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Registered: July 21, 2022
Last post: June 16, 2024 at 2:57 PM
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actual bronze player

posted about a year ago

Kaplan has always had good strats tbh, I dont see WHY he wasnt head coach from the start

posted about a year ago

wont affect zekken, will only affect syyko and dephh lol!

posted about a year ago

He didnt IGL LOL, he helped make strats for the team and did SOME mid rounding but he wasnt the igl lol

posted about a year ago

this is actually funny LMAO

posted about a year ago

why do yall want someone who never IGLed to IGL ?

posted about a year ago

nah that was actually unexpected wtf???

posted about a year ago

must haven’t herd of cryocells or did we forget about him

posted about a year ago

should’ve never picked dephh up in the first place

posted about a year ago

TBH I only say remove tenz tbh and let him and kydae do there thing ( Mental is prolly fucked from all the hate from fans and her situation )
Honestly the new lineup
Zekken - Duelist/AWP
Marved - Smokes
Pancada - Sentinel/Viper
Sacy - Init
and Look for an IGL swap. Dephhs playcalling just looks horrible vs these good Teams ( NRG, Lev )
Or maybe sacy mid rounds idk but this shit looks chalked as fuck.

posted about a year ago

If you arent running Harbor and Viper and using 4 phantoms spamming through smoke and getting lucky you arent winning on pearl this is the worst map in the game and its not close.

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

ngl i know sykkos mans and all but he gotta go man, obv bottom tier IGL in val

posted about a year ago

youre just being a cornball. But Realizing they lost almost every defensive round to getting shot in the back youd think you would finally pick up on it.

posted about a year ago

Why did they not pay attention to the lurk earlier ? They stopped getting shot in the back because they finally realized they lurked every round... what took so long to realize that?!?!?!

posted about a year ago

he does lol

posted about a year ago

asuns and bang are literally the two best, Derrick from stage 2 to champs had a run, he minda fell off now and cryo is just dog shit

posted about a year ago

marved cant play
Pancada role swap makes sense - hes already said playing smokes was boring, plus pancada thrived in lurking and was good at it, so with the sentinel meta coming back into the era , youll see sentinels lurk more use ur head man.

posted about a year ago

you sound dumb

posted about a year ago

so much mid besides wardell everyone else is mid on this list.

posted about a year ago

yay was one of the best jetts before chamber meta, respectfully i didnt know who cryo was before xset lol.

posted about a year ago

can we talk about how mid he is without chamber and how 100T fucked themselves over not giving the bag to YAY 💀 they be better off going for zeldris then cryo

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

Why do they time people out for talking about yay and tenz but you can talk about derrick and asuna and they wont time you out wtf??

posted about a year ago

zekken can def awp lol maybe hes not the best but zekken is litearlly cracked lol.

posted about a year ago

no one knows if they would be better or not, idk just the situation hes in is def difficult. and they both have established brands and probably have money until they get old. wouldnt be suprising to see him leave and have zekken take over his role.

posted about a year ago

Pancada > Dapr
dephh and shahzam are on the same level of IGLing, but shahzam does have better aim

posted about a year ago

ive had family go through this man, it just gets worse and worse. and then valorant is the biggest mental game in the world

posted about a year ago

I know tenz had a bad seriours but I honestly think they kydae situation is gonna get more and more seriours and he will eventually have to step away soon and from Geroges video Noyn said from his seriours he eventually step away soon and I think he wont return tbh he has a established brand and kydae will need him !


Zekken - Duelist/Awp
Pancada - Sentinel/Viper
Marved - Smokes
Dephh - Whatever the fuck that bot is doing

sentinels will return to prime shape !

posted about a year ago

13-30 KD
3-15 in First Bloods as a duelist......

Dude what in the hell.....

posted about a year ago

litearlly a walking ult orb rn.

posted about a year ago

its a different meta, Pancada was good lurking on smokes during chamber meta, NO chamber ? = Smokes Lurk less and Sentinels are back to lurking agent, just say you didnt watch val pre chamber meta,

posted about a year ago

dude looks like a diamonmd player rn

posted about a year ago

his mouse isnt the issue, hes going through a mouse crisis, not comfortable and no telling how his mental his rn.

posted about a year ago

Outside game issues, Mouses issues i feel bad for him mane.

posted about a year ago

dude just had the hardest whiff i seen out of him he aint bouncing back.

posted about a year ago

I know map 1 he had bad timing, BUT SHIT his aim looks like shit today too, and it looks like he switched mouses from the gpx again

Change Sens every 3 days change mouse every week PLEASSE TELL HIM TO STOP!!!

posted about a year ago

hes mid lol.

posted about a year ago

NRG is like a Flip of a coin theyll do good or get shit on

posted about a year ago

Couldnt agree more ranked is stale and everyone from imm 1 - low imm 3 are all dogshit and braindead fucks who just make fun of you when theyre actual zombies and i think ill be taking my talents to leauge of legends or hell go shit on BR ranked because theyre all dogshit and free RR and a Diamond player could be radiant in there region

posted about a year ago

YEE why isnt victor on raze lol....

posted about a year ago

Comp that 100T had Is 100% T sided Comp, but Its still Favors Defense lol.

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

his jett is like mid, they thought chamber would still be meta lol

posted about a year ago

so dumb just hush lmao.

posted about a year ago

ehh idk Gotta see how C9 IGL does, but rn dephh is probably on the lower end of T1 NA IGLS

posted about a year ago

you’re capped the fuck out rn. 100T calling looks way better then sen

posted about a year ago

Im not gonna be some hating ass person I love sen, but dephh aint all that man....

His play calling is below mid, he cant shoot for shit and he litearlly forgot to buy a gun one round.

Maybe hes just nervous ? But I said this before even xsets playcalling was mid, they just had cryo and zekken and some times bcj carrying this fraud im sorry.

Shaz , Vanity, Steel > Dephh.

posted about a year ago

sure not even Tier 1 Players Lmao

posted about a year ago
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