Flag: Spain
Registered: June 19, 2020
Last post: March 17, 2024 at 7:04 PM
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kristof is better

posted about 2 years ago

ty mate

all I see is a bit of banter to be honest, but I'm afraid things could go wrong if there is no trust or familiarity between the two (or making these jokes in public), look at what is happening with this poor Geddes guy

posted about 2 years ago

deleted or smth :/

posted about 2 years ago

What did aleko say to trigger steel this much?

posted about 2 years ago

reject streaming
jump into David Beckham's train before it's too late
everyone is welcomed

posted about 2 years ago

god thank you bro xd

posted about 2 years ago

Not the ones putting a persona, but the ones putting a narcissistic persona as an excuse to behave like a dickhead. Yeah, let me tell you, everyone who does that is high on machiavellianism, and that's an antisocial trait

posted about 2 years ago

Ok brother i'm sorry in the name of all off these people for sinatraa being a thing

Is this what you wanted to hear from me?

posted about 2 years ago

Putting on a persona to satisfy your needs it's also an antisocial behaviour.
Search for machiavellianism

posted about 2 years ago

What the fuck are you even talking about now lmao

posted about 2 years ago

he could easily be the perfect face and example as the narcissistic personality disorder in the DSM book.
But I'm not going to be precise just not to dig into the sore

posted about 2 years ago

That and maybe because he is a massive dickhead but let's conveniently ignore that lmao

posted about 2 years ago

That's literally ok lorenzo, but tell us why so we could see your point xd

posted about 2 years ago

Man, no offense

He’s a great player sure but not by a lot one of the best and I see no reason why anyone would think otherwise, he’s a good flex sure but even BONECOLD can have a better match as IGL

How do you expect anyone to debate with you if that is what you are bringing to the table? Some people are cursing you, true. But some others are giving you valid criticism to your points. MVP of Champions means MVP of Champions.

You think he didn't deserve it? It's ok, it's your opinion. But if you are trying to convince other people then try to show solid arguments why.

posted about 2 years ago

You are the one who's trying to make a point, not me. You should be the one bringing the arguments to support your point of view, so the rest can debate with you.

posted about 2 years ago

He was chosen MVP of Champions because he was MVP of Champions. I don't really understand what you are trying to say.

If you think MVP of Champions means best player of the world, at any time, by every metric, etc. then that's on you.

posted about 2 years ago

Name is a combination of my 2 cat's name

posted about 2 years ago

that's a sin in my book

posted about 2 years ago

I'm sorry you feel this way tho...

I'll keep that in mind for the next time: you like G2 and dislike Manchester United or smth

anyway good convo Carlos. bring some IGL please? ty

posted about 2 years ago
if you don't like my points try to refute them brother
that's how a ~fruitful~ debate should work

Try to explain my POV

you are Carlos, maybe his son or his wife HAHA

Ok Sayf.

Really good point at the end! Keep projecting and acting like you can read minds if that makes you sleep better at night :o

pffaaahaha man, I'm just messing with you cmon, you know it. Obviously I don't know who is behind the monitor rn. It's just that it makes me laugh the points that you bring in, like the Beckham's one, do you thing I really care who owns a certain team, or how they manage their economy? lmao
I'm like Sayf except my english is shit and I'm clearly a spaniard, but it was funny I'll give you that.

brobro i'm not trying to read minds, I'm sorry if it looked like that but maybe... you are reading too much as well. Chill Carlos.

You are clearly giving importance to the convo otherwise you wouldn't still be here. That's why I brought the Carlos joke. You are defending them like your life depends on em 😭 it's all fun and banter but you like to keep the conv up. You must be def. employed by them or they are blackmailing u

posted about 2 years ago

I read it and you are doing nothing but convincing me you are Carlos, maybe his son or his wife HAHA

Ok, keep being loyal to them if it's what makes you happy, but at least don't lie to youself, G2 suck right now and you won't win any shit by licking their balls and perineum

posted about 2 years ago

because G2 sucks bro and you should give them honest criticism if u want them to improve

otherwise they'll keep sucking like this

posted about 2 years ago

if you don't like my points try to refute them brother
that's how a ~fruitful~ debate should work

yes, i'm telling you to root for David Beckham and suck his dick too if you are in the mood

posted about 2 years ago

cmon man... they have been a mess for so long now... there is no win over sen that is able to convince me otherwise.

Some problems:

  1. Meddo can't play other agent that isn't kj, and it looks like a miracle he's being able to play cypher as well, even when he plays kj he don't convince me much, this is making G2's comp so misserable and out of meta
  2. They needed a proper Sova on the team and they instead brough hoody, a flex player, great job if u ask me
  3. They are putting the best player in the team, nukkye, as a Sova IGL, he would be perfect as the flex/second duelist player. He on IGL duties is bringing him down.
  4. They keep kicking the wrong players over and over again.
  5. Keloqz was and is still a gamble, you never know if he is going to play well or not
  6. Pipson things you are going to deny me, so let's ignore this point for the moment xd
  7. They now have to kick again some more players, to be precise, the players that they just brought to the team kekw (if they want to perform again, of course)
  8. Avova has been underperforming too and he is not bringing nothing of value to the team
  9. also guild kinda based tho and Leo is GOAT, it's comfy being a GUILD fan
  10. Oh I forgot apparently I'm a mixwell fanboy too so fuck G2 I guess?
posted about 2 years ago

yeah I agree
I actually don't remember Meddo playing anything that isn't Killjoy/Cypher. It seems like he relies way too much on kj, which is a boomer, because they are missing on soo many almost OP agents right now. G2 is just out of meta.

Also they are letting nukkye igl... which is clearly G2's best player, he's being sooo wasted on Sova IGL, they opted to bring hoody instead of a proper Sova for the team. G2 is just a mess, and they've been a mess for months and months. Also avova has been underperforming so much lately.

posted about 2 years ago

you think you are being funny

posted about 2 years ago

man redgar is such a nice guy

posted about 2 years ago

I see you've already given up on G2 too

I like it :')

Come to guild bro

Edit: wait nvm I though you removed your flair, but I think it's because imploded kekw

posted about 2 years ago

Russia is poor AF.

When Nats is tired of playing boring EU tournies he should come to NA where there is way more money.

posted about 2 years ago

Fnatic doing things how it should be done actually

Everyone doubted boaster and mini about braveaf, and he delivered

I just now remembered hoody saying that fnatic were shit online on the vid released yesterday. Well, G2 could learn 1 or 2 things about fnatic to be honest.

posted about 2 years ago

Pat youself on the head on my part trembo
You deserved it

posted about 2 years ago

I feel like both team's comps are way, waaay outdated on Icebox :/
Strong at holding sites but I'd like to see some Kayo or Chamber (as secondary awp) instead of Killjoy tbh

At least FNC is actually doing great at holding sites
G2 slipped on defense way too much

posted about 2 years ago

every night, before I go to sleep, I pray for a merge between the two :')

posted about 2 years ago


posted about 2 years ago

Scream is ok in the flex-second duelist role like he is right know, maybe he should have played Kayo instead of Reyna on Icebox tho

anyway, let's not act like Gambit isn't super strong on Icebox lol

but either Jamppi or Nivera should transition to fully awping with Jett/Chamber, and I think they will (if they didn' already)

It's just a map loss against Gambit pick, no need to overreact really

posted about 2 years ago

unhappy people like to take advantage of what someone did/did not in the past to use it against him. No matter what they did, they (try to) find happiness attacking other ppl

It doesn't even matter if they did something good or bad, they just enjoy seeking conflict and will assault anyone for it

posted about 2 years ago

nvm jamppi is cracked with awp lol
it doesn't matter the agent as long as he has the awp, and chamber is perfect for that

posted about 2 years ago

maybe because it's quite big in my opinion

but I still think it is an improvement from previous one because it's clearer now

posted about 2 years ago

i've edited the answer, it's not ok to make assumptions

posted about 2 years ago

"10 years in the esports scene" is a meme man, you probably don't understand it because you are not part of his spanish speaking fanbase, but the intention of that is not to brag.

Flirting with OpTic, throwing around indirect comments... Cmon now

Who would have guess he might be still trying to find a team man, if you are single, you flirt
or maybe he is just messing around, we don't know for sure to be making this assumptions

posted about 2 years ago

chronicle really can play whatever he wants, his flexibility is a huge reliance for the team

he brings a lot to Gambit comps

posted about 2 years ago

jamppi chamber but no jett in the comp

i'm a bit skeptical about no jett comps, interested to see how will this work

posted about 2 years ago

Again trembolona, no bad intentions, but this just reflect how eager you are to distrust the intentions of the people. You show it on this website day by day. You might then wonder why the heck is everyone always against you. The answer is simple, you show way to many antisocial behaviours.

Answering again, yes. Mixwell is sad, mixwell is angry his team dropped him, he probably wants a team. Absolutely nobody is doubting that, but there s a difference with that and "hating your teammates". That's just stupid and just show how insecure you are. Not everybody have bad intentions like that.

You call me fanboy just because you make assumptions based on my flag, I even said back then that mixwell shouldn't play Jett on the team and he should be dropped if he still thinks that's how he can help the team.

My fanboyism isn't blinding me, but your distrust towards people intentions is blinding you.

posted about 2 years ago

Wow, didn't expect a baiter and a clearly unhappy person to judge a person or any of their comments by the flag he shows on a website.

You always seem so eager to judge people, maybe because you judge youself too hard as well. I encourage you to learn form this and change your way of thinking and the distrust you show towards people.

posted about 2 years ago

"mixwell spreading hate towards his own team?"

Brother, hard to swallow pill: not everyone is as insecure as you.

He is clearly sad that he was benched from the team. Can we judge him for that?
That doesn't mean he is "spreading hate" towards his own mates.

posted about 2 years ago

God I miss so many of them

Envy with rockmonkey&rubbu, faenex and mutu, the whole fnatic roster... But paladins scene went to shit pretty fast sadly

posted about 2 years ago

Aquí desde la caribeña playa de madrid 😎

Casi tan buena como las bolivianas

posted about 2 years ago

alguna minita?

Jajaja es bromuro

O no

posted about 2 years ago

1 step back 2 steps forward

You fall, you learn, you move on

That is life my friend, we are all gonna make it someday, keep believing and everything will be ok

posted about 2 years ago
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