Country: Brazil
Registered: October 26, 2022
Last post: May 22, 2023 at 8:22 PM
Posts: 37

good luck on CS

posted 11 months ago

meu senhor, - tuyz e + rglm foi meme ne, pfv

posted 11 months ago

tirar o khalil da furia e loucura, e so vc ver qnd ele tava pop off a furia tava jogando pkrl, dps q ele congelou a furia voltou a ser uq era

posted 11 months ago

honestly i don't think loud needs change, i agree with your changes on nrg.

I also change on MIBR

posted 11 months ago

what changes in players and coaches would you make in all franchise teams??

posted 11 months ago

Furia cs nn fica nem no cheirinho KKKKKK, e tu ja viu o ambiente deles?? tenho quase ctz q e bem pior q o da loud era (NAO ESTOU FALANDO Q O SACY ESTA ERRADO PELO AMOR DE DEUS)

posted 11 months ago

I think Khalil and s0m should be there too, at least in honorable mentions

posted 11 months ago

Bagre is an expression used by us brazilians when someone is really bad at what they do

posted 11 months ago

ate pq vc me conhece pra falar q sou de familia media pra alta, vc como um Ceo deveria saber q dinheiro nao e tudo. Ja q e tao facil assim ser pro pq essas pessoas nn viram pro tbm??

posted 11 months ago

nao deixa de ter sido por debaixo dos panos

posted 11 months ago

I'm not saying that he was a snake, I'm just explaining to you because of all that hate on him, in my opinion I thought it was a bit silly for him to say that he wanted to make a dynasty with loud just like astralis did in cs and be having conversations with another org for under the cloths

posted 11 months ago

mano ja q e tao facil assim ter a vida perfeita q vc fala, pq vc nn vai la vira pro tbm? vc nem me conhece pra saber se eu passei algo q exigiu mto

posted 11 months ago

mn vai dormir cara, ta falando nada com nada

posted 11 months ago

a onde eu to dando hate cara, eu falei q ele foi mto importante porem errou a mao wtf

posted 11 months ago

tbm nn esperava isso, porem depois q fiquei sabendo q ele tava negociando com a sentinels por debaixo dos panos e tentando levar os outros players com ele entendo o hate da torcida da loud

posted 11 months ago

deve ter passado ss, com esse seu pensamento q dinheiro e tudo??? duvido mto

posted 11 months ago

Khalil and s0m

posted 11 months ago

falou merda pkrl irmao, tu nunca sofreu tortura psicologica pra ta falando isso, e obv q vc faria pq nn e vc q esta sofrendo. Dinheiro nn e tudo na vida nn, e ele e se vc se diz tao maduro da geracao "raiz" deve saber q nn e facil vc se abrir com algm ainda mais qnd vc tem 17 anos. O mlk deixou a familia inteira pra traz pra seguir o sonho dele isso nn e um sacrificio?? e outra se vc acha normal fuder com o psicologico de uma pessoa pra agradar suas vontades vc q precisa tratar seu psicologico

posted 11 months ago

shyy is kinda underrated too

posted 11 months ago

o less literalmente falou q pensou em desistir tlg, escondeu um relacionamento por 7 messes por medo, o sacy errou a mao feio irmao. nn sei se passaria por tudo dnv nn pq e uma experiência mto traumatica mn, ja passei por isso com meu ex padrasto e nn desejo pra ngm

posted 11 months ago

mn concordo com vc em partes, sacy foi mto importante pra loud ss, porem ele errou a mao tlg ele fazer tortura psicologica com um mlk de 16 anos nn e certo, o less escondeu um relacionamento por 7 messes cara com medo do sacy tlg

posted 11 months ago

o bglh e q o sacy se pronunciou em live tlg, ele ficou debochando e falando q faria tudo dnv

posted 11 months ago

o genio, nn sei se vc sabe mas o motivo da torcida da loud ser puta com o sacy e pq ele negociou com a sentinels sem a loud saber e tentou chamar todos os players para ir com ele.

posted 11 months ago

loud's fans weren't mad at him because he left for an NA team to earn more money, it was because he was negotiating with sentinels behind the scenes (without LOUD knowing) and was calling the other players on the team to go with him

posted 11 months ago

LESS said in loud's video that loud's old work environment had a bad and heavy atmosphere, and that he was suffering psychological torture, and also he hid a relationship for 7 months in fear of being kicked out of line

posted 11 months ago

NRG is not performing well, I believe it is LOUD, C9 and SEN

posted 11 months ago

I think LOUD x SENTINELS are the best BO3

posted 11 months ago

Jett - Aspas / Derke
Raze - mwzera / Derke
Reyna - Jingg
Yoru - Forsaken
Phoenix - Scream
Neon - Kadoom / Rb

posted 11 months ago

Tuyz is insane with the Harbor, he is new with the controller function, he was duelist last year

posted 11 months ago

Because LOUD is using the 1st map to try new comps, the only game they don't try new comps on 1st map was against FURIA and SENTINELS

posted 11 months ago

What you guys think if have a World Cup in Valorant?

posted about a year ago

what if the faceit joined in valorant and create the fpl will be a nice one???

posted about a year ago

the world cup is coming and i was here thinking how cool it would be to have a world cup in valorant with the teams from each country. what do you guys think?

posted about a year ago

in my opinion they still playing academy tournaments, but idk

posted about a year ago

No like, the teams will compete in the ascension

posted about a year ago

I think that will be an nice way to the -18y players to compete and to reveal some promising player what you guys think????

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago