Flag: Sweden
Registered: June 13, 2022
Last post: June 8, 2024 at 5:42 AM
Posts: 1875
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So the seeding excuse only works when it's making excuses for LOUD getting owned?

posted about a year ago

everyone on KOI looks pissed

posted about a year ago

I'll have a medium diet coke and a veggie wrap please thank you

posted about a year ago

You're so chronically online it's insane

posted about a year ago

Learn to celebrate the little things in life you loser

posted about a year ago

Rob Moore keep this team together don't overthink it man

posted about a year ago

US flag, yay name and paper rex flair 😹

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

watching NA challenger over this is insane

posted about a year ago

I doubt it most people expected this to be the worst team in the league and they won 3 games

posted about a year ago

same guy who said the hard r like a year ago and stated he is changed man now LMAO

posted about a year ago

who tf types in the VALORANT_NorthAmerica chat actual NPC behavior

posted about a year ago

bro is playing diablo, lol, or tarkov whenever he is sitting next to xeppaa on stream its so funny

posted about a year ago

he said he just vod reviews, watches every match and just enjoys scrimming more

posted about a year ago

who cares both are losers

posted about a year ago

n4rrate is way more consistent than OXY ngl

posted about a year ago

True but we are picking the best out of a bad group tbf

posted about a year ago

Yep he's good as well

posted about a year ago

Don't care NA runs Americas League

posted about a year ago

bro the NA challengers commentators make my ears bleed as well

posted about a year ago

Hypoc and Pansy clears every english speaking casting duo. I do enjoy Bren and Sideshow as well just because how hype they get.

posted about a year ago

Marved proving Dephh could have fragged better as IGL if he wasn't a bot

posted about a year ago

Kaplan said Marved will IGL

posted about a year ago

You must be new to esports

posted about a year ago

He had to get used to the system. He wasn't even playing these same roles at LOCK IN. Once he got comfortable few weeks in he has been fantastic.

posted about a year ago

This just proves first few weeks of a season don't mean anything

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

What about it doesn't make sense I'm calling the people who called Cryo a fraud morons

posted about a year ago

I'm saying people who called him a fraud look dumb and it was too soon to say that.

posted about a year ago


I'm sure they will come up with more excuses "finally he plays well 🤓"

posted about a year ago

Asuna has been better than bang this season lmao

posted about a year ago

I really want Jokic vs Embiid bc it would be hilarious

posted about a year ago

Comparing Tier2 APAC to NA LMAOOOO

posted about a year ago

LeBron on the Cavs before he went to Miami ngl

posted about a year ago

how do you watch that map and take away that? 100T are morons for not prioritizing an awp on defense.

posted about a year ago

I assumed Sentinels was going to get him into rehab since they bailed him out of jail

posted about a year ago

like i said Rob Moore is a moron

posted about a year ago

The firing of Sykko now looks insane because it literally changed nothing

posted about a year ago

The SEN falloff ever since Masters 2021 has been fucking insane. Like EVERY iteration of the roster has failed. Rob Moore is a fucking moron. He panics every time they underperform and fires everyone thinking that will help. I don't think Shahzam/Dapr are better than 4/5 of this current roster, but at least you would have some chemistry to build on. This team will continue to fail because Rob Moore lets his ego get in the way.

posted about a year ago

True it's not that hard just baffles me how idiotic this guy

posted about a year ago

if a pro reads vlr and turns into a drug addict that isn't our fault what?

posted about a year ago

Unless Riot drugs tests I promise a majority of the pros in LA smoke lmao

posted about a year ago

Yeah pills are just bandaids for even bigger issues

posted about a year ago

Weed isn't even legal in Dallas. The only way you can get it is if it's medically prescribed to you. So either he is smoking at someone else's house, or his doctor prescribed him. I have no idea how hard it is to get it medically approved tbh.

posted about a year ago

I always thought he was a bit awkward watching his stream, even like two years ago, but kinda assumed he was just awkward. I genuinely think everything that happened with his ex-gf really fucked up his head. Not trying to blame her completely bc all I know is based on what they each said, but it sounds like she played with his head a lot, and it seems like after she "exposed" him, it was his breaking point mentally, and he was holding this all in for a while.

posted about a year ago

We have seen what happens when the top GC teams (at least in NA) have played vs average male teams. I think it will take a few more years tbh.

posted about a year ago

I think COVID and all the lockdowns made it even worse. Anyone who was already introverted or anti-social got even worse during that period because they could work from home and never have to leave their house. I really do think the media in the US and what people are eating is really leading to a lot of mental issues as well.

posted about a year ago

i thought he left to go to therapy/rehab but he came back even more insane 💀

posted about a year ago
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