Iirc It wasn't a major but an S-tier tournament i
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Registered: | August 10, 2023 |
Last post: | February 25, 2025 at 11:23 AM |
Posts: | 1346 |
Iirc It wasn't a major but an S-tier tournament i
Suggest is more likely right now
Idt anything will change with that. Termi just needs to let go of his ego and learn how to play attack side properly. How is a bottom team like m80 have better mid rounding than them it's crazy. Like have you ever seen a drx round where you went "omg what a pivot" or "what a fake"? Never. Same with t1 tbh, theres only 2 kr teams that actually knows how to mid round and it's geng and NS, specially NS.
It's just that there's so much util in the game that you can literally just pick a site and do an exec simulator. It works specially when you have the greatest aimers in kr in Hyunmin and Free1ng but against someone that also have a Hyunmin and a Free1ng like Vit? It's like running a marathon with an anchor attached to the feet, it's simply a disadvantage.
Idk why you're getting down voted but a team with chokers with weak mechanics like Buzz and Stax are never gonna win anything. I guess Meteor's name value was just that high
There's no cope sadly. I've seen this team have the same problem for 3 years now, it's sad to say that it'll never be fixed unless Termi just completely change his philosophy or remove him entirely.
They don't need strat they need the ability to play chess. When we show B they're going to rotate and the other side is gonna be weak- they don't understand this. I've legit seen better mid rounding from dfm in 2023 than drx's entire history
Well that's what happens when you force player to play agents their not used to
Termi is just not a winning coach. He's a great coach, He can get any team to be one of the best but never the best. I've been watching his team for so long and i don't think I've seen a single round from them where i went "what an insane mid round". What Pancada said about them still stands 2 years later, they don't know what push and pull is, they have zero understanding of attack side. My goats Hyunmin and Free1ng shouldn't be wasting their talent here they can achieve so much more than what Termi can offer, they should go to Geng ngl
Drx Sayaplayer in 2023 would've gave drx atleast 1 trophy ngl
G2 isn't on the same level as Edg, Drx and Vit aim-wise
That's what happens when 2 equally great teams play
They're not fan of teams, they're fan of winning. Apac got the most bandwagon fans fr
He is not nor is tenten. Idk where you got the info but it's not true
I don't agree whatsoever with frost but Analyst dont really know shit about mechanics
Hyunmin literally gave him his first title why would he go to where B0zz is lol
Idk man. I'm one of the biggest suggest believer but suggest in 2025 is not the choice imo. The guy literally didn't play for 6 WHOLE months straight after he left dfm and has been VERY on and off. They're probably just giving him the benefit of the doubt so they're giving him a chance but i don't think they'll go for him. I don't want to say it but if you watch his stream he's aim isn't the same anymore and it feels like he's washed.
They were seen scrimming with Suggest today
At the very least Lakia had what it takes to win a title
To think you had Rbot, B0zz and St0x on your team and everyone still blamed you
They would've lost to boome I'm not kidding. I've probably watch the most val in vlr and i genuinely think boom vs 100t is at max 55-45 to 100t
Boom and ge would probably 26-2 them unironically
"Carried" Lmao. Had Drx had T3xture or Saya in his prime instead of B0zz and Rbot they would've had a trophy already. Mako was the only genuine world class player on that roster
Hyunmin and Free1ng are the greatest talents of Korea
Bro they had St0x B0zz and Rbruh, of course they were chokers
Geng and Nongshim will overtake t1 in split 1
I think that's the case. And also the deathmatch thing is not as reliable since HSK also played deathmatch with Neth, a japanese player.
Might not be JaXe. Someone on the kr community went detective mode and found out that one of the id in the scrim screenshot is Ash, who's in geng acad right now, and not JaXe.
He wasn't just decent he was legit the best player in t2 kr
I mean t1 acad did have Hyunmin so it balances out ig
It's a bit unfair but t1's "academy" is far better
Bro so good even getting no 1 stats is not enough to satisfy people's expectations of him
This is worse than 2020 valorant
Thats just sad man. I really hope dfm make it to Champs or at least Riddle win Ascension cuz it really feels like everyone's losing hope