Country: Armenia
Registered: August 16, 2022
Last post: July 5, 2023 at 11:48 PM
Posts: 15

i mean just look at him. nothing more need to be said.

posted 9 months ago

omen is this lotus comp is like the secondary duelist.

posted 11 months ago


posted 11 months ago

Most of what he says are inconvenient truths for people from the first world countries in the west, and it is politically incorrect to agree with what he says given how rampant cancel culture is and how brainwashed people are by the woke agendas imposed by big companies.

But in most parts of the world, what he says is widely accepted and there would not be much of an argument against it, including mindfreak's home country, Indonesia.

posted about a year ago

i can tell you are a loser just by looking at your comment history.

posted about a year ago

This guy is the epitome of over-comming. He mumbles every information he sees on his screen like he's reading out an essay.

posted about a year ago

T side: Baiting on gun rounds, but first one in against ecos; just like wardell
CT side: Always repeek. TP to fast rotate as chamber just like ranked. Get as many exit kills as possible.

Very selfish and just like those typical ranked jett/chambers.

posted about a year ago

zekken is 5"2 with a shoulder width of an ipod nano. I swear he would roll around if zyppan just flick his middle finger on him like he flicks his booger.

posted about a year ago

Everybody knows shahzam is rat, drama king and plays victim card and act innocent when things go south.
Theres a reason why he is hated by a lot of the old school cs pros, like dazed, steel, semphis, even subroza, wardell.
He has no close friends in both cs and valorant scene.

posted about a year ago

Bleed has juicysg on duelist, crazyguy on sova, deryeon on smokes and 2 more sg players in scrims.

posted about a year ago

This guy is the epitome of over-comming. He mumbles every information he sees on his screen like he's reading out an essay.

posted about a year ago

All the old school cs players know how slimey shahzam is.
Hiko, Semphis, Dazed, steel, FNS, even newer players at the time like Subroza and wardell hated him back in cs. That says it all.

posted about a year ago

Top tier aim but bad game sense in general.
Duelist main but cant read the game good enough to know when to aggress or reaggress on ct side.
Too passive and not an awper to play chamber in the current meta.
Can play killjoy, etc., good anchor on CT side but isnt smart enough to lurk on T side.

posted about a year ago

Kayo ult is the best ult for T side, better than phoenix ult.
The powerful thing about Kayo ult is his ability to suppress enemies counter utils, being able to res him is just a bonus.

posted about a year ago

There wont be a single SA player in a SA+APAC super team.

posted about a year ago