Country: Brazil
Registered: March 26, 2022
Last post: April 19, 2024 at 10:41 PM
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posted about a year ago

aww he didn't get it

posted about a year ago

oh you're one of them lmao

posted about a year ago

He's a nice guy/simp. So he cares very deeply about female approval (like the insta hoes that show off their bodies for male approval), he's like the male version of that. Think r/niceguys on reddit, that's him, but he has above average looks and is "famous", so the traits are not as hardcore. A lot of his "positive toxicity" comes from this ig.

posted about a year ago

streamer events are always pretty bad lmao (not just for val, for everything)

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

strip poker

posted about a year ago

another year, another sinatraa type case

posted about a year ago

Yup, he's good aim wise but I've never seen anything impressive about him otherwise.

posted about a year ago

wtf did i just read

posted about a year ago

All these kids have problems at home, don't make fun of them or they're gonna shoot schools or something

posted about a year ago

I think when they signed him they got him for 2 years or something (2020-2022), so I guess SEN didn't want to pay the fine to fire him earlier.

posted about a year ago

Not even close to entirely subjective

posted about a year ago

acalmate chico jajaja

posted about a year ago

You can frag on any agent, there's nothing to be confused about? lol guy trying to humble brag or some shit

posted about a year ago

Jokes aside, do you really need the 3-side buttons?

posted about a year ago

no idea

hope that helps

posted about a year ago

Mesmo se for ele deixa o cara mano, nego acha q doxxing é brincadeira. Burritos tem um crush no tck kkkkkkkkkk

posted about a year ago

Don't think they'll go far but at least their twitter will have edgy memes

posted about a year ago

shipping real people is already cave goblin behavior, shipping fictional cartoon characters... you guys have got to get outside and socialize

posted about a year ago

You might be onto something...

posted about a year ago

They're never gonna touch it again unfortunately

posted about a year ago

lmaooo thanks for this bro kinda needed it

posted about a year ago

1) What is your goal by starting the gym? Do you just want some form of exercise? Do you want to primarily get bigger or stronger? Maybe a mix of both (like most people that don't want to become athletes). Different workouts are optimal for different things, so it's important to define what you want first.

2) There are 3 main factors that influence progress at the gym:

  • The quality/intensity of the workout;
  • Nutrition;
  • A good night of sleep.
    Slacking in any of the 3 will have a negative impact in your progress.

3) Don't go crazy on the supplements. Whey protein or creatine are enough for beginners (you can buy more just make sure you're not getting all your essential macros/micros from them, they're called food supplements not food substitutes). Also don't buy influencer brands, their products will either be: the average of the market/worse than the market/a scam.

3) Research proper form. I recommend researching videos on every exercise you're going to do, so you know correct form for all of them.

4) There's a LOT of bro science when it comes to fitness youtubers. Make sure to filter out the bullshit ones.

5) Last but no least, first time at the gym can be quite intimidating: you don't know what you're doing and there's a bunch of stronger guys and hot girls around you, so it's normal to not want to "look lost" or look like a beginner, but you'll soon realize that they're not really paying attention to you.

Good luck at the gym bro, this is a journey you will not regret.

If I got any of this wrong feel free to tell and I'll edit it.

posted about a year ago

they the argentinian guy dirty 💀💀💀

posted about a year ago

"put in time" my guy thinks he a pro or something lmaoo

posted about a year ago

As much as I hated Jett meta, Astra meta was way worse. And as much as I hate Chamber, at least Jett highlights and plays were awesome to watch. Chamber plays are literally: shoot awp, tp away...

posted about a year ago

maybe create incentive programs by giving skins away with scavenger hunts forcing people to go outside??

bruh 💀💀💀 needed this laugh thanks Mr. President!

posted about a year ago

KKKKKKKKKK cara ta ficando doido sem ter campeonato pra assistir

posted about a year ago

The list of watchparty streams are the people that can stream it, but they don't have to.

posted about a year ago

He's still right, no need to get all defensive

posted about a year ago

bro what the fuck did i just read and why is it funny

posted about a year ago

Interestingly enough this post is you procrastinating as well lol

posted about a year ago

lmaoo he was playing with sick and seangares too

posted about a year ago

LMAOOOOOOOO you cannot be serious that u fell for that

posted about a year ago

Your good points got overshadowed by your sexism.

posted about a year ago

Just watch the finals of every tournament

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

If he's only 15 and baits this hard for attention that's actually sad...

posted about a year ago

No such thing as a good gold player lmao

posted about a year ago

Congrats brother!

posted about a year ago

iPhone = used by teenage girls

Android = GIGACHAD business man alpha male type guy

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

Brazilian guy stole ur girl?

posted about a year ago

mano se BR vibra ate assistindo a piada q é o CBLOL eles vao vibrar assistindo qualquer coisa KKKKKKKKKKKK

posted about a year ago

You're rationalizing.

posted about a year ago

nice try spike.gg but not today

posted about a year ago

You must watch him on mute if you can't see where they're coming from

posted about a year ago
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