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Registered: January 5, 2022
Last post: May 1, 2023 at 8:21 PM
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true, so it is a double edged sword, you could get unlucky in pistol, but if you practice and take pistol rounds seriously, you could get a huge advantage, I don't think it's a bad thing, it makes both games unique on how it's played out imo.

posted about 2 years ago

nah trash talk (friendly, not plain out rudeness) makes the game, fun. If you're a pussy and can't handle it, then sucks for you imo. A huge part of the game is mental, and a way to get the mental advantage is trash talking.

Plus it makes it more fun for the audience

posted about 2 years ago

unlucko i am initiator main, nt

posted about 2 years ago

it's fun until you face fucking s1mple on the other team 1 tapping you before you even peek XD

posted about 2 years ago

I think the low score also applies to it, like in cs even is you lose the first 4-5 rounds you can still be well ahead if you win the next 10 or so round. but in val, if you win pistol and the next 2 rounds, you already are pretty close to an even half.

Which imo is a good thing, people are forced to take pistol round way more seriously compared to in cs, it's ok to not win pistol

posted about 2 years ago


posted about 2 years ago

agree split is best map, only map where you actually need coordination and new ideas, and map control is needed on t side

you need to bait out util, and you cant just rush in brainlessly every round, but you also need to switch the pace sometimes. Perfect map imo

posted about 2 years ago

Im sorry I should have titled it "I think riot changes too much", like no, I need clickbait bro'

but yeah I think they change too often, changes every 3 months imo are better than every month, just saying, you disagree, that's fine, im just backing my arguement

posted about 2 years ago

people are just starting to figure out neon and yoru, and they want to add another agent now like, couldn't they have waited 1 more month, that's all im saying god damn

posted about 2 years ago

yet no phoenix changes or astra or cypher changes, riot thought a new agent was needed. And imo jett and sova didnt really need nerfs, I thought a better nerf would have been to get rid of jett dash refresh. Chamber needs more of a nerf than jett and chamber.

And they nerf jett into oblivion, who the fuck would play jett now like

posted about 2 years ago

yeah but give it time, and she would be played less and less, let people experiment with yoru, and neon, and other agents more

posted about 2 years ago

ok, I made this because it is my opinion, kinda sounds like you're not respecting my opinion, so you're kidna hypocritical rn

posted about 2 years ago


2-4 agents a year is better imo than an agent every 2 months

posted about 2 years ago

viper and astra nerfs took months before their much needed changes, but tell me, do any agents need changes rn, no. "Make changes when the game is stale" is also what I said

posted about 2 years ago

yeah, that's what im saying though, because viper and astra nerfs improved the meta, and the meta is perfectly fine now, so why add a new agent that could fuck up the meta when the game is at its best state

posted about 2 years ago

mb it's just me but neon feels like yesterday

posted about 2 years ago

but he isn't really being played anymore, his only 2 consistant maps are breeze and ascent, on bind he's being replaced by sage, on haven he is being replaced by breach and kayo/skye combo, like with time he wouldnt be the most played initiator anymore

posted about 2 years ago

+1, i think a better nerf would have been that her dash never refreshes, even after 2 kills

posted about 2 years ago

that wasn't even it, I said mainly why a new agent, like why fuck up the meta now, and jetts nerf are significant enough where I see nobody playing her now

posted about 2 years ago

you didn't read my statement correctly reread bro

posted about 2 years ago

you guys actually dont fucking read. I said make changes when the game is stale, like when they changed astra, but why change now when we've only had this good meta for 1 month, I saying wait 1-2 months before making another change since the meta is not stale and completly fine now.

I swear people dont fucking read and make assumptions

posted about 2 years ago

jett is only consistantly being played on ascent, breeze, haven, and icebox, and teams like optic are only running jett on ascent and breeze, switching in place for neon on haven, and no duelist on icebox. Many teams are doing the same. Jett is being played less and less. idk what you mean but ok

posted about 2 years ago

we've had 2 months/1 tournament with this meta, like why not wait a few more months, I,m not saying don't make changes, but Im saying stop making changes every fucking month.

Even you said it, "every year comps are different", well in valorant it's every fucking month. And why fuck up the meta now when the game is actually enjoyable to play and watch now

posted about 2 years ago

but the game is fresh rn, we've only had this good meta for 1 tournament

posted about 2 years ago

tldr: stop making changes when meta is good

posted about 2 years ago

Why do you have to change the whole fucking meta when it's at its best. Like why do we need sova and jett nerfs and a new agent now. We've only had one tournament with this meta, and it is arguable the best meta this game has had. Jett and sova are being played less. Literally every initiator has a place in the meta, neon raze and yoru are being played way more, sometimes even no duelist comps now(like on icebox). The meta is in its most fun and they gotta fuck it up.

Games are actually fun to watch now since people aren't sitting in spawn for 1 minute baiting astra util, people actually are fucking playing the game, and watching neon, and yoru is really fun. I feel like I can actually sit and watch a full bo3 now.

Stop doing an overwatch and let the players fucking play. Only change when change is needed, and when the game is stale. The game is perfectly fine rn

posted about 2 years ago

exactly, this is why I dont want jett or sova nerfs, or a new agent, like meta has literally been in its best state, and we only have had one tournament with this meta. Why do riot have to fuck up the meta now when it's at its most fun

posted about 2 years ago

LOL y'all are funny asf

posted about 2 years ago

unlucky ppl have smol brain

posted about 2 years ago

bro thats not the point, like who the fuck would play jett now over raze and chamber, or neon, fuck it even yoru, she's a walking orb on ct side

posted about 2 years ago


posted about 2 years ago

For the first few weeks ppl will like but, the game will become incredibly ct side, and t side will be a nightmare. Assuming jett falls out the meta (which she is) we have no good entries besides raze, which can get shut down sometimes. And more=more ct util added to t pushes. imagine trying to get through, viper mollies, chamber trips, raze nades sage orbs, kayo mollies w/o jett

Game overall will be less fun imo, especially bcs now chamber is going to be overplayed if he already isnt, and he's mroe fucking op than jett. Tbh jett didnt need the nerf, she was slightly already falling out of the meta (slightly w/o neon and yoru, and raze/chamber combo, i dont mean like fully)

Idk ig we'll find out but I just have a feeling that this will negatively impact the game, and be worse than be imagine it,

posted about 2 years ago

tbh that's not even the problem, like blast would make online tournaments hype, it's just the execution of these master tournaments, like half the cameras arent on, it feels like an online qualifier with good teams

posted about 2 years ago

nah yeah they improve the walkout a lot, now they're good, im was talking about the previous reykavik

posted about 2 years ago

Take the events more seriously, like it's a 3 time yearly thing, and only international offline events of the year, not trying to listen to elevator music at 12-11 final map, plus I remember at last reykavik the players were goofying of during walk outs. I know you supposed to have fun but it's not a good first impression. This isn't ECS or a fucking knights tournament, it's masters. The hype videos for masters are so serious but the atmosphere isn't and it's really hard to get engaged.

Look at blast. my favorite esports moments come from blast because they take everything seriously. To the arena atmosphere, to hype promo videos, and most importantly, the music. The timeout music at 15-14 or ot is the most hype music ever. It sounds like you're going into battle and really gets you hyped. A blast showdown would get me more hyped up than this.

Im not trying to hate at riot, but just want them to improve future tournaments

posted about 2 years ago

thats the weirdest way to look at things, and? So what. She's just trying to get money and provide for herself, just becuase she does onlyfans doesnt mean she's lying that she got raped. Like what the fuck is wrong with you

posted about 2 years ago

What happened, it looks like Aleko was just toxic in comp, and to other pros, and tweeted “Rofl” after mocking tweeted about beating TSM, so Rossy and Mocking humbled Aleko to blocking them. Is there anything else that I don’t know or is it just this, Subroza and Corey liked Rossy’s tweet so it seems like the reason Aleko was dropped was for toxicity and not performance

posted about 2 years ago

I think CeRq plays chamber and stewie goes on jett, then brehze plays flex, autimatic plays sova/viper and to round it off, RUSH plays controller, might make challengers :skull:

posted about 2 years ago

furia only good team

posted about 2 years ago

So....who's playing jett?

posted about 2 years ago

im not a fnatic fan, but you can clearly tell they are no where near where they were 2 weeks ago

posted about 2 years ago

I mean I know fnc scrimmed a lot with the new guys, but like this performance makes it seem like they didnt prepare at all, and that derke would clearly would have been better

posted about 2 years ago

yeah but like if aspas will be able to play in a separate room, why cant derke, he tested negative.

posted about 2 years ago

Derke cant play for some reason even though he can play from separate room, 40 mins late every game, 40 minute tech delays first day, no crowd even though every esport already has crowds back, it makes the games so dead. No working cameras, like the games literally feel online bcs the cameras are never on, hud is basic.

I know it seems like Im just a petty fan, but I know there can be better quality. This masters feels so dead, no player cameras literally feels like this shit is online. I even have concerns on stage, coach setup is ass, and the players are so close to each other, they might be able to hear comms if the other team speaks loud.'

Like faceit and pgl are better at doing this shit, and thats saying a lot

posted about 2 years ago

When can Derke play

posted about 2 years ago

good strat tbh tho

posted about 2 years ago

they won a tourney wit poach wym, sure it was t2 but it shows they trust in him and likes his comms and calls.

posted about 2 years ago

That was before challengers when they were just starting to play with trent

posted about 2 years ago

giving na 2 slots is a joke, c9 guard and v1 negs any international team tbh, though fnatic or fpx would be close

posted about 2 years ago
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