Flag: Italy
Registered: April 15, 2022
Last post: April 26, 2023 at 11:37 AM
Posts: 4557
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shitMEA kekw

posted about a year ago

he's canadian

posted about a year ago

I bet you're from Sao Paulo

there's no 4 seasons in Shit Paulo
what you guys call "winter" we call summer

posted about a year ago

why does she say "toxins going up" instead of "toxic screen up"??

change it pls thx

posted about a year ago

gigachad brazilian women >>>>>>>>>>>>

posted about a year ago

argentina owns you bro

posted about a year ago

Rio and Sao Paulo and both shit cities no problem in confusing them

posted about a year ago


triste fim para nossos 100chads

mataram muitas equipes de cuckolds no caminho, mas seu percurso acaba por aqui
espero vê-los em breve matando a Red Cuckids novamente no próximo qualifier

gigachad team!!! todo respeito a eles.

posted about a year ago

here where I live 16°C

it's summer in southern hemisphere but we are always in summer here

posted about a year ago

Cuckcaos vencendo a 100Chads? bora 100chads!!!

posted about a year ago

most arabs go to other arab countries, clown

stop being a jerk

grow up

posted about a year ago

Chadtina will win 2-0

posted about a year ago

lmao minimum wage in bulgaria is 300 dollars

posted about a year ago

who gives a damn about ethnicity

there's only one race, the human race

posted about a year ago

ok? most indians are dark skinned, yet they are the most racist country in the world because they have structuralized racism caused by the old caste system

just as in the US, racism is structuralized because of the old laws of racial segregation in force until the 60s

posted about a year ago

reality: France accepted immigrants in the 80s and today are the second wealthiest nation in Europe thanks to the strong labour force

while italy, which closed the borders, went bankrupt

don't worry bro no one wants to go to Bulgaria a country where minimum wage is 300 dollars

posted about a year ago

lmao when they abolished slavery they tried to deport their ex black slaves

immigrants weren't welcomed in US

until the 1930s even italians and portuguese immigrants were treated like shit there
they used to call italians and mexicans "greaseball" and had other racist terms

posted about a year ago

lmao I often criticise east asians here because of it

posted about a year ago

it was also a choice of nazi germany to kill 6 million of jews

impeding free movement of people is a crime against humanity as well
no country should have its borders closed, the world is home of humanity

posted about a year ago

they don't allow, braindead

they literally built a wall to prevent mexicans from traveling there
and those who manage to cross are imprisoned in an inhumane way, with many children being forcibly separated from their own parents.

you can preserve your ethnicity as you want, fucking nazi, but taking away people's freedom to live wherever they want is a crime

posted about a year ago

it's just funny someone who lives in a country with towns for blacks, italians, asians... (may be hard for you to understand, but this is called RACIAL SEGREGATION) caring about racism in europe

you should clean your garden b4 caring about the other people's garden

posted about a year ago

even white people of hispanic ancestry are discriminated in US

posted about a year ago

lmao americans playing the good guys when they live in one of the most racist countries in the world

what a bunch of clowns

posted about a year ago

you clearly don't know what nationalist means

nationalist is related to politics, you mean patriotic

I'm not nationalist, I'm actually internationalist

I'm not a whole different breed, my father is italian which means I'm italian as well according to italian constitution

posted about a year ago

I have dual citizenship, but yesterday you were making fun of me like I wasn't italian as well

you're a hypocrite racist

posted about a year ago

gigachad zeta will buttfuck DRX so hard

posted about a year ago

I thought you meant dravidians, the people who lived in india b4 the indo-europeans invaded there

posted about a year ago

"native indians"? you mean dravidians?

posted about a year ago

loud OWNS you

posted about a year ago

u don't even know what IQ is

posted about a year ago

lmao you're so dumb

no reading comprehension

posted about a year ago

nah, south koreans are obsessed with ppl from US

kpop is a shit copy of american pop

posted about a year ago

mais um bando de cuck que a 100chads manda para casa

ou desta vez a 100chads desliza?

posted about a year ago

the whole american continent was found and built by europeans
dumb ass


posted about a year ago

and south americans relate to what, clown?

posted about a year ago

league of cucks fan 💀 💀 💀 💀 💀

posted about a year ago

ofc asking "where brazil in world cup" is such a mature behaviour

I'm not trying to insult you
life itself insults you

posted about a year ago

they're in the same place as your brain


posted about a year ago

Red Cuckids lost to this kekw

posted about a year ago

that'd just make more sense since they're a team from EMEA

you guys are so stupid

posted about a year ago

take out arroz flair, fucking bot

posted about a year ago

stay mad

posted about a year ago

this flag thing is the best you can do to try to offend me?

you need to tryharder

I couldn't expect much from a braindead, tho

posted about a year ago

*my father's country

you're one of the most pathetic users here
desperated for upvotes

prostituting yourself like a whore

stay mad, whore

posted about a year ago

you mad just because I called you braindead on the other thread

sorry spoilt child

posted about a year ago

ok retarded
here's your attention

posted about a year ago

everyday someone talking about this italy flag thing

people on this forum are just pathetic

posted about a year ago

I always supported argentina

posted about a year ago
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