Country: Brazil
Registered: September 21, 2022
Last post: April 23, 2024 at 9:54 PM
Posts: 91
1 2

Les gooo

posted 11 hours ago

Okay, é justo. Eu prefiro assim msm, se fosse pra colocar um igl novo que fosse o zap da 2g que joga de sentinela. Eu teria o xand no time de qualquer jeito pelos fatores que eu falei

posted 13 hours ago

sinceramente só vi os vods recente dos playoffs da mouz e do ascention, achei ele muito bom. Outro ponto é que não temos muitos outros nomes pra sentinela (pancc tem os problemas dele e acho que o swag não tá pronto pra competir em alto nivel na lan)

posted 13 hours ago

pancc infelizmente nunca entraria no time por conta dos problemas "extra campo" dele. Raafa não é ruim, mas ele fez tryouts no mibr e loud e foi constado que ele não tinha mira pro t1 (nivel depph ou quase eu acho), o xand fala em espanhol, comunicaria bem com o onur por exemplo e seria um baita second caller. Sobre o sato, sinceramente não acho que a Furia seja o melhor time pra moldar ele no momento... acho melhor apostar no mw por enquanto, além de ser menos arriscado. acredito que o melhor seria ter 3 jogadores consolidados no time pra começar a moldar um novo duelista (que é uma posição com muita pressão e responsabilidade)

posted 13 hours ago

seven is only decent in NA tier 2 right? Furthermore, the team's communication is in Portuguese, he would have to learn it. LAS players have less difficulty than LAN players communicating in Portuguese because many of them play on the Brazilian server

posted 13 hours ago

Same language, there would be no communication problems and we will sign a player who is currently in Tier 2 anyway

posted 13 hours ago

At the moment? true. That's why the thread if you didn't notice

posted 13 hours ago

Não temos sentinelas melhores, e n venha me falar de swag que mal jogou um torneio em LAN na vida. Sato seria uma opção pro ano que vem mas precisamos de uma base solida com jogadores experientes, não tem como fazer isso com 3 promessas por exemplo. e o MW em um time decente tende a desempenhar bem indidualmente, a questão é que a FURIA tá uma bagunça

posted 13 hours ago

Portuguese Sentinel for Mouz, best player statistically in the German challengers, last year he was in SAW. He was the best player (statistically again) for the Portuguese challengers in 2023 and had a decent performance in ascention

posted 13 hours ago

Duelist: Mwzera
Sentinel: Fizzy (Mouz)/guuih
Controller: pANcada/cortezia
Initiator: NZR (IGL)
Flex: xand/Spike

Coach: Onur/ Palestra / mac

The leftmost options have priority. It would be NZR who would really define the coach.

posted 13 hours ago

Onur, if you go to Furia, keep an eye on this guy, I think he would be a great fit (as sentinel) for the team

posted 14 hours ago

Remember that it's not yet 8pm in Brazil.

The Lock In final started later, so people left early because going home so late is dangerous

posted 4 months ago

Apparently MIBR is interested in internationalizing the roster with yay and nitr0

posted 6 months ago

Deus me livre 🙏✝

posted 7 months ago

Even though he could easily be a starter at Furia or Mibr, there is a lot of controversy surrounding his name. That's why the Orgs might not want to hire him, so as not to give them a negative image

posted 7 months ago

Ele provavelmente seria Iniciador ou Flex, mas sei lá, não curto tanto a ideia do kon4n IGL por justamente por não saber como vai ser

posted 7 months ago

He's very good, but I had the impression that David is better

posted 7 months ago

Considering the rumors and possibilities, what do you think of these possible rosters?


Tuyz (Duelist)
Less (Sentinel/IGL)
GuhRVN (Controller)
cauanzin (Initiator)
pollo/kiNgg (Flex)


mwzera (Duelist)
khalil (Sentinel)
cortezia (Controller)
Kon4n (Initiator or Flex)
raafa/nzr (Flex/IGL or Initiator/IGL)


havoc (Duelist)
matheuzin/bezn (sentinel)
RglM (Controller)
Shion/artzin (Iniciator)
mazin (Flex/IGL)

(I'm considering Saadhak leaving Loud)

posted 7 months ago

kon4n is too good, he just wasn't a starter in place of Mazin because mazin was the IGL

posted 7 months ago


  • kiNgg
  • raafa
  • Pollo
  • Shion
  • Mazin


  • havoc
  • askia
  • xand
  • liazzi
  • Tisora
posted 7 months ago

F 😔

posted 7 months ago

Bom, eu particularmente nunca achei ruim, não tenho problema das pessoas serem as mesmas. Tem algumas entrevista no canal do Youtube além de outros quadros de analises de equipes, jogadores, agentes e etc. Fora que eu gosto MUITO dos narradores

Algumas Watch Party pegam tantas views que a transmissão oficial, mas não é algo exclusivo do BR, é só olhar no Taric no NA, acredito que seja mais por conta que os telespectadores gostam de acompanhar os seus streamers favortios mesmo.

Acho válido dizer que talvez a transmissão precise de algo diferenciado, é um feedback, mas tô longe de achar a transmissão ruim.

posted 8 months ago

Yeah, I consider it. I can cite the example of the Brazilian scenario. Players that are in our tier 2 can be bought for a much lower amount than it should be because riot has screwed up the local scene and most organizations don't want to invest in valorant. So it probably shouldn't be that expensive to acquire these players

posted 8 months ago

-Klaus +Rubkkoide
-Nagz +Feniz

Melser can stay, despite everything, I still believe in his potential as an IGL in the long term. But if he has to leave, Mited is a good option.

posted 8 months ago

Acredito que com a mudança de elencos o times podem voltar fortes ano que vem. Tem a possibilidade de alguns atletas da loud saírem, principalmente o aspas, mas n sei os times do NA tem tanta necessidade de adquiri-lo. Tem a NRG mas com o yay livre no mercado quem sabe. Meus Dreams teams de cada ai:


fRod/outro coach do NA





posted 8 months ago

Decent enough:

Xand (Duelist)
Khalil (Sentinel)
Cortezia (Controller)
Mwzera (initiator)
Mazin (Flex/IGL)

The ideal in my opinion:

havoc (Duelist)
pancc (Sentinel)
pANcada (Controller)
Sacy (Initiator/Second Caller)
kiNgg (Flex/IGL)

posted 8 months ago

ideal super team:




posted 8 months ago

9z 2-1

Latam with much better individual quality, and will come back better after the defeat against 00

posted 9 months ago

Vou torcer pro Brasil e fdssssssssssss

posted 10 months ago

Bruh, Shyy duelist and Nzr smoker is troll asf

posted 10 months ago


-Taco +Darker/David
kiNgg (Duelist)
Mazino (Flex)

-Nagz + Feniz
-Klaus +Rubbkoide/Adverso

posted 10 months ago

Mark my words, this guy is good. He's only 15 years old.

posted 10 months ago

khalil de sentinela e pancada de smoke* Khalil joga mt de killjoy e cypher

posted 10 months ago

Os jogadores não jogariam em sua posição de conforto, seria uma total incógnita

posted 10 months ago

Quero saber como caralhos você quer encaixar o Daveeys e o Keznit nesse time, o time não funciona

posted 10 months ago


kiNgg (duelist)
shyy (Sentinel)
Nzr (initiator)
Darker/David (Controller)
Mazino (Flex)


Xand/Neon (lev academy) (duelist)
shyy (Sentinel)
Nzr (initiator)
Mazino (Controller)
kiNgg (Flex)

posted 10 months ago

Prefiro muito mais o B4rtin ou o Cortezia no meu time por conta do potencial doq o Pepa.

posted 10 months ago

He has potential. He is the current top 3 of BR ranked

posted 10 months ago

raafa is The Union's IGL, NTK has a lot of experience but doesn't fit the role. I believe that Melser can improve as an IGL, but if that is not possible I would suggest Mited or Deigara as a Flex/IGL. Kesnit even has the potential to recover his raze level and play well as an initiator, but come on, he is the best on the team at maximum potential, so I would prioritize him playing in the comfort zone.

I have no idea if Darker plays well in any role other than controller, so I can't comment. In reality, he has too few games for me to judge yet.

and about the duelists from Latam, not that there aren't some names with potential, you mentioned some good ones. But do you agree with me that none of them are the best on their team? I think I would prioritize other names, Rubkkoide and Adverso are basically smurfing in LAS

posted 11 months ago

I disagree on some points. Keznit is no longer as good a Raze player as he was and Jett is his strong point, so taking that agent away from him would not be nice. Also, I don't think Latam hasn't produced such good duelists, however, I think they have good players in other roles.

Darker is a very promising name, but I can't say if he would be better than Melser playing at a high level, besides he doesn't have much experience and lack of experienced players can be bad. Plus the factor that Melser can be the IGL of the team.

NTK is very good, but I believe Rubkkoide (which I think has good potential) and Adverso are just as good. but they natively speak spanish.

and in your team who would be the IGL?

posted 11 months ago

-NagZ +Feniz
-Klaus +Rubkkoide/Adverso

If Melser doesn't want to be the IGL then: - Daveeys + Mited


6th player Axeddy

posted 11 months ago

Yes, obviously the pronunciation is also different, but I believe it's something manageable since there's another way to refer to the same thing. Also, if a Portuguese speaker knows basic Spanish, they won't encounter as many difficulties. What I mean is that with some effort, the languages are mutually understandable to a certain degree, even if they can't speak each other's language. and

posted 11 months ago

In terms of vocabulary, it is estimated that Spanish and Portuguese have approximately 89% cognates, which are words that are similar or identical in both languages. However, it is important to note that these words do not always have exactly the same meaning. It's not so difficult to understand the other language even without ever having studied it; nonetheless, it may require some time and concentration.

posted 11 months ago

Pra mim é debatível se ele era o melhor da NIP ano passado. Puxar uma vez ou outra um boneco diferente pra mim não quer dizer que está na poll de agentes dele pra mim. Na 00 tem iniciadores que o próprio artzin faz melhor que ele, tanto que ultimamente ele tem jogado mais de duelista. Pra mim ele seria um opção se fosse pra vaga de Duelista de algum time, mas como Flex/IGL eu prefiro o Murizzz. Acredito que o que realmente precisa mudar na MIBR é o pancc ou o matheuzin(caso a The Union não consiga a vaga nas franquias) no lugar do FRZ

posted 11 months ago

Xand só joga de Duelista ou Iniciador basicamente, não sei oq ele faria com uma KJ ou Viper na mão, além disso, a 00Nation taticamente é horrivel (considerando que o Xand e o Bezn dividem o papel de IGL), os problemas da MIBR não se resolveriam com o Xand

posted 11 months ago

You are just overreacting. The team isn't bad as a whole and half of the names you suggested certainly couldn't do better.

Askia only has ONE professional match. Cortezia and B4rtin also only appeared recently and only after the franchises, although I think they have good potential. Rglm was the second best Brazilian controller last year in a competition of the highest level. (After all Loud, Furia and Mibr were playing)

Pollo is one of the most inconsistent players and his stats aren't that great, same thing with BLD.

We don't know if Raafa is so good IGL, after all Union always loses at least one map against any VCB team, his stats are pretty average too.

Brinks is good, but he came up very close to the formation of the franchises' teams.

Liazzi played for Liberty last year and didn't prove to be better than the Heat for example, I don't know if he would play better or be a great upgrade.

xand is an option, but I don't think he's actually a better duelist than heat, after all, he didn't play in the position for a long time and it didn't seem to have the same impact.

havoc, pancc and NTK are good names, but we don't know how The Union will play ascention. besides, I think Jzz has great potential and I wouldn't replace him with NTK.

I believe that in this Mibr initially, I would just replace Frz with pancc/Matheuzin.

posted 11 months ago

Highlight é uma coisa, os status deles nem são os melhores do VCB, além disso, n acho o time da mibr ruim, no maximo eu trocaria o sentinela

posted 11 months ago

Engraçado o pessoal jogando a culpa no Noyn e falando mal de alguém que ajuda a comunidade por causa da incapacidade dos fans da Loud de saberem do que uma enquete se trata antes de votar

posted 11 months ago

Mizu to me is like Tacoliilla or NagZ. All three are operator players but not really sentinels. With Chamber out of the meta they don't feel comfortable.

posted 11 months ago

Keznit - Duelist
Melser - Smokes / IGL
Axeddy/Daveeys - Flex
Rubkkoide - Initiator
Feniz - Sentinel

posted 11 months ago
1 2