ACS:
Aspas 1
Less 3
Pancada 13
Sacy 8
Saadhak 9

Seems like "their best players" weren't exactly "their best players"

saadhak IGLing managed to bottomfrag less times than Pancada

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

cauanzin actually owned tacowiifa so hard that game

posted about a year ago

gigachad user

u own MCA

posted about a year ago

Meu amigo alemão pensa o mesmo, ele disse:

Ich habe nie daran gezweifelt, das Problem ist, sie werden keine Weichheit haben, es wird RICHTIG hart sein. Aspas und Less hatten Zeit, das Spiel zu lernen, sich an das BR-Spiel anzupassen und sich seitdem weiterzuentwickeln. Das Loud-Team, das im Open Qualifier existierte, ist nicht das Loud-Team, das die Welt gewonnen hat, und ich denke, dass Cauan und TuyZ bei der auftreten werden Das gleiche Niveau von Sacy und Pancada, selbst mit Saadhaks Hilfe, in weniger als einem Jahr ist es völliger Wahnsinn, SIE WERDEN NICHT GEHEN.

Sacy war bereits zwei Jahre lang ein Starter und der beste Starter in Brasilien, als er Loud Kapitän wurde, etwas, von dem Cauan noch nicht einmal träumte, da er letztes Jahr bei NIP anfing und die größte internationale Erfahrung, die er hatte, in der Zeta-Division war und FNATIC fehlen .
TuyZ wird nicht einmal erwähnt, er hat nur einmal gegen Latam gespielt und verloren, er hat noch nie eine europäische, amerikanische oder asiatische Mannschaft gesehen, er weiß immer noch nicht, wie er auf diese Spielstile reagieren soll, und genau wie ein normaler Mensch wird es DAUERN ZEIT ZU LERNEN.

Seien Sie nicht verrückt zu glauben, dass Loud sofort zum vorherigen Level zurückkehren wird, da sie sich 100T von Asuna + Cryo, C9 von Yay + Xeppaa, NRG von Fns und Freunden stellen müssen. Die Konkurrenz ist heute sehr groß, und gerade deswegen werden sie sich den Kopf zerbrechen, aber dann werden sie lernen... Und nach all dem haben sie die Chance, etwas zu gewinnen.

Das beste Publikum, das man heute haben kann, ist nicht für Loud, sondern für Furia, die den Einfluss zu haben scheint, etwas zu tun.

posted about a year ago

lmao Saadhak created a team of monsters once

they're braindead if they think he can't create it twice

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

cope more gringos thinking they're over
they're just starting

posted about a year ago

Yay got trauma after being owned by Aspas

posted about a year ago

My boy destroyed him at champions Yay got trauma he'll never be the same again

posted about a year ago

hijo de Aspas

posted about a year ago

first time matrix13e uses his brain

posted about a year ago

fluke team

posted about a year ago

in Qatar 💀

posted about a year ago

do u really root for arroz? Sometimes I watch their games

best EMEA team

they OWN Natus Perdere

posted about a year ago

100 Jobs owns those bots from 100 Throws

posted about a year ago

100Jobs killed Red Cuckids

now they'll kill Cuckengo Esports


posted about a year ago

I didn't say that

posted about a year ago

woooow cuck9 won a team playing with a 6th player

they're soo goood

posted about a year ago

liquid fan mad


posted about a year ago

Saadhak himself said Bzka was more like a manager than a coach

posted about a year ago

Pancada and Sacy always dreamed of playing in foreigner teams

Saadhak chose Pancada, Less, and Aspas because he knows what is needed in a player to win
He saw the same in Cauanzin and Tuyz

this Loud will be even stronger than that one. Not to mention now they have a real coach.

posted about a year ago

red cuckids could never kekw

posted about a year ago



mwzera - 86% win rate (thats the insaniest thing ive seen in a while)
cNed - stats not availiable
TenZ - 73% win rate

mwzera - 66.3% winrate (MVP of 95% of the matches) proof here
cNed - 53.5% winrate (MVP of 13% of the matches)
TenZ - 60.4% winrate (MVP of 15% of the matches)

can you take your time to appreciate how insane mwzera is? without a doubt the most talented player to ever touch the game

I'll try to explain briefly why I think he is the best player in the world
Despite his insane aim and movement
The best way to know if a player is a good duelist is RAZE. There is a BIG difference between a good duelist and a jett abuser
If he is a good duelist, he needs to be good with raze.

heat? not good with raze
aspas? not good with raze
xand? not good with raze
tenz? not good with raze
cned? not good with raze
scream? not good with raze
d3ffo? not good with raze
derke? not good with raze

Thats why I think he is undoubtely the best player in the world. If RIOT by any means decides to nerf jett and shift the meta we prolly not gonna even hear names like cned and tenz again :>
He is not killing 40+ per map because when he joined VK he was forced to play a different role because heat is already a main jett... and lets be honest, every single duelist nowadays gets 20+ kills per map because team and setups are basically built around you (even steel managed to get 20 kills with it

posted about a year ago

Poop Rex: 1.11
DRX: 1.09
GE: 1.07
T1: 1.06
Team Secret: 1.05
RRQ: 1.04
Zeta: 1.03
DNG: 1.02
Geng: 1.01
Cuckon Esports: 0.9

Cuckon Esports (thailand team) weakest team in franchise confirmed kekw

Average rate in Asia: 1.03

Asia weakest region

posted about a year ago

SHITMEA average rate:

Botnatic 1.12
GIA 1.10
Natus Perdere 1.08
KOI 1.07
KCORP 1.05
Team Botquid 1.05
FUT 1.05
Team Botality 1.04
BBL 1.03
TH 1.02

The average rate among the teams

in Americas: 1.064
in ShitMEA: 1.061

pretty close
but americas slightly stronger

posted about a year ago

Chadinels 1.12
Cuck9 1.10
Chokiatan 1.09
LOUD 1.08
100 Throws 1.07
MIBR 1.06
KRU 1.06
Flukia 1.03
EG 1.02
NRG 1.01


posted about a year ago

mwzera got owned by Keznit

hijo de keznit

posted about a year ago

their best teams aren't Natus Perdere and botnatic?

posted about a year ago

tomorrow the worst team in americas will send cuck9 home 💀

posted about a year ago

he doesn't even know where the event will take place

kekw what a clown

posted about a year ago

flamengo on valorant

imagine if they lose this
red cuckid 2.0

posted about a year ago
1 •• 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 •• 88