Flag: Canada
Registered: November 29, 2021
Last post: June 9, 2024 at 8:57 AM
Posts: 1487
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People talk about how whoever wins will have the first 2 time lan champion.

Another cool stat is whichever of them loses will join an elite group of the only the former Optic to be the only people to lose MULTIPLE grand finals.

posted about a year ago

Please, that'll be too much for Fnatic as an org

posted about a year ago

Damn, maybe nerve pain? That's a valid excuse honestly, genuinely sucks. I hope t's at least gotten better for him.

posted about a year ago

What happened to his arm?

posted about a year ago

Fnatic's strong half was attack. Literally a 10-2. They got enough rounds already.

posted about a year ago

yessir just chill and watch the shit go down

posted about a year ago

The dinosaur Mario physically abuses

posted about a year ago

when listening to Yoshi music. Swear to god this game hits so much harder with the most mellow music in history backing it. Superior viewing experience.

posted about a year ago

fr gg

posted about a year ago

Never seen his stream, but all I know is that I compared him to Jimmy falon and he needed a redeming factor because of it.

posted about a year ago

That was FNS level whiff

posted about a year ago

Imagine if Jimmy Falon was

a) Funny
b) Dancy
c) twitch streamer

posted about a year ago

I too have never dropped a map to fnatic.

posted about a year ago

Thank you Fnatic for facing 4 America's teams so we can base America's ranks (mostly) off how each team did vs Fnatic. Love that from them.

posted about a year ago

Smart play, I love it.

posted about a year ago

To be fair though, FNS and Chet are SIGNIFICANTLY better than any other NA IGL. FNS isn't even 1 step ahead, his average is still a few steps above the peak of any other NA IGL.

posted about a year ago

In your objective opinion, would NRG have done better against Fnatic than Loud has?

I Ain't Reading all that Version: Could Chet counterstrats have done enough for NRG to get more rounds than Loud has gotten vs Fnatic?

Loud and NRG were basically 50:50 in their game, but the key factor that is noticeable in this Loud v Fnatic is how little Loud worked to counter Fnatic. In this hypothetical, we are giving the two best minds in Valorant (Chet and FNS) two weeks to strat based on other teams and Fnatic. I'm not asking if NRG would have won, I don't think they would have, but simply if NRG (mostly with that MASSIVE prep period and meta knowledge) would have done better than Loud has.

posted about a year ago

Not even bandwagoning, he just looks objectively like the best player in the world. Like, he does things that seem impossible. When Boaster was told to cook, he was making Leo a 5 star meal.

posted about a year ago

Loud is a lock/in (tee hee)
Lev land NRG are easily number 2 and 3
Sentinels, Furia, 100T could all fight for #4. All had to face Fnatic who look like the MOST prepared team in Lock/in.

I'd say Sentinels have the highest possible peak, but Furia is insane and lead the hunt for #4. 100T don't look as strong as Furia, but don't have the talent of Sentinels, so I'd have them at 6th.

posted about a year ago

Exalt gonna go crazy at halftime

posted about a year ago

It's either 4, which would be in line with the other regions
I'd personally go with 3 and give masters winner a slot
Possible (If china has another bad tournament outside of EDG) that Riot might give up a bit on Chinese Valorant for 2023 and give them 1 slot.

Curveball: The big 3 get 4 slots each, winner of Lock/in region gets +1 CHamps slot, winner of Masters gets +1 champs slot. Least likely option, but a possible 6/4/4/2 split

posted about a year ago

SO 16 teams. If I had to guess, that's:
4 from EMEA, NA, and Pacific
3 China
+1 for winner of Masters

I don't think they'll give China 4 slots due to how new the scene is. Plus, at Masters they only get the 2 spots, I don't think they'd double it and give it to the next tournament.

posted about a year ago

Bro I'd go insane to a different degree. Me alone would make more noise than a college football game.

posted about a year ago

Dizzy is fucking trash, Wingman tanky as fuck, green goog guy is wierd.

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

Fnatic 2-0 Loud

"It's a 5 map series tho"

Saadhak roles up into a ball after losing map 2, with Boaster over top of his quaking body doing the Fortnite L dance which causes Loud to forfeit.

Every fan in the crowd then gets a bagel because Derke bought some bagels for them. What a nice lad.

posted about a year ago

I hope it's some tasteful Brimstone nudes

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

Something on PRX solos any C9 squad.

posted about a year ago

NA has the a bigger playerbase, viewerbase, and amount of funds. They're a major region off population, not off skill.

Like WW2 russia, they have the manpower whereas other regions have better strats or skill.

posted about a year ago

NAvi 2-0

"Its a 5 map series tho?!?"

Boaster roles into a ball after map 2 and Fnatic forfeit.

No, no im not trying to Jinx. Totally.

posted about a year ago

Idk, PRX peaked that tournament. Would have been close.

posted about a year ago

That is wack

posted about a year ago

Crazy fucking stat, thats true impact

posted about a year ago

She got leukemia

posted about a year ago
  1. Sacy
  2. Meteor
  3. Suygetsu
posted about a year ago

Aye, anyone who says shit ending:


It's hard to end a series like AOT, it's the same with so many influential anime.

posted about a year ago

EMEA teams 90% of the time beat America's teams off strats alone. If loud can match those strats, then they can beat the EMEA grand finalist.

It's just whether or not this Loud squad has the discipline to beat EMEA.

posted about a year ago

I'm cheering for America's now, I have since they were combined. I mean, I'm GenG above all else but I like how all the America's temas play. I'm behind all the NA, LATAM, and Brazil teams.

posted about a year ago

I thought about this exact thing, and it just depends on how Tenz feels. It's gotta be rough on him mentally to be practicing and potentially travelling while his fiancée is going through cancer. Yay being available puts pressure off him of letting Sentinels hang in the wind without a suitable
replacement, Yay is a suitable replacement. Wouldn't be role issues either.

posted about a year ago

Title basically. Whoever wins Lock/in will hold the first 2 time champ. Either:

Chronicle as the lone 2 time champ
Aspas, Less and Saadhak as what would be the best core in history
The whole Navi roster would be 2 time champs, and a clear favorite for the rest of the year.

posted about a year ago

As a Canadain, I love the small American slander that was just thrown in there.

posted about a year ago

I think maybe Stax could join Tarik in the showmatch. More Asian representation, he's a good enough player to match Pancada, and he's definitely enough of a personality to make it fun.

posted about a year ago

The most similar thing between you and your username is that neither has any eye's.

posted about a year ago

MFs when the role meant to die first does good by not dying first

posted about a year ago

Aspas isn't great.

He the greatEST

posted about a year ago

There is none. LOUD's weak half is defense. GL on map 2

posted about a year ago

As a region NA is easily the best as a collective, but of it's teams NA just doesn't have a top 5 team globally. Navi, DRX and Loud are all better than the best NA team in NRG. But EG is easily the best of the worst teams of each region.

posted about a year ago

Brazilian Babysasuke lookin headass

posted about a year ago
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