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Registered: August 19, 2023
Last post: July 22, 2024 at 5:15 AM
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highest apr in the whole tournament playing initiator, this man is going nowhere. He's the best support that sen could ask for and is the definition of a team player

posted 4 months ago

They are definitely the weakest on breeze, but they could def cook up some yoru comp there. I do think icebox would be an easy fix and they also gotta rethink a bit of their sunset

posted 4 months ago

don't know but pretty sure teams will start perma banning when against sentinels. Their split is looking like EGs fracture

posted 4 months ago

Definitely could be up there, also think Tenz is in the discussion
I know he's technically a flex but 4/7 maps in the rotation favour omen as smokes

posted 4 months ago

I do think that your correct with the main difference being map pool. Pretty sure SEN will shine on any raze maps and GENG will do so on any jett maps (breeze, ascent, icebox). Think the pool is pretty even

posted 4 months ago

honestly could work with their roles

posted 4 months ago

its honestly expected that sen lose this coming game, KC have a better map pool and played their first game a whole day in advance

posted 4 months ago

ok maybe not the vod review is applicable but definitely fatigue and the fact KC's map pool is better (seemed that way vs EMEA)

posted 4 months ago

Sen lose this no? Less than 24 hours since last game so no time to review any vods in depth + KC arguably have a better map pool

posted 4 months ago

Both teams will most likely make playoff but KC definitely have the upper hand seems like a 55-KC and 45-SEN

posted 4 months ago

Fr more teams from every region need to find their own playstyle and what suits them

posted 4 months ago

I doubt some team could just 'counter' him, he's getting insane impact with his pathing and the util that the rest of sentinels provide, there's no one and done way to counter him

posted 4 months ago

Not an EMEA glaze but holy fuck these teams are a joy to watch with their interesting comps. Refreshing to see that the game has shifted from the standard meta and more teams taking innovative styles like prx

posted 4 months ago

bro actually changed his flair to fpx 💀💀
honestly respectable

posted 4 months ago

but synergy wasn't fine for loud in both years

posted 4 months ago

I'm liking this reformed AsunaYuuki

posted 4 months ago

you can't really rank S,A,B,C,D, nearly all these players are easily B and higher (except lakia bro's actual mid asf)

posted 4 months ago

could get him as a sixth man idc thou. They should see how it goes with qck and if the synergy is there, if not I'm certain they can put tuyz on duelist and goatcada back on smokes

posted 4 months ago

sleeping next to a friend doesn't mean ur gonna get buttfucked by him in the middle of the night bro 💀💀

posted 4 months ago

Ngl but the groups seem evenly split out in terms of the best teams, the only real fight is gonna be the third team that makes it out of alpha and omega

posted 4 months ago

flag ... doesn't check out?? fake flagger here?

posted 4 months ago

A prime example that autism in fact cannot be cured

posted 4 months ago

I still can't believe this man turned down NRG last year and instead went to lulquid. This NRG team would've won everything

posted 4 months ago

Just nuke the org

posted 4 months ago

honestly I think geng could make a deeeeppp run right now. Everyone on that roster looks in form

posted 4 months ago

verno clears shitppa, at that point just poach the whole oxg roster, redux gonna be next up anyways

posted 4 months ago

bro where in that whole response did I ever call demon 1 shit reread it or something. Demon1 is still top 2 aimers in the world (him or alfajer) and his impact is immeasurable. I'm just saying this NRG team AS A WHOLE may never mesh as well as that eg team ever did.

posted 4 months ago

bro put chronicle but not alfajer or leo

posted 4 months ago

The meme team which probably had the best chemistry we've ever seen on a valorant roster (optic and prime loud also up there). Wish NRG just bought out that whole roster

posted 4 months ago

ahhh so you did get it from tmv. Btw this is also the man that said sen would not crack top 5 americas and that g2 would be top 4???
Sens map issues are that big of a problem, bind, icebox and ascent can be easily fixed. Idk where he got that their lotus isn't good, they have kc esque gameplay

posted 4 months ago

bro watched one tmv video and came with this conclusion

posted 4 months ago

bro just might be the biggest baiter now, mr asunayuuki has found his path of righteousness

posted 4 months ago

not the friendly type, maybe we didn't get the full story but that would personally piss me off in any sport I've played if anyone did that pre-comp. If it was banter it would've been redirected back towards them as well, not just john. Obviously this isn't a really serious thing but still paints a shitty picture on that nrg duo

posted 4 months ago

lmfao, if you mean by esports no i do not but I have played a variety of physical sports and you can't convice me trashtalk isn't looked down upon. Childish at best not 'leaning into an advantage' tf. Johnqt brought it up cause he obviously felt uncomfortable in the moment and disrespected, good thing he exposed the frauds.

Also remember what sadhaak said about optic's trashtalk before dismantling them at champs

posted 4 months ago

thats a no respect move especially to a new igl. Good thing johnqt fragged and called the fuck outta nrg, doubt it rattled him at all

posted 4 months ago

that aint no friendly banter bro its 1-1 scoreline AND saying that to the IGL. It may be a game at the end of the day but one of these teams go home with hopes of madrid

posted 4 months ago

idk what you were watching but he rarely opped at all on eg apart from ascent I'm not saying his op is bad its just not great especially when he could easily have higher impact with a rifle

posted 4 months ago

he was never an S tier at the op. B+ at best

posted 4 months ago

Ohhh look who's back. But fr thou just give NRG time, they have the pieces to be the best in the world the players just need to mesh together a bit better. Also chet needs to stop fucking throwing as well demon 1 hard oping?? give it to marved and leave this man on the rifle. Also what was bro doing on split, demon 1 omen WITH DOUBLE FLASH INITIATORS. He has to play to this guys strengths, put him on astra or cook some off meta chamber comp idk.

posted 4 months ago

would love to see kc vs sen on split

posted 4 months ago

sen split slowly becoming eg fracture

posted 4 months ago

damn they got demolished this time

posted 4 months ago

I think it was pretty obvious I was talking about the franchising era but u do u i guess, also none of these dropped team members have sniffed any tier 1 play since (apart from derrek and ethan if you count that) so either way its a fair statement

posted 4 months ago

players don't just become instantly dogshit after joining an org im talking specifically about last year, none of this 2022. And theres no shot you cherry pick boi of all players to counter that 💀

posted 4 months ago


posted 4 months ago

bruh boi 💀💀. I do agree the sean did nurture the roster well but you have to admit cryo lost all his x-factor since his time there, bang can't shoot straight two games in a row, derrek was just wasted and asuna is just asuna

posted 4 months ago

deadass think that 100t just turns every player to shit

posted 4 months ago

pure 1v1s never favour any side heavily, don't know how u can say loud were favoured from the start. But yes loud is basically the only series they lost on split (reminiscent of eg fracture)

posted 4 months ago

meant 11-9 but u know what I mean

posted 4 months ago

wait holy shit I don't remember drx getting bodied that badd

posted 4 months ago
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