Flag: Pakistan
Registered: July 18, 2022
Last post: September 18, 2022 at 7:58 PM
Posts: 1126
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Now that Champions is over there is a sudden void in my heart. It feels like I watched this event with the most attention ever. Thanks to Riot for Putting together one of the best events I have ever seen. Super glad to be Valorant Fan...

A few things I would like to babble out cuz I'm in sadge mode:

VLR mods did amazing:

Thank you guys for dishing out the weird posts between the matches. The key component for me to enjoy this event was VLR. I loved every single second interacting with others on this forum.

I'm super sorry if I annoyed any of the mods and thanks for giving me a second chance to post for champs :). Sorry enigma bro.

VLR content was insaneee:

Bro, I have already said this to the writers again n again but you guys/gals are soooo good. You people put out an insane amount of articles/informational posts during this whole event.

Whether it be Hudsen with his weekly recaps, Eutalyx with his post-match recaps or even Ferahgo's and dazzle's articles. There are others as well. Thank you to every single one. I enjoyed em a lot.

VLR users:

Even though most of you are baiters but I enjoyed my time with yall. This event and VLR helped me in a tough time in my life. Me wasting my time on VLR was much better than dwelling into that stuff. Thank you guys. Hope u have a good time 👍

Anddd like last time... be nice to everybody. Sorry if I wasn't to anyone...

I know this doesn't mean much to most people cuz they are just here for the sake of it and will be like: "wtf is this guy talking about, it's not that serious 💀💀" and "whats with the sappy post?" Don't worry I cringe too when I look back at that xD. But I gotta appreciate mayneee.

Lmfao yea I just like to make these posts in sadge mode cuz being nice gives me happy energy.

Love to Brazil and LOUD:

LOUD deserved this shit mann. After being second, you guys get grouped by the same team next event and THEN you guys beat them in the biggest match and get that title. If that isn't hard work and resilliance, idk what is... What a bounceback...

GREENWALL Stands strong:

With the most international Podium finishes compared to any other team we have witnessed history bois. Whenever there will be a documntary about the start of Valorant esports in a few years time, this squad will be known as the most consistent team in this period. 2nd, 1st, 3rd and 2nd again. Damnn.

As an almost 3 year, old fan, Nothing but proud of what they accomplished and WILL accomplish.

Shoutout to YAY for being the best Chamber in the World and being so humble. What a legend. 👹

Hope this squads sticks as 6. #GREENWALL always.

JustEnjoying out ✌

See ya in Sao Paulo... 😈

posted about a year ago

<3 Love u guys and LOUD. No joke, if it wasn't OpTic it would be LOUD for me. It was always meant to be...

posted about a year ago

As an OpTic fan it's just sadge.

But we all know LOUD deserves this one. GG Brazil and LOUD fans. Defending Champs in their home next.

Super proud of the #GREENWALL. 1st, 2nd and 3rd

WOWMAN out for good ✌

posted about a year ago

trueee. Defending champs in their country.

posted about a year ago



posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

oh mann, I don't have it

posted about a year ago

Marved lurked up A sewers. Crashies prowlered behind him and poor Marved tried to shoot it xD

posted about a year ago


just tell me how many championships Food has won with Envy

posted about a year ago

"I hate chamber, fuck yay" LMFAOOOOOO this guy is too funny

posted about a year ago

idk mannn I remember food destroying TSM with stinger

lmfao who even cares I'm anxious rn why did I make this thread

posted about a year ago

Nope SEN did it better but victor stinger hits different

posted about a year ago

IDC what anyone says Victor made stinger meta famous in 2020/2021 before it was nerfed and he's doing it again

posted about a year ago

LOUD better today GEE GEE


posted about a year ago

LMFAO tarik got the WHOLE cast in here

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

yep exactly. If you know anything about these two teams, LOUD should not lose this series from now on.

I mean that is only statistically...we shall see who wants it more

posted about a year ago

I personally thought before the match, that whoever will win Breeze would win this series. This was the only map on which both LOUD and Optic weren't favored...

If Optic even gets Haven which I already think they might. Even if they won't Icebox will be LOUDs anyways. My mind says it's over... Hope OpTic prove me wrong

#GREENWALL always but I had to ask yall

posted about a year ago

LOUD didn't have OP that round...

posted about a year ago

bro stop

posted about a year ago

bro this guy

posted about a year ago

oh damn. Lil bro resting. all good

posted about a year ago

It's not even Tarik watchparty rn. He's been gone for this whole game lmao

posted about a year ago

can't lie if I say what the fuck was marved thinking repeeking him?

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

Still, people have the audacity to say it's boring 🤡🤡🤡

posted about a year ago

I reckon you should bye bye

posted about a year ago

How does he do it?

posted about a year ago

Pack your bag and leave my friend

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

I already corrected it lil bro -_-

typo teddy

posted about a year ago

how many championships food have won? fucking 0

posted about a year ago

Exactlyyyy W

Do people even know how good friends Victor and crashies are.

IDK about u guys, I would be playing even better when I'm playing with my BOI

posted about a year ago

yea how did he even manage to get there? crashies ain't give u chances

posted about a year ago

Breeze is his map

posted about a year ago

well, agree to disagree then all good

posted about a year ago

get your head out of Valorant map comms and THINK xD

posted about a year ago

no thank you. geometrix rare L. Victor most underrated.

They wouldn't be here if victor didn't drop 15 on haven attack yesterday.

What you're trying to fix if it's not broken?

posted about a year ago

I wonder why u get trolled hmmmm

posted about a year ago

oh yea actually he does mb.

But putting that aside, I still disagree. Victor is just underrated I guess

posted about a year ago

is this a bait? Asuna doesn't even play the same agents as victor

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

nah, he used portal cuz of the nade, but that isn't even the topic in discussion

I'm talking about if u replay it back yay lined up the headshot and the SECOND he shot aspas jumped after running for like 3 secs. The gods were on his side. The escape from the satchels tho.

Who even cares, it happened cuz it was supposed to and he clutched like a legend

posted about a year ago

lmfao yea I'm watching he's right. Bro these teams are so fucking good at breeze. every time they play breeze the aim is coom worthy. aspas always goes crazy and I think victor jett is so weird. It's gonna be a brawl for sureee

posted about a year ago

Breeze is gonna be a brawllll

posted about a year ago

mwzera only gets 1. mwzera doesn't randomly jump and embarrass yay like that

posted about a year ago

yea agreed. It was good but FPX vs. PRX was the best for me

posted about a year ago

nah it wasn't a whiff. It was aspas escaping like a gigachad after being lucky. He did not let that chance waste away. The gods gave him the opportunity and he landed the expectations. So good

posted about a year ago

bro if u replay u will see aspas randomly jumped at the PERFECT timing. Yay lined up the headshot and then knife out.. Damn then the escape and clutch from aspas was so fkin good

posted about a year ago
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