Country: Brazil
Registered: March 26, 2022
Last post: April 19, 2024 at 10:41 PM
Posts: 774
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don't act like you guys don't listen do Taylor Swift lmao

posted 6 days ago

guy squeezed in N4RRATE

posted 1 week ago

They have a bad rep but at least they're alive... any org that picks sinatraa runs the risk of losing sponsors, losing fans, gaining haters and making an enemy out of Riot...
Even if picking sinatraa meant they were guaranteed to win every tournament for 2 years, orgs would STILL not pick him up since tournaments
are only a marketing opportunity to gather more fans and don't really add to the bottom line of an org...

posted 1 week ago

It has literally nothing to do with his sens... plenty of T1 pros have low sens... have you seen Demon1 or mwzera playing? They're low sens players bro (although I will admit dgzin's sens is significantly lower than theirs)

The main reasons why dgzin wasn't picked were his limited agent pool and his bad work ethic. Besides, no (BR) teams were looking for a pure duelist at the time... and he doesn't really speak English so yeah

posted 1 week ago

but hey at least they were "inclusive" in their hiring lmfao

posted 1 week ago

sinatraa was never a solo carry

posted 1 week ago

ppl really thought you were dissing him lmaoo

posted 3 weeks ago

"Clove is now available to play in VALORANT! poggSpin They are a nonbinary agent and their pronouns is THEY/THEM. Any purposeful misgendering will result in time outs and bans."

This is the message in TenZ chat if you type !clove

posted 4 weeks ago

thats why loud got someone from Argentina big brain moves

posted 1 month ago

every army from every country throughout history has committed atrocities... you gotta go live under the sea homie

or study some history

posted 1 month ago

guy cares about politics in a video game 💀

posted 1 month ago

And this is what obvious jealousy looks like

posted 1 month ago

if i speak...

posted 2 months ago

LMAOOOOOOOO bro this shit actually hilarious

posted 2 months ago

10x10 dot crosshair

posted 2 months ago

tier 3 😴

posted 2 months ago

They really are lol

posted 3 months ago

It's actually really nice when you can use it in practice... but I'm assuming learning it in college with mock databases must be hella boring lol

I work as support for a software, and clients sometimes ask for reports and stuff (how much they made with specific products from specific brands, employee rankings, etc.) and gathering the data and organizing it then seeing it actually being used by the clients is actually pretty fun.

Just push through it brother, it's gonna make sense someday: EVERY software or service has a database, Youtube, Spotify, Netflix, Riot Games, PornHub, Clash of Clans, etc. It might be useful to you someday!

posted 3 months ago

pokimane fans be like

posted 3 months ago

vc ta muuuito alterado por algo muito banal, respira bb

posted 3 months ago

Glad he's ok

posted 3 months ago

Get two scoops of any pre workout diluted in redbull, then run it through some coffee powder (as if you were making coffee, but instead of water, use this mix instead). It does taste like shit but works wonders.
And my doctor said it only decreased my life span by about ~10 years

posted 3 months ago

All options maxed out, trust

posted 4 months ago


posted 4 months ago

are u a spy?

posted 4 months ago

nt ray4c

posted 4 months ago

SEN Sinatraa?

posted 4 months ago

Are they cheaper? Cookie prices from fast food chains are usually a robbery lol

posted 5 months ago

Ain't no way they didn't notice zekken's sarcastic tone

posted 5 months ago

cmon bruh don't be a smartass you know exactly what he meant and tbh it's a valid question

posted 5 months ago

wtf lmao did not expect that from less

guy's ready to throw hands with EU

posted 5 months ago

keznit racista: ele nunca vai mudar grr bane rito gomez bane pls

xand racista: Hmmm... elementar meu caro, seres humanos podem mudar, o cara é deveras diferente hoje... você nunca errou?


posted 6 months ago


posted 6 months ago

Potential Ceiling: TenZ > Scream

Consistency: Scream >>> TenZ

IGL'ing: Scream = TenZ (they both suck at this, but TenZ knows this, Scream for some reason thinks he can be a good IGL lmao)

Achievements: TenZ > Scream

posted 6 months ago

O que tem de novo aqui? Mulheres ganhando status e relevância por causa de homens, pq sem eles essas aí não seriam nada KKKKKKKKKKK


posted 6 months ago

O cara só falou "2 among us" amigão kkkkkkk calmaí

As próprias trans do time da LOUD dariam risada disso aí pq nao sao umas fresca igual tu

Dica pra vc: se continuar sendo esse floquinho de neve vai sofrer mto na vida, melhor começar a mudar agr

Respira fundo e relaxa bb

posted 6 months ago

Irmão, nem tenta discutir, só tem criança e adolescente aqui. Você acha que algum desses caras vai entender uma biologia básica?

Os cara acham que mulher tem penis mano... só fala que concorda e assim que virarem a cara pode começar a rir kkkkkkkkkkkkkk

posted 6 months ago

Cara... para de passar essa vergonha

posted 6 months ago

Didn't work in csgo and won't work in Valorant either. People overhype this guy so much... he's like TenZ but from EU.

Although comparing him to TenZ is unfair cause TenZ actually won something in valorant

posted 6 months ago

just a hater

posted 6 months ago

you got me at acs of 5 and the lifetime kda 💀💀💀

posted 6 months ago

ele sempre foi emocionado msm, lembro dos textao q ele fazia sempre que algum time BR perdia kkkkkkkkk

posted 7 months ago

n acompanho nenhum camp tier 2, esse guuh é bom? Tipo, ele é um upgrade em relação ao tuyz?

posted 7 months ago

okay u actually owned him this one lmaoo

posted 7 months ago

Joga... quem quer? KKKKKKKKKK

posted 7 months ago

yo mods stop shadowbanning people's comments like fucking snowflakes

edit: this ain't twitter

posted 7 months ago

wtf did I just read and why did the guy above me get downvoted for saying hallo

posted 7 months ago

"reporters" lmao

posted 7 months ago

bezn kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk

posted 7 months ago

só tirar um dos caras do time e substituir pelo aspas de peruca q elas ganham tudo

posted 7 months ago
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