Flag: Croatia
Registered: November 15, 2023
Last post: July 26, 2024 at 5:28 PM
Posts: 75
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Went ahead and looked a bit further, I see the First Strike win, but if Bob was officially announced as the first woman by KA to be in Challengers when SaD qualified (what I consider to be the only tier 2 validation), then this in a way means she doesn't have tier 2 experience outside of SaD, unless I'm missing something.

posted 4 hours ago

I'm aware Bob was in T2, but she left early on her own terms which is unfortunate and personally not big enough of a showcase of what she could've been in SaD to talk about T1.

posted 13 hours ago

I think the main issue with bringing them to tier 1 is the fact there's none in tier 2, regardless of the region, which then leaves you with no relevant sample size, however if we exclude NA GC, I do think Vania and rezq (G2G), Bizerra (TL BR), enerii (Xipto) are all great shooters and I see the potential to do well in T2. Outside of GC, I hope katsumi makes it to T2 aswell with Burger Boyz. Once we have more GC / fe players in T2, there would eventually be one to make it to T1.

posted 14 hours ago

I haven't paid attention to their games as much because I occasionally tune in for VCL NA but they ended up making a few upsets through the season and now against DZ. Fluke or not? Can they take down MxS or is it too far-fetched?

posted 2 days ago

I don't think this is an extremely unfair / bad thing for GC teams, it is just qualifiers after all, not like they have a guaranteed slot in their respective Challengers region.

They still have to get through qualifiers and I feel like some of those teams that would get the "last slot" now given to GC would lose to most GC teams that entered the bracket this way regardless. SR, TL BR both took away series in their respective qualifiers already, and G2G qualified for VCL through Premier and they will most likely do it the same way again.

posted 1 month ago

I understand the EMEA slot, you have to keep in mind what happened in 2023 with BBL Queens (all got sick, one player was on stage) and G2G got a 3rd place finish with what I think was a weak roster, this year GC EMEA looks even better with GX GC, FLCV and G2G consistently finishing in top 3 (for a reason).


China getting it over BR is kind of ridiculous, I think BR has shown a really high level of play this year it doesn't do it justice to have only 1 slot. TL BR and MIBR are getting closer and closer to each other.

posted 1 month ago

Don't quote me on this, but I have seen FlyQuest Red scrim against Sentinels on one of the scrimbux posts a bit ago and I have also (100% sure) seen G2 Gozen scrim against FNC.

But to answer your question, there's a few factors that come into play when it comes to GC teams not qualifying:

  1. The competition is not easy and GC level of play isn't on par with tier 2
  2. Only 3 serious attempts have been done so far (by TL BR, G2G and SR), because most GC teams "want" to stay there
  3. Only 2 GC teams in this moment have 4+ best players of their region on a single team (those being TL BR and G2G)
posted 1 month ago

TBF it was always her or Toki taking the spot in G2 Gozen roster as a duelist. With young potential (16 at the time she signed w/ them iirc), a proper backup is needed to get them to fully shine through and that's exactly what mimi + petra + their entire org did.

posted 1 month ago

People that hear about GC and don't watch it only see flor glaze/hate, but ppl who watch it know FLYQ cooked with the roster, they have a well rounded team where anyone can outperform expectations besides maybe theia, but she's igl so it's forgiven.

Cannot wait to see what FLYQ can offer on their map pick(s), seriously hope they keep it up.

posted 1 month ago

Well when talking about mixed teams, katsumi exists, and outside of katsumi, NA GC players occasionally pug in tier 3 tournaments (i.e. flor, sarahcat, sonder, dodonut).

If we are talking outside of NA VCL, I do think TL BR and G2G are not incredibly far off from making it, give or take a year.

posted 1 month ago

If I had to guess, her getting better over time (mind you she's still 17), having better teammates to set her up and having a better organisation with more resources to help her.

posted 1 month ago

I think they could've made it in when Split 1 relegation/delegation was ongoing but they played a bit fearful, they need confidence and if even one person starts performing well, all of them will perform well. If they secure a Premier playoff win again, I'm 100% confident they can get the 2 needed wins to make it through the Split 2 rele/dele bracket.

posted 1 month ago

https://www.vlr.gg/pickem/6cb4c151 Mary is looking insane atm, I wonder if that's enough to take down G2G

posted 1 month ago

Bob leaving on her own is unusual and honestly unexpected considering she wanted to play co-ed, hoping Bob will still be playing val otherwise it's unused talent.

posted 1 month ago

A lot more stable showing than yesterday. Petra and Vania dropping 30+ helps their confidence moving onwards.

posted 2 months ago

I think as long as EG exists in Valorant (which doesn't seem to be very long), she will be with EG for the time. The second she's out though I am convinced she's gonna be getting offers.

posted 2 months ago

NACL qualifiers were a really subpar showing imo, ever since then looked better but I would hold back from calling her able to play in VCT, can stomp GC, can stomp tier 3 tournaments but no actual showcase in tier 2 and above. Probably a hot take but pugging for tournaments and eventually leaving SR to prove herself is the way.

posted 2 months ago

I'm honestly surprised, I expected both of these to be the two hardest hitting teams above everyone (combined with GX GC). Don't really understand how something like this happens.

posted 2 months ago

oof 0.57 rating for rezq unfortunate

posted 2 months ago

After beating Permitta should be easy for Xperion, Spocki too good

posted 2 months ago

Everyone in phase 1 is equally matched so this could be anyone's game

G2G 2-1 hopium

posted 2 months ago

CS:GO days and their current core roster transitioning into Valorant + hoping they would do better in getting to tier 2 (and beyond) in this game.

posted 2 months ago

If you are a tier 1 pro, regardless of your gender, Riot would make a massive mistake by forcing a downgrade on someone to (what I consider) tier 3.

Also, Game Changer players aren't locked to that circuit only, examples being TL BR/G2 Gozen trying to grab a spot in their respective VCL regions (tier 2).

posted 2 months ago

Really unusual how flor gets all the flack and sarah doesn't get close to none despite both of them being trans

posted 3 months ago

It's really close between Passion Project and FlyQuest Red, slight edge to FQR imo just because dodonut is an amazing duelist

posted 4 months ago

https://www.vlr.gg/pickem/f24d239f don't think this is a surprise to anyone

posted 4 months ago

https://www.vlr.gg/pickem/90614dc3 the FLCV vs G2G game was probably a fluke but I also believe they can do it again

posted 4 months ago

The reason for a separate circuit is to get them into the competitive environment. However, a separate ranked "bubble" wouldn't achieve anything. Women have hit all ranks in the game so I don't see a reason for any further separation.

posted 5 months ago

Pleased to see G2 have someone comfortable on the duelist role, gratz to rezq for going 10-3 in her opening duels.

posted 5 months ago

36 and 59 ADR on map 2 really disappointing, I was really hoping Burgerville makes a deeper run this time

posted 5 months ago

I don't think that's an underrated placement, the teams they're up against are really strong.

posted 5 months ago


Don't really think this is too extra out of expected considering how OQ1 went

posted 5 months ago

Never claimed it would be a miracle run, especially not if its within realistic reach.

posted 5 months ago

oh i thought they were srs abt it, my bad LOL

posted 5 months ago

1337 and Thinking Men are personally the ones that make it with SR finishing in 3rd-4th. Maybe it will be a different story now that they already qualified for GC and they don't play a lot of games in a shorter period. I also feel like SR heavily underperformed and gave away A LOT of free rounds in their losses, probably due to tilt. If they can stop themselves from giving freebies and hold a firmer grip when they have a lead, they have a chance.

posted 5 months ago

Can they not enter DACH Challengers in march? Isn't Premier Contender league designed for that specifically to get a top team in during the middle of the split or something? They're 6-0 now so it might be very much doable

posted 5 months ago

this is why i said, "yet to prove themselves". annja is already proven to be good (also she's "stuck" with NASR Ignite) and i don't have enough games watched to tell you certainly if smurfette is good or not.

posted 5 months ago

It was always adora or rezq getting the duelist slot on G2G nobody else in the GC scene seems to be that prominent of a duelist yet to prove themselves and I doubt roxi would want to swap from sentinel. Also if the Premier contender thing still stands, they have nothing but wins so far and if they keep going they will qualify for DACH Challengers.

posted 5 months ago

I've been watching rezq stream and the main role and what she's played in Premier with this roster was duelists, so I'll assume she sticks to it. Checking the profile on vlr.gg does indicate sentinels, but she's moved on past that. Regardless I think Jettra is still a thing and since rezq is the youngest she has the most space to become a walking highlight reel, so I agree when it comes to pick ups.

posted 5 months ago

I think the gap between the top 3 teams in the global circuit has closed substanially now. The difference makers for these teams will just be the amount of games they play into stronger teams to gain experience and more strats tbf.

posted 5 months ago

Amy - sentinel
Vania - smokes
rezq - duelists
petra - flex
mimi - flashes

On paper this is the best EU GC team you could possibly have (under the condition rezq proves herself, which I don't doubt she will), it's just a matter of them settling in properly and gaining competitive experience together as a core.

posted 5 months ago

Super excited to see the roster rebuild and what players they end up picking up

posted 5 months ago

There hasn't been enough praise for Momiji and sonofcar because everyone focused on the teams losing instead of teams winning. Crazy props to both for playing so well.

posted 5 months ago

The only team I expected in all of qualifiers to be consistently dominant was SaD, rest are a bit more closer in terms of skill. This (as in their performance) doesn't come as a surprise to anyone who's been paying attention to SR over the last year or so, however flor's performance has been a little bit muted in the series outside of the last round ace on Lotus and I'd say a lot of people expect her to be fairly more dominant.

posted 5 months ago

This match itself isn't that unlucky, they won once (-andersin, +Jangler now) against them and flor put on a masterclass that day. If sarah keeps up her performance there shouldn't be any problems BUT I don't expect it to be a free win.

posted 5 months ago

SR, SaD, BTR, YFP, QoR, Let us cook

All of potentially great teams that could make it but also some of them will face off against each other and that makes me a little worried, mainly for SR because the GC GF showcase was slightly shakier than it should've been.

posted 5 months ago

Pretty sure SR is still going to play despite scheduling problems I think and Azure got eliminated in first round in VCL Polaris. No clue about others

posted 5 months ago

According to an SR tweet, it seems like the servers they were playing on went down for that time and they should be continuing today just fine.

posted 5 months ago
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