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Registered: August 3, 2021
Last post: June 9, 2024 at 11:01 AM
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Teamspeak crashed, they're moving everyone to discord. classic NA Production

posted about a year ago

I like aspas, and think he's a really good player, but sometimes I just really want to see GenG win to see the absolute chaos in some of the threads that will come out.

posted about a year ago

Yeah, I just double checked, looked like he played on Icebox v.s. fnatic, and that was it. I just remember finding it funny because he got his own hype video before the event, and they only let him play one map.

posted about a year ago

Vision strikers used to have a 6 man with Lakia, and I can't even remember if he got to play a single map.

posted about a year ago

NA never doing something on LAN after NA 2021(?) LCQ, even though that wasn't really even a full LAN.

posted about a year ago

Bro, who did those photoshops for the roster photos? That was so bad.

posted about a year ago

Absolute banger, could be 2-1 either way.

posted about a year ago

2-1 either way. After yesterday, I'm leaning to CGZ.

posted about a year ago

Fisker neon op entry is certainly unique

posted about a year ago

Crazy Racoon, NTH, or SG, one of those is winning.

posted about a year ago

Felt like 95% of it was just speculation. There's no reason to believe that Sinatraa was blacklisted because Riot would've just made it an indefinite ban. That would've just generated infinite good pr for banning him "permanently,". They literally gained nothing by making it only a 6-month ban.

posted about a year ago

On what grounds lol? Even if he was verifiably innocent, Riot could still blacklist him from the league just because he was associated with SA allegations in the past, nothing illegal about it.

posted about a year ago

The funny thing about this is there's actually a statistic that most people that go into sex work have been sexually abused in the past.

Not saying that makes him guilty.

posted about a year ago

I think it's worth noting that it's not confirmed that he's blacklisted. During the time he was suspended, he wasn't playing in any tournaments. I believe prior to the LCQ, his only competitive noteworthy thing was being trialed in scrims. It's possible no teams wanted to take a risk on him going into franchising, especially when there wasn't exactly a clear person to replace with him. I think if somehow he isn't picked up by any teams next year, franchise or tier 2, it's safe to say he's been blacklisted from franchising.

posted about a year ago

How can you put Faze as 7? Their roster was looking really good towards the end of last year, and presumably Neptune is an upgrade from flyuh.

posted about a year ago

Maybe the issue is that zellsis doesn't really play sova, which is what sinatraa plays. Also don't know if you put him on raze if you have Xeppaa.

posted about a year ago

Out of curiosity, assuming he was playing the initiator/flex duelist role, who would you swap out for him that's currently in franchise?

posted about a year ago

Finally found some direction in my life after just doing whatever I wanted in the moment. Decided to go to Law school, and am currently studying for the LSAT. Feels good to finally have something to work towards instead of just working out and playing video games.

posted about a year ago

Good Will Hunting, train to Busan, whiplash

posted about a year ago

Brim's not really a must pick on fracture, fpx and xset (I believe) run omen from time to time.

posted about a year ago

Almost certainly not true. Can't believe the romanian government/police couldn't tell, especially when we had pictures on his twitter, that had him walking around romania with the romanian flag emoji. It'd be hilarious if it's true, but it's probably just internet bs.

posted about a year ago

I don't know about Champions, but I remember hearing it around Copenhagen, where they got to the grand finals, and Jinggg said they were just playing for fun.

posted about a year ago

This is just my personal bias, but I think something is actually a crazy underrated player. Would be really fun to see him at a LAN.

posted about a year ago

I don't understand why people got so mad about Shroud saying he wasn't as good as simple because he didn't have as much passion. Is the argument that s1mple is really better than shroud because of genetics? Wouldn't saying it was due to him just being genetically better dismiss all of the passion he puts into the game?

posted about a year ago

I'm similar. Not really possible to explain things like consciousness from a purely physical perspective, but I don't think that the answer is a some sort of god.

posted about a year ago

Grew up Methodist, and transitioned to atheism towards the end of high school.

posted about a year ago

Yeah, bro forgot to take his schizo meds.

posted about a year ago

You'll notice that the way it teaches you is incredibly inefficient. Instead of learning grammar rules, you just learn different conjugations of verbs as a new vocab word. It's a fun game, but not a good way to learn a language. If someone's really serious about learning a language, my advice would be to take classes at school, or buy a textbook.

posted about a year ago

Not really, been on Insomnia, Blue bees and Sengoku. Tbf, there's not that many T3 teams in Japan.

posted about a year ago

Just wait till you get to college and you have 7:30 am classes.

posted about a year ago

Bro was literally smurfing at Berlin on Jett.

posted about a year ago
  1. Sugar - Mass of the fermenting dregs
  2. Good Times Bad Times - Led Zeppelin
  3. Learning to Fly - Pink Floyd
  4. Finger - Elephant Gym
  5. グッドバイ- Toe
posted about a year ago

It may not be a 1:1 comparison, but you can look at the red scare during the cold war, and it's basically as 1:1 as you can get. The point is that the dominant social power will try to suppress anything that challenges the narrative. It doesn't make it any more right or wrong; it just happens to be a fact of human nature.

posted about a year ago

Ultra common Netero W

Cancel culture has always been a thing, just depends on who has the majority of social influence.

posted about a year ago

Oh, thank you for clarifying.

posted about a year ago

I might be misremembering, but I thought riot wanted all teams in the league to have a gc and academy roster. Wonder who Sen, 100t, and nrg will pick up.

posted about a year ago

If you go by having the best team, yes, but I don't think the rest of the region is comparable in strength. Hope Loud winning champs can improve the strength of the Brazilian/SA scene as a whole. Would be nice to see.

posted about a year ago

Large typhoon

posted about a year ago

So happy for them, and glad to see this team that has improved so much since masters win. Definitely deserved.

posted about a year ago

Tbf, I think there is a little more to consider than his choice considering the fact that he represents a company and org. If he wants to hang out with Tate in private, don't care. But when he's creating negative pr for his company, I feel like employees and affected people have a right to be annoyed.

posted about a year ago

I don’t know. Optic map pool looks really bad right now. A lot of optic’s best maps, drx is also good at.

posted about a year ago

I want to cry every time optic doesn’t ban breeze. It feels like their worst map that they just refuse to not play.

posted about a year ago

I hadn't watched anime in a long time, but I watched this show, and it was pretty good. Glad it's getting continued.

posted about a year ago

I think it's more likely that a team will pick up the entire roster, and then make changes. The team has made a lot of progress on this iteration. I would say Ayrin if anyone is likely to go, although seeing him depph and bcj do well this tournament, I hope he doesn't.

posted about a year ago

Classic rock
Pink Floyd, Led Zeppelin, and Steely Dan in particular

posted about a year ago

I don't think you can fault someone for taking advantage of a system like this. It's in the rules that everyone agrees to by competing, and XSET wasn't the one who initiated it. I don't think I could honestly tell a group of players that they shouldn't take an arguably deserved second chance at winning the biggest tournament they've ever competed in.

posted about a year ago

Nah, Cypher cam was an intentionally abused bug. KJ turret was an unfortunate scenario, not the same.

posted about a year ago

What ended up happening was probably the best scenario that could've happened given the whole situation. XSET got their replay after being arguably screwed out a close round, and FPX got to prove they were still the better team. There's no info other than someone's opinion that XSET asked for the replay, I think it's fine for the FPX players to feel a little animosity because of the situation, but you shouldn't shit talk the players unless you know that they asked for the replay.

posted about a year ago

There’s a serious chance that after tomorrow, there’s only 1 EMEA team left

posted about a year ago

Picking up the mantle of the old 100T roster

posted about a year ago
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