Id easily say T1 over DRX. Much more experience but DRX has a lot of potential.
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Registered: | April 10, 2024 |
Last post: | February 6, 2025 at 6:38 PM |
Posts: | 38 |
Id easily say T1 over DRX. Much more experience but DRX has a lot of potential.
I agree with you. Yoru is the best duelist overall right now and LEV should consider having him run Yoru on the vast majority of there map pool for experimentation and flexibility with their comp.
I agree with you to the extent of if he wasn't the IGL. If he actually isn't uncomfortable playing Initiator on stage then its fine, but if he Is i do believe It may affect his calling in the future due to confidence. He is my favorite player on Sentinels and I HOPE that whatever he does is for the best.
My bad for not specifying why he doesn't look comfortable. Watch how he positions himself and tell me he looks comfortable and not shaky. I was not trying to say he is washed, his aim has always been there.
(DISCLAIMER) During the Offseason I was genuinely hyped over this team. I'm not here to talk shit, I just want a genuine discussion and criticism of this team.
My Major Critique for this team is JohnQT on the "Initiator" Role, mainly Tejo. I was all for him switching to the Initiator role because it is optimal for calling but as a major fan of the way John was shooting last year, he does not look comfortable on the role this year. He was an incredible site anchor and lurker, those lurks was what made his midrounding was so incredible last year. I am trying to criticizing his IGL capabilities but to point out that the change to Initiator role has not improved his calling well enough to warrant his role swap. I would hope that he swaps back and even though most people would say he should continue on this path, he has had a lengthy enough Off-Season to pull it off and its not convincing me. I would Love to hear everyone's thoughts, just no trolling I want genuine discussion.
Who Else misses Leo?
I appreciate you mate, I didn't even think that it would be in settings I imagined it would be on Profile. Thanks again!
Call me stupid but I cant figure out how everyone has a Team Sticker beside there name, can anyone help me?
Ill give them that, they would just me mid at that point. If they play anywhere similar to what they are right now I will never call them good, that would be way to generous.
FYI I am not a diehard LOUD Fan, yes I did have them beating them but I wish it wasn't the case.
So far this year every time I have watched them ever during the Offseason my reaction is nothing, I haven't reacted. They have been so unimpressive that I cant even bother to give them but one compliment that is only Zekken, he's still Incredible.
I had so much faith in this roster because of N4RRATE being signed but they just havent been able to look good. Now this is just a random guess but i believe that the reason they look so ass is because Zellsis and John switched roles, they both looked much more comfortable on there previous roles and the IGL'ng hasn't been improved enough to warrant such a change.
I believe that they got somewhat Lucky against 100T who looked incredible and when I rewatched the match they just went down to Sentinels level after the first match and it was just a Battle of Shit, they should have been knocked out by 100T to be honest, flame me if you want but I know shit happens.
Anyways enough ranting, my hopes are that they don't luck there way to Bangkok and instead get shit on enough to make them want to revert Zellsis and John's roles, if they do that then Ill have faith again.
Thanks for that update man, he must feel like shit.
Shit New FNC Roster incoming, get ready for the 2 Year Dynasty.
I stopped having total faith in FNC the second he had to take time off. I feel like he is a ticking time bomb and when he comes back FNC will probably sky rocket back to the top with who I cant even believe people try to argue isn't the best in the world, he was and hopefully still is. Anyways any updates on him? Hope he's doing better.
In the fantasy world of Leo coming back before 2025 Kickoff, my dream roster would have been
Duelist: Alfajer
Sentinel: Hiro
Initiator: Leo
Smokes: Boaster
Flex: Chronicle
I Imagined this roster after Champs and thought if they were going to remove anyone, it was Derke, i was right although not completely. This would have been my Dream Roster for this year.
I'm quite confident that everyone here is familiar with Talon Esports one way or another, but most likely because of Primmie. Primmie is an Incredible player and so are some of the other players such as Governor but I have nearly no faith in this team and that is why I'm so interested in them, especially after there match against MITH in the SOOP Valorant League. MITH in my opinion is one of the better T2 Teams in the Pacific Region and it blows my mind that Talon either has such an ineffective staff that they don't bother to pick up any of the players from that Team, or they have unreasonable faith in the 5 that made it to Champions Seoul just recently. I believe Talon are a fun discussion because of Primmie having the undoubtable potential to be the VCT 2025 MVP within the right circle. I mentioned MITH because if i was in charge of Talons VCT Team this would be my immediate thoughts going into the Offseason, especially after SOOP.
Lose: CRWS, Ban and Jitboys.
Keep: Primmie and Governor
Obtain: CGRS, Killua, Laz and of course Sscary who nobody is trying to get for some wild reason.
Also I've seen Primmie's Duo named Snappy have TLN in front of his name, I do not know if he is under contract with them but If he is i would keep him, he looks like a Shooter but wont be added to this list because I've only seen him going Duelist and would be another interesting discussion, I just don't want this Thread to be to long.....
My Staring Roster:
(Duelist) Primmie
(Initiator/IGL) CGRS
(Sentinel/IGL) Laz On VLR it says both Laz and CGRS are the team captain so I am not confident who the current IGL is.
(Flex Initiator) Killua
(Controller) Sscary
This Roster seems much more competent and would be what I start with. Governor as the 6th man because he can play almost anything and is a great player to fall onto If this Roster isn't performing up to par. If we want to talk about Snappy he would be another player to fall onto, we see Primmie flexing in his ranked matches so there is a possibility of him going Flex but that is a discussion I personally don't feel like going into at this very moment.
Tell me what yall think, i know this was quite long but I am very interested in Talon and want Primmie to succeed.
If Trent continues playing THIS well and we get the best from Jaw and the others next season, even though they may have really tough competition, i can see them being the first 3 times champions, he is fucking crazy right now.
Riot would always have a special place in my heart if they make the move to Relegate C9 and give it to G2, as well as relegate EG and give it to M80 who may not have the financial backing, but have shown there dedication and heart to this game already while only being in T2, I believe they deserve it and would be a good T1 Org.
G2 is the team I'm most excited for next season. They were the best team in terms of almost everything last year, there only setback wasn't having the X Factor Star, which Jaw is the definition of that. Even though I am excited for them, the other regions look great as well. You have T1 looking incredible, with the Japanese Region almost causing 2 Upsets so far and if GenG can get the best out of Fox9, Yoman and the rest of there Roster they will definitely be better than last year. EMEA has FNATIC who nobody should ever count out, TH who i believe will only get better, KC who are the most likely the team everyone will undermine but will be good by the start of the season and my wild card GiantX who i may have to much faith in. Its hard to say Americas will win it all, we just don't know until it happens.
2025 looks like an exciting year to watch the VCT. The Meta seems the most interesting its been where there wont be a clear Meta Agent, hate what they double nerfed Neon slide. The Teams in each region, especially in EMEA seem to be on each others necks in terms of Skill. Ascent will be out of the rotation for the first time in forever, which will be one of the maps with a "Defined Comp" out of the rotation. Along with the international events being set in hyped Cities and a better Format to where we can get the best out of these teams, 2025 is looking to be an incredible year, well just have to see how things actually turn out.
Rest in Peace Twisten. Thanks for reminding me. He was a soul taken from the earth too soon.
This is just my opinion which can neither be wrong or right, I’m just trying to understand why people want Agents to be nerfed.
I remember the days when Chamber was the most powerful Agent in the game, so good that the Viper was getting nerfed to the one we consider Broken a couple of months ago. Whenever Agents actually had utility that shaped rounds and gunfights the game was SO much more exciting by and enjoyable to play, rather than the boring game we have now. People are saying #NERF NEON when I believe she should be what Riot aims to have every duelist. The game is boring when Agents are not getting Buffs, but constantly Nerfed. So that’s why I’m asking why almost everyone in the community wants to bring Agents down other than bring other ones up?
Your telling the honest truth and i respect the hell out of you for it. The thing is, I have been built for this kind of thing and ill say i have a very impressive reaction time. The unfortunate part is that i broke my monitor a while back and have subbed my Tv in, which to be honest has really impressed me, it might sound crazy but it works very well, just not as good as a top of the line monitor. The 16ms delay a TV has compared to the 0.1-1ms delay a monitor, as well as the 60 FPS cap has slowed down my reactions quite a bit. Another sad thing is that my Aim feels like its deteriorating. The more i practice the worse it gets. I am trying to get to a high enough rank so then i can get on the path to pro, that's why i came here because even though i try incredibly hard, nearly no value comes from it.
I Appreciate your comment and these are all great tips for a newcomer. You don't know anything about me so ill tell you what i do. I have a Duo who started later than me. He is currently Diamond 1 and made it to Ascendant nearly a year ago. He always plays with me and 90% of my games are with him. Secondly I have realized which duels are worth and not worth taking since I've played for so long and have taken many hours of notes on Vods and Improvement Guides, hell even VCT Matches. I can tell that is one of my potential downsides because I'm in a rank that promotes just swinging. I have a 60% headshot rating (Could be higher) and practice my Crosshair placement at least every other day on a specific map that i feel like I've lacked in. I have an Arm/Wrist warmup that i do before i play. I'm honest and will admit that i do sometimes skip out on my 2-2 Warmup which is 2 TDM's and 2 DM's before a ranked match, if i do skip it i just hit the range for 5 minutes which i never not do.
I want to rank up so then i can start going toward the path of pro, so its really both i desire. Try not to take this as me trying to be rude, I'm just trying to give you a better understanding on where I'm at.
I really do appreciate everyone being real and giving there own opinions on my issue. Y'all are amazing. I'll look around for a coach and hopefully i can break this Two Year streak of being hard stuck despite my best effort's. Keep commenting if y'all want too, I'll be sure to respond!
I've heard coaching many times in my time playing but never truly understood its Value. I have watches hundreds of videos talking about Improvement just from YouTube. I have 2 Notebooks full of notes on each Video and how i can apply the strategies presented into to my gameplay and which ones i should prioritize knowing what I have been slacking in the most recently "Even though id argue I'm slacking in nearly everything". Besides I'm a young man at the age of 17 who sees the price tag on these coaching sites and immediately discard it because of the hundreds of free videos I've found online. I am always going to be real and I know i should try something different since nothing I've been doing has worked, even if taking that many notes over deep dived improvement videos should be overkill. id just like to know how beneficial it actually is.
I was going to say "I'd be a liar if i said i would undoubtably compete even if there was no money Involved", which you can still consider true because i did have to think about it for roughly 20 seconds, since those 20 seconds passed id confidently say i would still compete even if there was no money involved. The money sounds nice to anyone's ears but the driving factor of me wanting to become a professional is the thought of being on a stage full of people who are fans of me, who use there money and time just to see me play, to then try my best to perform and get there moneys worth, to meet them either before or after the game, to genuinely get to know them and understand there personalities and background, to hopefully make them laugh, that along with putting in these hours of work to finally lift the trophy that showcases to me that all my effort isn't for nothing, that I can accomplish everything as long as i attach my heart and soul to it. Those things is what makes me want to play. Money is not the influence behind me wanting to compete at the highest level. Its the idea of all of this work finally paying off, and to hopefully make peoples days just that little bit better either from Winning, or just helping them laugh.
I've been playing Valorant for nearly 4 Years at this point. About enough to give you clinical depression which i am lucky to have not gotten yet. For maybe the past 3 years of me playing I've dedicated myself to try and become a professional and be the best player that is within the realm of possibility. For a Year and a Half it worked which got me a decent results. Sometimes i would see fast results, sometimes they would be slower, but either way I would always be able to see the improvement at least every 2-3 Weeks. Now it has been 3 Years and I'm unarguably putting more work into trying to get better than I have ever before. Not saying my practices are perfect nor I never skip out on doing my practices every now and then, but I am putting much more effort into trying to be the best I could possibly be. This is where the Venting comes in. Roughly 2 Years ago i had just made it to Gold 2 and roughly Half a year after that I hit Plat 3. Now Two years later I am still Gold 3 - Plat 2, unable to pass into and beyond my Peak. I Feel like i am not just capped, but getting worse. I Have good Moments where i shine every 5-7 games but the others are either mediocre or shameful. This has been slowly degrading my mental health, i really want to become a professional but despite my effort i get only diminishing returns. I definitely know VLR is not the place to post about this knowing all the trolls, but i don't know where else. This is my Dream and its starting to seem less possible the more i try and put effort in. Take care
That is what I meant by "There is no True Evidence that Oxy has been trialing with G2". I stumbled upon it on a Spreadsheet and thought it looked like a great roster move. I looked for any Evidence and there was absolutely nothing I could find. There is a chance there is evidence and that my monkey brain couldn't find it but its more than likely forged together from someone who is just guessing. Nonetheless it still got me excited and hopeful for that specific roster change, even though I believe there is no way in hell C9 would sell Oxy. A man can Dream.
The G2 and SEN Trialing leaks are spicy and have me really looking forward to seeing them next year.
I'm going to start with G2 because its such a simple yet obvious change. There has been a Leak, granted it can definitely be fake, no real proof of it being True, If Oxy has been trialing with G2 and by chance C9 allowing them to buy him out would be a huge move. Icy has been improving a lot, probably the most improved player over the year, he is still what I believe to be holding back the squad of G2. If Oxy were to replace him then they would have an outrageous amount of Firepower. This move alone would give a ton of energy to their team. This would make me believe they would be the #1 seed going into Bangkok because its small enough to where they get the chemistry flowing quick, while everyone's role can stay the same.
Sentinels is the one I'm most excited for. Leaks have shown N4RRATE Trialing with Sentinels on more than just one occasion, him going to Sentinels is the most obvious roster move I've ever seen, its perfect. N4RRATE is known to have an amazing Gekko, having the most highlights on Fade this year, and probably one of the best Jetts in the scene right now. On Stream Zekken has been open with him not being comfortable on Jett at the big stage, and even though he has an incredible Jett, he is still not completely comfortable. Zekken has ran Sova many times on Xset and is recently playing him in Ranked a lot. This gives me the idea that on Jett maps we can have N4RRATE on Jett and Zekken on Sova. To me this is the perfect move and I hope it happens.
If Both of these teams make these specific roster changes, and Riot continues to keep the first international event of the year only having 2 Teams from each region, these would be my Picks to make it. Small Changes that keep the team generally the same, while fixing their most prominent issue.
There have been recent rumors that N4RRATE has been trialing with both 100T and Sentinels. With Sacy leaving Sentinels, I must say N4RRATE seems like the perfect choice to replace him.
The reason being is Zekken. Zekken is an incredible Duelist but has openly stated that he has been uncomfortable on Jett recently. If N4RRATE were to be in this roster, Zekken doesn't have to play Jett on Jett maps, instead play Sova, which he has done many times in the past before franchising, recently in Ranked as well, with N4RRATE picking up the role of Jett, which he is known to potentially be one of the best at her. Whenever we are on a Raze map, for instance Lotus, N4RRATE will be able to easily just swap to Fade, whom this year had the most highlights on the agent, with a pretty damn good idea on how to play her.
Overall this roster move sounds the best in a Mechanical and Role standpoint. I am not saying that he will fit in with the Family environment this team has, but if he does I can see Sentinels going on to winning another, maybe two Trophies next year if they pick him up. What do y'all think? Do you think this roster move would be great, or bad?
Not Really. If its similar to anything than Its more similar to Loud VS OpTic in 2022. If you think im missing something tell me please!
I believe he said that because he didn’t want to take MiniBoos role. But I’m not going to assume, because I’m not him. If he truly doesn’t want to play Duelist then Narrate can play Jett/Raze. It could go either way. The reason I said Woot should be Jett/Raze is because of his Shanghai performance. One of the best Duelist performances of all time, he was clearly the best Duelist at the event even better then Texture. I want to see him back on it again but if he doesn’t then Narrate can play Jett/Raze.
I have nothing wrong with this but if they aren’t going to change the Players then they must change the coach. Maybe they could have a Leviatan situation where with their first coach they were decent but once they changed they become a different breed.
Vic is an incredible player. Loved watching him back in the day on OpTic and even Envy, I personally think he is the best Neon. I don’t think he will take the offer unless they give him a huge amount of Money.
Before I say anything about changing this Roster, they have been great all year. They’re an incredible Team with Incredible Players.
There is no denying that MiniBoo at the beginning of the year was in the discussion of Best Player during Madrid and Stage 1. Ever since he didn’t go to Shanghai and came back he has been slacking, there is no denying that. Especially during their last game against FPX. I believe in MiniBoo making a comeback but if anyone is getting booted off the roster if they bomb out Seoul it’s going to be MiniBoo. Thinking of this I came up with a devious roster change and I want to hear people’s thoughts.
If Team Heretics were to replace MiniBoo I think picking up Narrate would be insane. Then we could have Wo0t as Jett/Raze and Narrate playing him and Wo0ts current role as they play the same agents, consisting mostly of Gekko and Fade.
Tell me y'all's thoughts, again this is Hypothetical.
Will Abyss be playable in VCT when the next patch is released for the players starting tomorrow in Pacific?
Now I know its only for playoffs, thanks for telling me!
I feel SO bad for DRX Fans, they got screwed for a bad GenG performance. T1 i believe are super inconsistant and frauds and got lucky when going up against GenG when it should have been a 2-0 for GenG. As you can tell im a D1 T1 hater, not that i have anything against the guys i wish them the best but im sure there going to bomb out of Shanghaii, DRX Deserves the chance to go against T1 and if T1 would win that (They wouldnt) they can go but in reality it would be a DRX 2-0 similar to what GenG should have done but they had a shit day. DRX is defenitely the 3rd best team in Pacific and should be representing in Shanghaii, sorry DRX fans, GenG's bad performance against T1 and the format fucked yall. Heads up for Champs, hopefully they dont get fucked again lmao.