Country: South Korea
Registered: October 18, 2021
Last post: October 18, 2021 at 6:01 PM
Posts: 2

So you don't care if Joe schmoe down the road got to your position by deliberate fraudulent fluke i.e forging documents of credentials and is now competing with you for your future placement of higher echelon? While you made it there through hard work trial and error? Your vague language inclines me to believe you lack certain critical judgment or don't actually know what to 'look for' when cheater spotting as contrary to your own submitted belief, it is incredibly imperative for the cheater to 'appear normal' so they prolong their violation lifespan by avoiding suspicion and account flagging through the report system. This is akin to basic criminology, delinquents will attempt to blend within the masses to avoid being suspect and inevitably incarcerated. Anecdotes don't qualify as supporting empirical evidence.

posted about 2 years ago

Don't listen to anybody here saying blanket statements without actually providing credible data to support their thesis.

Below is an article link that shows vanguard lead dev Paul Chamberlain tweeting how the anti-cheat heavily relies on the player base submitting cheat reports -which approximately 97% players DONT do . Paul continues to say there's likely a vast amount of current cheaters unnoticed by vanguard who are not subjected to manual reviews because they are not flagged in the first place via player report.

As for bypassing the HID ban, it is not that difficult to find various spoof methodologies online. There are private communities in forums dedicated to cheating evasion. Apparently, its common for coders to test the efficacy of their new script and code at local libraries/ Internet cafes. Some of these people even go as far as to purchase new pc components only to use the return policy loophole to renew their pc hardware for free after they are banned. One comment shows a user 'Rainman116' proving they have been banned multiple times and still play the game. Said user also uses a 'stream proof' cheat for Valorant essentially hiding the cheat software menu from stream/recording services such as Youtube or Twitch.

One can also manually change their own HID although I'm personally unfamiliar with the complexity of this process. This video instructs how to do it exactly.

In conclusion, I would not trust the 'general consensus' regarding cheater frequencies categorically by rank, as even Riot admitted themselves, there are many unknown cheaters not accounted for.

posted about 2 years ago