Country: United States
Registered: April 24, 2022
Last post: February 27, 2023 at 3:36 PM
Posts: 194
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Right here baby talk to me. We still win this. Also teef ok

posted about a year ago

sen picks up trent he has been playing raze and valyn and form real super team

posted about a year ago

that’s the point. u British kids celebrate when like cis wins a tournament.

eu has won the the same amount of champions as americas has

and na has won the same amount as your bummy country. via your previous post ok

posted about a year ago

This is new Valorant

posted about a year ago

more like p u bruh brush yo teeth

posted about a year ago

Bro teams like guard and m80 would destroy almost every eu team ok

posted about a year ago

bro said depressed ok

posted about a year ago

bro they had dephh marved babyj babybay corey

that team would be stacked


edit yall hatin on babyj so replace him w dicey stil stacked ok

posted about a year ago

Chewsday innit peta paka wota bota

posted about a year ago

Like does anything even happen after these games ok

posted about a year ago

Cmon I need some responses guys ok

posted about a year ago

I’ll go first:
Asap rocky
Lil wayne

posted about a year ago

Team A:

Team B:

posted about a year ago

Bro what no one was complaining

posted about a year ago

When is the next relevant tournament

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

It stands for national football league. It is the most entertaining sport. You might not kno it because only relevant countries compete in it. Soccer is the most entertaining hobby tho so I’m bummed I missed it

posted about a year ago

Why would they have it during the NFL season?

posted about a year ago

Stuf was so boring bro

posted about a year ago

StreamEast probably

posted about a year ago

If u say hand egg u gotta be under 13

posted about a year ago

Team A - Valyn yay crashies zellsis net

Team B - FNS cryo trent zekken bang

posted about a year ago

Koalanoob duelist chamber? No

posted about a year ago

Cool concept teams I’m sure I missed someone tho
Sen - marved tenz sick trent dephh

Nrg - som eeiu yay valyn ethan

C9 - vanity crashies leaf cryo mitch

Eg - zekken bcj babybay dicey poised

100t - bdog asuna bang derrek fns

posted about a year ago

G2 didn’t make NA

If they did bad they would’ve been na if they did good they would have been eu

posted about a year ago

Replying to my own thread for boost ok

posted about a year ago

My team predictions I’m sure I missed some just let me kno ok
Sen - marved tenz sick trent dephh

Nrg - som eeiu yay valyn ethan

C9 - vanity crashies leaf cryo mitch

Eg - zekken bcj babybay dicey poised

100t - bdog asuna bang derrek fns

posted about a year ago

Optic denied I assume all of their players will get picked up this one makes the most sense to me Wjen u think ab it

Cmon guys crashies bro crashies don’t flame

posted about a year ago

Lol y’all trash talking more than brazil. Sad lil boys. Jus remember, they on our team next year lol

posted about a year ago

Nothing to say man ggs ok

posted about a year ago

Yeah keep making threads as if we’re not all watching lol ok

posted about a year ago

Maybe overall throughout the games history we're equal but this year, and now. Na is on top. And it’s not close lol like. You’re really going to try to say you’re better because you won more events last year? Before anyone really even knew how to play the game? Look where those teams are now

posted about a year ago

What happen to him bro obviously like he isn’t playing bad but he used to be possibly like their most valuable player like he kinda fell off lowkey

posted about a year ago
  1. Optic
  2. Loud
  3. Fpx
  4. DRX
  5. Prx
  6. Fnatic
  7. XSET
  8. Kru
  9. Zeta
  10. Xerxia
    The outcome of the rest of this tournament won’t really affect much tbh

Accidentally put FPX for prx but I fixed it ok

posted about a year ago

Give up the round n let them knife

posted about a year ago

Stay mad lil boy ur region isn’t the best at an esport by a landslide oh no keep crying

posted about a year ago

They picked a free agent a soar player a gen g player and a guy whose team split up plus coaches literally did not even buyout one single t1 player

posted about a year ago

Let’s not forget who touched the moon first

posted about a year ago

Marved FNS Tenz Eeiu JonahP


posted about a year ago


If u smart u alr kno tho

posted about a year ago

You guys are embarrassing yourselves by showing how long you’ve waited for optic to lose. They’re still the most consistent team in the world.

posted about a year ago

Which pro has it

posted about a year ago

Comment ur team
Comment with most upvotes wins
You can also down vote other comments

Current winner - DRX

posted about a year ago

Assuming the team bonded well ofc

Cryo - jett
Dicey - chamber / sentinel
Marved - smokes
Eeiu - initiator
Zekken - flex

Igl… ummmmm

Yeah wouldnt rly work but would still be cool to see this power house team play

Edit: ik ik wb yay

posted about a year ago

Ok then EU is a 0 team region lol

posted about a year ago

Even if they don’t we can jus call it a fluke tourney dont worry

posted about a year ago

Lil skies?

posted about a year ago
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