Flag: Australia
Registered: August 19, 2023
Last post: July 22, 2024 at 5:15 AM
Posts: 377
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finally a good answer, I can only see GenG definitely making it out of this group, and honestly its gonna be a toss up between the rest on who performs on the day

posted 4 days ago

wouldn't say ethan is a true recon initiator like the other guys

posted 1 week ago

you might have not seen GenG play icebox at all recently (except that bl00d game)

posted 1 week ago

no way u said that

posted 1 week ago

Wtf are these vetos by prx. Letting ascent through AND picking icebox both of which are GenG strongholds??

posted 1 week ago

no flashes on ascent is a death sentence

posted 1 week ago

He was the x-factor that NRG needed in 2023 not ardiis. They should have thrown a bigger bag a sayf and not let him rot in shitquid

posted 2 weeks ago

unfortunately Wo0t has some of the best players itw on his team as well whereas primmie, idk man

posted 2 weeks ago

take you meds brother, fym his mechanics aren't similar to oxy, brilliant crosshair placement, great micro adjustments and fast reaction time. open ur eyes shitter

posted 2 weeks ago

ngl w0ot is THE shooter, he clears

posted 2 weeks ago

just wondering what role he'll be playing on talon and who's gonna sub out.
Also just seems like an apac oxy

posted 2 weeks ago

Watched some of his clips and no doubt this guy is good but I don't get this insane hype. Honestly mechanics look very similar to oxy, and honestly I don't think its gonna be a saving grace to stand against giants like GenG and PRX. Time will tell

posted 2 weeks ago

don't think thats the case, not a single player in the top 10 for acs, this is excluding the swiss stage.

They also then proceeded to have the quickest international bo5 in history against heretics not even getting to double digits on a single map

posted 2 weeks ago

problem is you wouldn't rank any of the other G2 players in the top 10.

They don't really have 'stars' as per say, all their players are good in a sense but their roster is far from star studded

posted 2 weeks ago

doesn't matter when 4 players of your team were considered in the top 10 that year

posted 2 weeks ago

Honestly every team is trying to win and not winning is still considered a failure. I do believe G2 has the means to win but not with icy, they need to get someone with better firepower and potential, probably mada or reduxx next year

posted 2 weeks ago

open yours eyes lil bro, zekkens probably the best entry in americas, highest fkpr shows for itself.

Icy is nowhere near the top 🤣🤣🤣🤣

posted 2 weeks ago

system player probably the most like deff0, selfless and does the job but lacks the firepower

posted 2 weeks ago

I mean the basically the entire guard have been there before in 2022 when the bombed out. Not saying this team is bad by any means, their fundamentals are amazing in relation to map control and trading, probably top 4 itw. But they're gameplay is overall dull and they have little to no innovation. They aren't a team that I would honestly like to see win champs

posted 2 weeks ago

+24 and 14 fk

0/8 shit bait

posted 2 weeks ago

bros acting like this team has won anything notable 🤣🤣🤣🤣

posted 2 weeks ago

Crazy how these storylines panned out almost identically, both were noted as superteams that were gonna dominate then proceeded to bomb out in the first two events. After, they made almost identical changes of removing the igl to then show some life in their games. And now NRG needs some specific events to pan out with other teams to enable them to qualify identical to SEN in stage 2.

posted 3 weeks ago

it doesn't though cause eg also vs mibr, remember that most of the teams in that group have two games left

posted 3 weeks ago

math is not mathing, 6th team will most likely have 6 wins as they both have two games left while nrg only has one. Also, if per say eg win against 100t their next game is against mibr which would be a generational throw to lose. If 100t win against eg, they go against they weakest loud we've ever seen and would also be a generational throw to not win.

To qual they need to clean 2-0 c9 and hope that kru demolishes c9

posted 3 weeks ago

valid but oxy clears and honestly mwzera might as well

posted 3 weeks ago

shitcor isn't terrible but is nowhere close to the calibre of other duelists in america

posted 3 weeks ago

going from making all lans to not qualifying for a single one speaks for itself

posted 3 weeks ago

maybe but i also think the neon pick was complete troll
raze clears in every aspect on split and honestly could've kept the yoru

posted 3 weeks ago

no offence to fnatic but they haven't played any good split teams at all

posted 3 weeks ago

comp was not that good and they had zero util that actively gains info

posted 3 weeks ago

hello kanyefan4238173
supamen is the goat

posted 3 weeks ago

I can't see my boys fns and s0m like this. Why are these guys so horseshit all of a sudden, ethan's trying to carry the whole team on their back.

Also what the fuck was that comp, chet needs to stop snorting lines during prac - no viper is a death sentence

posted 3 weeks ago

Fut might be first in ranking but they're really donkey doo
fnatic and heretics clear them

posted 3 weeks ago

relegate this mf to tier 3

posted 3 weeks ago

Thank you t0rmi for nuking this team

posted 3 weeks ago

no way this is a real suggestion💀💀

keznit and less hate each other

posted 1 month ago

Mako though?

posted 1 month ago

On breach???
have we ever seen this man not play controller

posted 1 month ago

not now given that they lost to sen and honestly no teams in their groups are slouches, they can't afford to lost another game

posted 1 month ago

consistency is important but for teams that had a hard time in stage 1 and made some changes over the offseason suffer greatly. NRG and Loud practically have to go flawless to have a chance of making playoffs, although after todays performance idc if loud doesn't make it.

posted 1 month ago

Why does stage 1 group scores carry over to stage 2. Seems a bit stupid no?

posted 1 month ago

what is bro saying

posted 1 month ago

They don't look amazing, hopefully chet gets of this clove crack and runs haven

posted 1 month ago


posted 1 month ago

well we were but your comment 'rarity doesn’t mean shit when it comes to survivability' is pretty broad

posted 1 month ago

yea thats just for cancer, obviously if theres tumors in central organs the cancer can metastasise easily. Im talking about rarity for bacterial and viral infections which is the complete opposite.

posted 1 month ago

Rarity does in many cases mean a lower chance of survivability, however grey zone lymphoma does have a high chance of first round survivability. Unfortunately there's a high chance of relapse.

Hope he responds well to treatment

posted 1 month ago

even coming back to tier 2, it'll take a while

Taking a break for that long does take a toll

posted 1 month ago

Good to see he's back, first time he's playing val in almost 10 months

had to dig his tracker up

posted 1 month ago

I honestly do think M8 deserve to be up there
Ig time will tell

posted 1 month ago
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