Flag: Sweden
Registered: June 13, 2022
Last post: July 22, 2024 at 7:10 PM
Posts: 1881
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Please get a job

posted 4 days ago

When G2 dropped neT before the season started in favor of Icy it was because Leaf wanted to move to Senti

posted 4 days ago

Leaf doesn't want to play duelist that was the entire point of them dropping neT

posted 4 days ago

Is this satire

posted 4 days ago

Verno, Reduux, Skuba, mada, brawk, koalanoob, paincakes, and corey to name a few.

posted 4 days ago

His Jett has actually looked far better than his raze ngl

posted 1 month ago

valyn can have bad calling sometimes and icy can be bad. both can be true.

posted 1 month ago

Why does everyone keep saying this? The entire reason neT was kicked was because Leaf wanted to play sentinel

posted 1 month ago


posted 1 month ago

You know M80 chose to stay together, right? Every player from the roster had Tier 1 offers but didn't want to break up. No NA team would pick up their core as Liquid did with APEKS. The only team that would be able to is EG, but they get paid more on M80.

posted 4 months ago

To be fair, M80 looked more consistent last year but failed to show up in the final series. I have no idea how they'll look next year if they ascend, but I think this team is going to stick together unless something crazy happens.

posted 4 months ago

No one from M80 is leaving. People did this last year as well.

posted 4 months ago

Where did you hear this?

posted 4 months ago

This is why I always liked watching the open qualifiers matches with no casters and just gameplay it was so peaceful

posted 4 months ago

He wasn't great last season either outside of a few matches

posted 4 months ago

Is that seriously his new Ign or is it troll? LOL

posted 4 months ago

Because Valorant, when he dominated, is nothing like it is now. Look at the rosters from when he won in 2021; barely any of those players are in the league.

posted 4 months ago

SEN Shahzam

posted 4 months ago

anyone know his crosshair?

posted 4 months ago

I think it would work, but I doubt he leaves M80 for this C9 roster; I think the more likely situation is Vanity back to smokes, and they bring in Aproto/Moose to play Sentinel (based on rumors)

posted 4 months ago

Your replies to me so far have added nothing to the conversation, so I will start ignoring you. Not even sure what you're trying to say at this point just yapping.

posted 4 months ago

I like this. Part of me wants s0m to stay on Smokes because he looked great, but I trust him to look good on Flex if he's playing alongside FNS.

posted 4 months ago

Literally this. If there weren't better options out there in T2, I'd be fine with keeping him, but there are.

posted 4 months ago

Because he's average, and there are better players than him in T2 waiting for a chance. The entire roster needs to go outside of OXY, but he is the obvious weak link + we know Vanity/Immi have roster control, so we won't see either of them dropped. Also, jakee has no ties to the rest of the roster outside of Xeppaa, and Vanity seems to value comfortability over performance.

posted 4 months ago

Yep, was Wippie the main issue? Absolutely not, but he was part of a bigger issue within C9, which is signing people based on comfortability instead of performance, and for some reason, he was chosen as the scapegoat despite performing well at times in a horrible environment. I think in a better situation he'd be valued more and might be able to develop like you described.

posted 4 months ago

I never said he was the main issue, but he's part of the bigger issue. I think it was quite obvious if they were to scapegoat anyone, it would be him, and it was. No one on C9 outside of OXY has crazy potential. They need a complete reset with fresh players instead of this recycled nepo bs. I'd love for them to go the Karmine Corp route next year and build up young players.

posted 4 months ago

babyj says that all time time bc his ego is huge and he's braindaed

posted 4 months ago

Wasn't the solution either.

posted 4 months ago

If the players they are dropping aren't good and T2 players are getting the chance it's good imo. If C9 picks up another Nepo member, then I agree, it's stupid.

posted 4 months ago

That doesn't work when the players are just ass lmao

posted 4 months ago

surely bro is next?

posted 4 months ago


posted 4 months ago

also TenZ just said on stream he hates playing Ascent because the map is so static on smokes and he likes moving around more and feeling involved. So maybe they just don't have great chemistry on the map despite it looking good on paper role-wise?

posted 4 months ago

Ascent is also Heretics insta ban so I don't think you'll need to worry at least in the first series.

posted 4 months ago

Making this statement after 1 half where his team is winning LMAO

posted 4 months ago

They have played it 8 times already, they chose maps they have the most footage on.

posted 4 months ago

excited to see him back on jett

posted 4 months ago

Not really

posted 4 months ago

Do you have a job?

posted 4 months ago

he didn't say it but he heavily implied it around a year ago, i dont have a clip but i can vouch he implied it.

posted 4 months ago

That's so much worse hahahaha

posted 4 months ago

He just needs to perform at Masters/Champs and he'll hit that superstar status

posted 4 months ago

fucking pathetic

posted 4 months ago


posted 4 months ago

ENGH goat

posted 4 months ago

He has to smoke bomb there

posted 4 months ago

Oh man...

posted 4 months ago
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