Flag: South Korea
Registered: April 3, 2021
Last post: August 20, 2023 at 9:09 PM
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GE 13-11
kappa drops 30 trust

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

They should’ve invited DRX or ZETA instead of Heretics

posted about a year ago

Not bad for only having a GC scene for like 3 months, I think the region will improve drastically over the next year

posted about a year ago

i agree, only thing is that I could see new NTH could being solid since they always somehow build insane teams from T2 talent

posted about a year ago

if a kr team wins out that would mean that all these other teams are pretty disappointing imo, given that majority of the top kr talent is already in the league

posted about a year ago

Who are your top 3 ascension teams?

Notable teams:
Alter Ego
Nongshim Redforce
Crazy Raccoon
Northeption Rebuild
Xerxia Rebuild
EDward Gaming - doubt they get to play ascension though

posted about a year ago
  1. DRX
  2. 2021 NU
  3. 2020 TSM

Current I would probably say DRX, T1, and DNG

posted about a year ago

Chile, Canada, Turkey, and Indonesia would all also be better imo

posted about a year ago

the decision making on that last round lmfao

posted about a year ago

National World Cup for league? Wouldn’t that just make the West even less competitive with KR/CN?

posted about a year ago

Best crowd is actually an NA one. They’re pretty loud, unbiased, and don’t go after the players, Riot need to host an event there in 2023

posted about a year ago

+Sylvan and Ssun ^-^

posted about a year ago

i agree with everything except for the talent pool. for being a single country kr actually has some pretty solid talent in val imo. probably the most t1 talent out of any country in Asia (even with the game being incredibly popular in Japan)

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

holy, why are you so aggressive 24/7

  1. EA = KR/JP/CN, teams from those three regions are "East Asian", that's literally not even up for argumentation
  2. What team did we overate other than DK? DRX are literally better than PRX. ONS did well in the LCQ. Gen.G and T1 are considered middle of the pack. CNJ almost beat TS lol.
  3. We all know that CN val gets clapped by DRX and my 'argument' was just saying that you underrate JP/KR/CN teams
  4. cry is absolutely free
posted about a year ago

KONE can too, to be honest I think you guys just like to overate APAC teams and underate EA teams

I mean a half power CNJ almost beat TS ffs

posted about a year ago

thanks Sprout!

posted about a year ago

I’ll just list you my top 10 favorite matches from international events :)

NU vs V1 - Reykjavik 2021
FNC vs SEN (Grand Final) - Reykjavik 2021
100T vs GMB - Berlin 2021
100T vs ACE - Berlin 2021
KRU vs GMB - Champions 2021
DRX vs OPTIC - Reykjavik 2022
PRX vs FPX - Copenhagen 2022
DRX vs FPX (Upper Bracket) - Champions 2022
DRX vs OPTIC - Champions 2022
LOUD vs OPTIC (Upper Bracket) - Champions 2022

posted about a year ago

the storylines were fucking phenomenal this year

posted about a year ago

great in cs as well!

posted about a year ago

If you were to do it statistically i think it would probably be OPTIC/NV, FNC, and DRX/VS just based off of consistently making it to LANs over the past 2 years, even if teams like GMB, LOUD, FPX, and SEN had higher peaks

posted about a year ago

lmfao, why do all the comments that shit on the LPL magically go from +5 to -1 upvotes on this site

posted about a year ago

game 4 was just a massacre

posted about a year ago

it feels wrong to cheer against faker, but i want to see deft go out with a bang

posted about a year ago

so happy drx won, now we get to watch deft vs faker. either faker gets his 4th worlds title or deft ends his career on a drx cinderella run :)

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

Favorite Sport : lacrosse
Favorite Music Genre : r&b
Favorite Music Artist : the weeknd
Favorite Youtuber : lemmino
Favorite School Subject : math
Favorite Valorant Team Currently : T1
Favorite Valorant Team OF ALL TIME : DRX
Favorite VLR User : idk archetype maybe

posted about a year ago

KR vs CN

posted about a year ago

I’ll see you guys in a month 🫡

posted about a year ago

cs gives 16/24 slots to a single region
league gives a max of 4/24 slots per region

cs is way more of a one region game then league cause, even if only one region is winning, most regions actually play the game and Riot gives a chance to even the worst regions

posted about a year ago

so free

posted about a year ago

We will change the name of the game to Counter-Counter Strike to fix this

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

i thought it was just limited to SEA/SA teams, but it'd be cool if the last three slots went to say DRX, EDG, and ZETA

posted about a year ago

bro came prepared

posted about a year ago


TS is one of the best IGLs in KR other than stax/zest, k1ng is one of the best aimers in KR, eKo was great in the EA LCQ, and Secret is a great upcoming talent as a 6th man

Only player that’s a questionable pickup is iNTRO imo, everyone else deserves their spot

posted about a year ago

I'm surprised he rated Talon so low

posted about a year ago

Hollow Knight

posted about a year ago

I never learned Japanese in school cause we took English classes instead, so I would say google translate for a majority of them. I can only think of a few Korean players, like Astell, who seem to be fluent in Japanese. So probably just google translate

posted about a year ago

lmfao, someone really said “what team can realistically beat Fnatic”

posted about a year ago

I mean if he was able to beat out Lakia in tryouts, there has to be something special about him

posted about a year ago

You mean unofficially?

Marved, nukkye, JUGi, BCJ, and Dicey are some notable ones still not signed

posted about a year ago

TS and RRQ are going to get farmed internationally, but PRX/TLN and GE (if other teams underestimate them) should still do well

posted about a year ago

nah that's just me and the boys running some 5 stacks, dw about it

posted about a year ago

If BLD spend +1M on their roster only for them to lose to EDG in the Ascension tournament

posted about a year ago
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