Country: Vietnam
Registered: June 23, 2022
Last post: November 12, 2023 at 2:11 PM
Posts: 379
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how tf moonton doesnt punish wise and v33nus, pretty sure some indo mlbb pros were prohibitted from playing any other moba (some even cant stream other games at all)

posted 5 months ago

dota is dying in SEA prolly will actually dead in the next few years thats where LoL take over

posted 5 months ago

doesnt solve the issue but thanks for the help man appreciate that...

posted 5 months ago

wifi with wifi receiver from my pc

posted 5 months ago

so im currently experiencing occasional ping spikes everytime im playing val and exitlag doesnt even solve the issue, is it possible the ping spikes caused by my old router got overheated?

posted 5 months ago

but i love messed with ppl crosshair with my birdie back then lmao

posted 7 months ago

wasnt it a thing back then?

posted 7 months ago

despite how often i mock sen, i want to see the players to succeed tbh.
i understand how much shitty sen as an org but the players deserve another chance tbh, just think how cool the storyline would be if lets say we will see tenz redemption arc or something.

posted 7 months ago

bro said import, just say foreigner wtf

posted 7 months ago

get out of iron first bro

posted 7 months ago

or you could use viper as alternative smoker for rotating exec

posted 7 months ago

but everyone have to start somewhere right? like im focusing this more about individual qualities.

posted 7 months ago

As we all know, we are probably familiar with a few big streamer names that regularly put themselves at the top of the ranked leaderboard but somehow fail miserably in an actual VCT match, even against a Tier 5 team. This leads us to a few questions:

  • What are the differences between pros and your typical ranked "Andy"?
  • What qualities do you think distinguish pros from these players?
  • What is the thing that keeps these top-ranked players from becoming pros?

Aside from the typical rhetorical answers about dedication and other things, what do you think would be more fitting answers? Share your ideas.

posted 7 months ago

so people bend basic norm for money is being normalized rn? huh weird

posted 8 months ago

ratio + flying dutchman actually cant fly

posted 8 months ago


posted 8 months ago

This generation is doomed and hypermaterialism is the causes.

Hypermaterialism is the belief that happiness and fulfillment can be found through the acquisition of material possessions. This belief is escalated with how massive social media is right now and affect alot of GenZ or younger generation to come and we're talking about long term effect here. The example of this is as you can see on social medis everyone doesnt really have the shame to sell online nudes anymore, act stupid to get those internet money and even worst harassing someone for a click money.

tl;dr the world better be bombarded by asteroid once more and let the evolution cycle reset for once.
sorry but i dont know where should i vent this anger of subject matter and since everyone here dont care, i'll saying about it anyway.

posted 8 months ago

is it require any talent? 😔

posted 8 months ago

how do i become one of them? 🥰

posted 8 months ago

i literally have ball of steel so nah cant relate

posted 8 months ago

botssi 🗿

posted 8 months ago

DSG clears

posted 8 months ago

yes but stick to the canon story first before you watch all of the spinoffs

posted 8 months ago

pweasee stop racism 👉👈

posted 8 months ago

so true mister netero, i really agree with your opinion

posted 8 months ago

b-b-but its called tactical fps

posted 8 months ago

oh god cant believe these guys earn streaming money by saying alot of stupid stuff while these vlr bros remain unemployed

posted 8 months ago

sykko 🔥

posted 8 months ago

im afraid you will get scammed some day

posted 8 months ago

your reading comprehension level maybe decereasing by a lot after neglect to read a lot of quality paragraphs on this forum maybe you should start take your time to read a lot of essay in this very friendly forum.

posted 8 months ago

thanks for being polite and mindful with your words, that means alot to me.

posted 8 months ago

no matter how much art1st paying you for posting this, it wont enough

posted 8 months ago

The phrase "ain't reading allat" is a dismissive way of saying that you don't have time or don't care to read something that is too long or too complex. It is often used in online forums and social media, and it can be seen as a way of avoiding having to engage with a person's argument or point of view.

The phrase is often seen as lazy or disrespectful, as it suggests that the person who is using it is not willing to put in the effort to read and understand what someone else has to say. This can be especially frustrating in online forums, where people are often trying to have a serious discussion about a topic.

The sentence "I ain't reading allat" is a prime example of this lazy attitude. It is a one-sentence dismissal of someone's entire argument, and it does nothing to contribute to the discussion. It is simply a way of saying "I don't care what you have to say."

This sentence is a clear sign that the person who is using it is not interested in having a productive conversation. They are more interested in avoiding having to think about something that they might disagree with. This is a lazy and disrespectful way to engage with other people, and it should be avoided.

Here are some other ways to say "ain't reading allat" that are less lazy and disrespectful:

"I'm not sure I have time to read that right now."
"That's a lot to read, can you give me a summary?"
"I'm not familiar with that topic, can you explain it to me?"
These sentences all show that the person is willing to engage with the other person's argument, even if they don't have time to read everything that has been written. They are also more respectful, as they don't dismiss the other person's argument out of hand.

If you find yourself using the phrase "ain't reading allat," try to be more mindful of how it comes across. There are other ways to express your disinterest in something that are less lazy and disrespectful.

posted 8 months ago

yea this thanks random fake flagger

posted 8 months ago

do you think good imports needed to survive in apac?

posted 8 months ago


and someone gonna choke in grand final but no idea who since whoever in grandfinal is potentially a choker

posted 8 months ago

stage 2: angel

posted 8 months ago

i mean like the paycheck and operational cost might really expensive

posted 8 months ago

ye i've been thinking of apac but not sure what region that havent been dominated by a single team lmao

posted 8 months ago

sheeesh bro is a superstar

now you got all of my praise, pls coach me out of plat

posted 8 months ago

idt tarik and stewie2k would work for free..

posted 8 months ago

never doubted you goat but arent u cost like 3 mill USD a month?

posted 8 months ago

these squad probably cost really expensive

posted 8 months ago

hello police a random person on an esport forum stole my money

posted 8 months ago

but isnt NA the most expensive region to invest?

posted 8 months ago

lets say youre appointed by a small org to create a T2 roster wherever you want in the world but you're really tight on budget.
Where do you want to invest? and who is the member?
Goals : To make a roster with minimal budget and maximum outcome.

Note : what i mean by maximum outcome is the farthest they could go in VCT and prolly win some off-season along the way

posted 8 months ago

no but she/he(?) is really persistent

posted 8 months ago
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