Country: United States
Registered: October 2, 2022
Last post: April 24, 2023 at 10:16 PM
Posts: 58

unfortunately EMEA has 1 god team thats the best team itw
other than FNC and NAVI EMEA is shit

posted 11 months ago

didnt do it tbh

posted 11 months ago

not because they lost but because they just run n gun and just hope they get good rng. happened so much LMAO

posted 11 months ago

wtf is this team :skull:

posted about a year ago

luka's already da goat

posted about a year ago

just say you get shit on every fight you take that isnt you shooting someone in the back of the head

posted about a year ago
this is my when my rank is gold (plat lobby but whatever) (im ashefromow btw) im better than youll ever be jit

posted about a year ago
this is me in a plat lobby lil bro
my main is in the title now lmao. immo 1 with less than 500 hours in comp played thats not normally (17 years old btw) (valorant's my first tac shooter btw)

posted about a year ago

yeaaaaaa. i hate to break it to you buttttttt

thats what me in gold looks like.. you could always click the link in the title if you want to see my main acc!!

im ashefromow #bob in case you were wondering

posted about a year ago

i edited the title. please click the link and get proven wrong silly little man. i also bench 350 (and squated like 460 before i tore my meniscus) and have a 3.8 GPA. i attend parties (with my real life friends) and i enjoy playing sports. im 17 years old doing all of this. im better than you

posted about a year ago

if you need to lurk to be in a certain rank you fucking suck and dont deserve the rank youre in. radiant being the only exception. if you disagree im gonna have to assume you lurk and youre a social outcast

posted about a year ago

if you lurk in your games, and youre not radiant, pls uninstall the game cuz its honestly embarrassing please spare me with the "mad cuz bad" comments

posted about a year ago


shut the hell up you fat dweeb

posted about a year ago

dont flex that mickey mouse trophy lil bro

posted about a year ago

youre not reading the chat then

posted about a year ago

try not to be transphobic/sexist challenge (IMPOSSIBLE)

posted about a year ago

huge onliners not even trolling

posted about a year ago

its fucking ugly. everything is brown

posted about a year ago

most popular VLR user

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

NA fans when EU pros dont devote their lives to streaming and getting clout: :(

posted about a year ago

there's no way you believe what you just typed...

posted about a year ago

please dont say OW2

posted about a year ago

ye or MBDTF by kanye christ

posted about a year ago

hes so good. sucks that he's lost his mind :(

posted about a year ago

C9 win EZPZ
leaf vanity and yay caries this easily

posted about a year ago

yea after she made a yt thumbnail face after seeing how far it went and how it went thru walls. idk maybe streamer things, but the comments calling it OP too. just too braindead for me idk

posted about a year ago

why is she acting like this isnt just a viper wall. is the new agent not a controller? the comments as well are just ?????

posted about a year ago

2 times. they both made the first move on me. W me, but 0 rizz unfortunately

posted about a year ago

"most smartest" STFU

posted about a year ago

wasnt even accused of rape so braindead skull x7

posted about a year ago

100T_bdog confirmed its you

posted about a year ago

bro hates all the fun streamers :skull:

posted about a year ago

yea he listens to music on full volume and doesnt really care. i can see how ppl find him entertaining and unentertaining

posted about a year ago

jit took that shit to heart LMAO calm down lil bro

posted about a year ago

proved nothing by doing that lil bro.... went out of your way to do that for zero reason. nt tho i respect it. take a seat man

posted about a year ago

i used the hyperx pulsefire haste (wired) for a while and i loved it so much. it was only $30 and when i broke my first one i bought another one. i broke the 2nd one and bought the superlight, but i wouldnt be opposed on using the pulsefire haste again.

the pulsefire haste isnt super fragile btw. im just a baby and rage all the time :(

posted about a year ago

i just baby-raged and shattered my superlight and i need some suggestions
a friend suggested the glorious model o wireless, but id like some more

posted about a year ago

i now see the hate boner. got 3 dislikes on this post, and you got 4 for simply saying vlr hates him. so unlucky

posted about a year ago

i saw the clip where zombs and sin was talking abt playing in ascension league, and i thought it was pretty cool. i myself am a sinatraa fan and if he does play in the ascension league id be pretty stoked about it. wanna hear vlr's thoughts abt it

posted about a year ago

youre living in lala land brotha. he cant do that. cause if he could, hed be in a rumor or two by now. actually delusional

posted about a year ago

there are better players. hes not bad, just not a top 25 player

posted about a year ago

no one was hyping it up cuz he looks good. its cuz its dream. thats the hype.

posted about a year ago

actually not a bad looking guy!

people are ACTUALLY going out of their way to dislike this post cuz im not shitting on dream for being "ugly"............ I LOVE VLR

posted about a year ago

trust me

posted about a year ago

EG picking them up 100% this is gonna be huge

posted about a year ago