Country: Brazil
Registered: July 1, 2022
Last post: November 11, 2022 at 8:36 AM
Posts: 6

ig with enough time Cauanzin can be as good as sacy

but idk if tuyz is able to fill the pancada's role good enough to them reach at the top again, at least his aim is insane

and yeah, Leviatan's rosters seems insane

posted about a year ago

IMO : Loud made a time bomb roster , or it will have a huge evolution or will just sink among the others franchised teams

How much time u guys think that is necessary to the new roster reach at one of these two possibilities ?

posted about a year ago

At first glance i would pick Sentinels, but Loud have potential to be a insane team in the future

posted about a year ago

Sinceramente, forçando mais ainda a barra, da pra ficar feliz pq liberou vaga pra novos jogadores participarem das franquias

posted about a year ago

( F xand ? ) Nvm sou cego

Xand vindo forte ao resgate da KRU

posted about a year ago

It really passed through your minds that NA would have more than 5 slots ? Lol , delusionals

posted about a year ago