Flag: China
Registered: August 4, 2023
Last post: May 23, 2024 at 5:44 PM
Posts: 95
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posted 2 months ago

this might be the worst bait ever

posted 2 months ago

EDG πŸ–€πŸ–€πŸ–€πŸ–€

posted 4 months ago

Let's go CN ❀

posted 5 months ago πŸ™‹β€β™‚οΈ

posted 5 months ago

VCT Pausefic

posted 5 months ago


posted 5 months ago

PRX and T1

posted 5 months ago

Bro is a Geography major confirmed.

posted 5 months ago


posted 5 months ago

Anaconda 🐍

posted 5 months ago


posted 5 months ago


posted 5 months ago

I also think BLG will regain their Champions form back this year. Their Champions coach Jexen is back again and Rin is gone for good. I think B3ar will be a better replacement for Rin and Biank will unlock his full potential since he is no longer the IGL. But qualifying to Madrid will be difficult because EDG,JDG,FPX and TE are the strong favourites rn. But they may qualify to Shanghai or Champions.
Edit :- Bear - B3ar

posted 5 months ago

FPX should be in B tier and DRG in C tier. Simple.

posted 5 months ago

FPX is top 4 in china. FPX is surely B tier and DRG is C tier.

posted 5 months ago


posted 5 months ago

I think BLG will regain their form this year and will compete for Masters spots. AG is not that bad in my opinion. I have them (AG) loosing to DRG in the opening game then beating TEC in lower elim and again loosing to DRG in lower semi in my pickems. Just my opinion tho. Also NOVA = DFM of CN so nothing wrong there.

posted 5 months ago

DRG 2-1 in both matches but it will be close. ( I think AG will beat TEC in lower.)

posted 5 months ago

At this point im sure this Simp guy is suffering from PTSD. Feels bad ngl.

posted 5 months ago

Get some help ASAP man. You still have PTSD from those 2 games.

posted 5 months ago

Get some help ASAP man. You still have PTSD from those 2 games.

posted 5 months ago


posted 5 months ago

Hold this L (2)

posted 5 months ago

Rent free πŸ˜‚
4-0 🀫

posted 5 months ago

4-0 🀫

posted 5 months ago

JDG, TE, FPX and BLG is the same group ?
This is not correct i guess. These 4 teams + EDG are CN's top 5.
Also best of 3 semifinals is not a good idea in my opinion. Semifinals should also be best of 5 since those 2 matches will decide who goes to Masters.

posted 5 months ago


posted 5 months ago

KOI or TH. They can prove me wrong hopefully.

posted 5 months ago


posted 5 months ago

Damn Sacy how could you ????

posted 5 months ago

Agreed on GE Import problem and this will have huge impact on Indian valorant.
If this keeps happening, Indian t2 Valo pros might move away from the game since there is no chance for them to play t1 valorant even with an Indian org. GE as an Indian org is giving more priority to imported t2 players instead of Indian t2 playes.
Indian players might not be as good compared to others at the moment but they need a chance to prove themselves right ? I dont see the only franchised Indian org providing them that opportunity. (If you are an Indian reply. Do you agree with this or not ?)

posted 5 months ago

Just 2 games away from Masters arent they ?
Surely they wont loose those 2 games ...... 😐

posted 5 months ago

One more Navi gone !
This is good news for the Sky people !!!!

posted 5 months ago

Same but i use perfume anyways.

posted 5 months ago
1 2