Country: Albania
Registered: August 5, 2021
Last post: June 11, 2023 at 4:33 PM
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there is no perfect way jesus it's a process and procedure that you have to go through to reduce the impact of an awper. if you're playing to counter an awp it doesn't mean they're going to drop zero kills. they might still even have amazing stats, but their influence and impact over the map will be reduced. these are things you won't see in numbers. ask yourself why TSM lose to every t1 NA team despite wardell having good acs? it's because teams play around him and reduce his influence over the match so he can't swing them by himself...

posted about 2 years ago

because the post listed him? I ranked all the ones in the original post...

posted about 2 years ago

nobody says there is a "perfect way" to counter the awp, there isnt a perfect way to counter ANYTHING in a tac fps like this.
but there are ways to mitigate the impact of an awper and reduce how much influence they have over the map. you can clearly see this in NA how TSM aren't able to win against t1 teams because they invest into wardell completely, but teams like sen/envy are able to nullify how much presence he has in the game. even if he has high stats/acs his impact is significantly lower, killing their win condition

acend are not immortal, they have lost matches and clearly show what happens when teams play around cned to shut him down. however it isn't just a one dimensional strategy thats just "Wow, lets just counter the awp!" it's a changing process that is increasingly harder against a player like cned who plays with a dynamic and active playstyle

posted about 2 years ago

t3xture > f0rsaken, allow > patiphan >> reita >>> skrossi

posted about 2 years ago

dreamhack winter 2014

posted about 2 years ago

dapr and FNS are going to have to go under witness protection program together at this rate

posted about 2 years ago

it's gonna be a sick match :) can't wait

posted about 2 years ago

at least you're confident, seeing the br fans not want to hype their teams because they dont want to get clowned again was depressing. even if my region bombed out last every lan event i would still hype them up when its time

posted about 2 years ago

kota the friend

posted about 2 years ago

2-0 100t
lan experience diff

posted about 2 years ago

honestly i have no idea
2-1 ZETA

posted about 2 years ago

people think he's setting himself up to get dunked on if g2 lose, he couldnt care less. the man is literally a professor on how to farm twitter engagements and interactions

posted about 2 years ago

they’re playing against paper rex lol

posted about 2 years ago

i'm sure he's changed from his cs days, everyone grows as an individual over a length of time like that. but people dislike him for reasons that wouldnt be changed from gifting a random twitch chatter a sub

posted about 2 years ago

being given pathways to compete is motivation to improve, i think what riot is doing with these regions is great and i'm pretty sure they're just being realistic.. enough time and they will be able to compete with the top dogs if you look at regions like vietnam in lol

posted about 2 years ago

"[for SEA] we are not ready to play the rest of the world yet... im half expecting us to just get fisted at berlin"

posted about 2 years ago

people that don't stream will never really get how it feels. you can see a hundred positive messages and that's great but they don't really stick. one bad message and it can legit ruin your mood for the entire day, just how the brain works

posted about 2 years ago

in the interview he said some shit like “some people think I would feel bad for not playing but all I have to do is go in for bind and then I get to hold the trophy it’s lit”

posted about 2 years ago

saying fuck this guy and not liking him isn’t making a conclusion it’s having an opinion

posted about 2 years ago

teal seam flair got removed :( can't rep oshawott anymore

posted about 2 years ago

valorant has such rigid and defined roles that it's hard to assess "best player" to the same degree that we can in csgo. but either way I agree that he hasn't shown any incredible level of dominance over other top tier players. when I watch s1mple or zywoo I think jesus, nobody in the game can even compare to these guys. when I watch tenz i'm incredibly impressed, but he still seems within the realm of other world class players

posted about 2 years ago

i thought medusa was the igl and the main translator for the team

posted about 2 years ago

thanks for the kind words :D

posted about 2 years ago

if you're an ambitious reader with a decently high reading level i strongly recommend david mitchell and haruki murakami, i started reading them around your age and they really got me interested in literature again

posted about 2 years ago

i wrote an article. its long as fuck though so you can just skim it if you want
feedback would be nice but hey do whatever you want

posted about 2 years ago

noyn im writing a short piece about berlin and i wanted to ask. would you describe heat as a "controversial figure" in the scene right now? because from what i've read it seems like he has attitude/ego problems even though he's very skilled

posted about 2 years ago

F4Q will upset an na or emea team and then lose every game after that

posted about 2 years ago

you should root for the team that's winning like 90% of valorant esports watchers

posted about 2 years ago

missing shao

posted about 2 years ago

1 million in xqcs stream from all ining a dark souls prediction when i barely watch him

posted about 2 years ago

lakia #5 but VS only have him play on one map LUL

posted about 2 years ago

nats = more chiseled jawline, cleaner facial features

dapr = broader shoulders, nicer proportions

overall i think nats > dapr but its close

posted about 2 years ago

if he cant put down smokes what the fuck is the point

posted about 2 years ago

asuna was semipro in cs. only ones i can think of are zekken (xset) and ban (lg). there are a lot of radiant zoomers under 16 that will probably get signed eventually though

posted about 2 years ago

u said vlr ppl are so dumb for downvoting. i gave a reason for why they would downvote.

posted about 2 years ago

getting fake hype about scrims before the event is the best form of entertainment

posted about 2 years ago

nah. a year is too short. there eventually will be a point where homegrown talent > cs pros but i think it'll take 2 years MINIMUM, probably 3

posted about 2 years ago

probably downvoted because its in my second sentence

posted about 2 years ago

we all know Elige is going to switch eventually, he enjoys the game and even streams it occasionally. and even stewie talked about it being in his future

but would top teams drop a player immediately for someone with a huge name and proven skill like them? where would they go if they switched?

my tinfoil theory is that complexity are waiting for a star player to switch to build around, because so far they are literally doing fuck all. but jason lake seemed like he had a plan in his interview

posted about 2 years ago

didn't even hear that that's pretty funny

posted about 2 years ago

Yinsu: "who do you think is better than cned"

Russ: "nats, shao, scream, leo"

sheesh cnedfrogs in shambles

posted about 2 years ago


  1. tenz / shahz / tenz
  2. shahz / tenz / yay
  3. asuna / yay / shahz
  4. yay / dapr / crashies
  5. sick / crashies / sick
  6. dapr / asuna / asuna
  7. crashies / leaf / dapr
  8. ethan / sick / victor
  9. victor / wardell / ethan
  10. wardell / nitro / wardell
  11. nitro / dephh / dephh
  12. yaboidre / victor / nitro
  13. leaf / ethan / leaf
  14. zekken / zekken / marved
  15. marved / derrek / zekken
  16. dephh / yaboidre / derrek
  17. nismo / autimatic / steel
  18. zombs / fns / corey
  19. corey / steel / autimatic
  20. derrek / vanity / nismo

leaf - later moved him down one and sick up one

posted about 2 years ago

if they played it out 10 times online vs on lan

online they win 3~4/10 times
on lan i dont think they even win once

posted about 2 years ago

even without a crowd lan experience is so big. the pressure adds up until you can't take it, we saw it with fnatic in the finals at iceland. they started cracking, mid round calls went to shit and their adaptations became so slow. the difference in comfort between the two teams was palpable

posted about 2 years ago
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