ThatsAWrap Alan Shen
Flag: United States
Registered: May 9, 2021
Last post: July 16, 2024 at 10:47 PM
Posts: 201
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posted 1 week ago

There's a stage 3 of NA GC starting next week, hasn't been added to the site yet

posted 1 week ago

According to the rulebook, it goes Map Diff then Round Diff, no mention of H2H.

posted 2 weeks ago

Points will be updated tomorrow since all matches will be completed by then. As of right now, the points are not confirmed for some teams as there are some ties that need to be broken. Relegation is based on Stage 2 overall performance, not by circuit points. Teams that are not relegated but also do not make playoffs via Circuit Points are invited to Stage 3.

posted 2 weeks ago

yeah, this is because heroic valkyries is a different team page than neon blade, I've let the dev know and he will switch people who picked neon blade over to heroic

posted 2 months ago

On stream they cited technical difficulties with their tournament realm accounts which could not be resolved in time so they had to forfeit the whole series

posted 2 months ago

Head to Head does not apply in a 3 way tie between groups

posted 3 months ago

pickems close before first match week to week, can just do them before each week starts :)

posted 4 months ago

EMEA: Ferrari Peek
NA: Amarri Peek

posted 5 months ago

sonofcar is great, but real ones know Dogo is the goat

posted 5 months ago

Teams like G2 Gozen reached out to us with their headshots and gave us permission to put them on our website. We cannot upload any photos/headshots for teams unless we have explicit permission from them to do so. If they would like to have their current headshots on the site we invite them to message us and give us permission!

posted 5 months ago

added :)

posted 5 months ago

If OXG win one map they are through
MxS need to 2-0 to advance

posted 8 months ago


posted 8 months ago


posted about a year ago

He asked for it to be changed to S. Korea

posted about a year ago

Points for Split 1 + MSFO are here:

Points for Split 2 have not been finalized yet but you can see how many points each team will get here:

posted about a year ago

Pickems for Split 2 are at the top of the page starting with "Week 6".

posted about a year ago

Round Diff calculates the points, not the qualification for the Mid Season Face-Off, it's in the Knights Challengers Rulebook

posted about a year ago
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