Country: United States
Registered: January 5, 2022
Last post: May 1, 2023 at 8:21 PM
Posts: 272
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Aspas can literally play raze, Jett is simply the better agent

posted 11 months ago


posted 11 months ago

“Brazilian crowd cheats” so racist bro, this crowd is 10x worse

posted 11 months ago

Jett is not good on icebox /closed

posted 11 months ago

No way people are putting nrg in bottom 3 that’s all I’m saying

posted 11 months ago

why would johnqt downgrade + nismo is igl, in other words why would nismo downgrade

posted 11 months ago

It’s nismo

posted 11 months ago

Taco is prolly the 2nd best behind aspas in Americas imo, very disciplined, and clearly knows how to play for his life

posted 11 months ago

coach change. the reason for the role swap is bcs depph can call easier when he's part of the default/fight, so that's why sacy and pancada changed roles, roles are not the issue, the kinda fixed that. Just poor preparation, poor map pool is what they are lacking. Some bad calls as well

posted 11 months ago

????? vlr brain

posted 11 months ago

you're joking if you think th, and kc, and bbl are better than apeks

posted 11 months ago

Yeah cuz clearly Nivera worked out pretty well for them

posted 11 months ago

No, imo just play harbor, the same fucking role, just harbor does it better. Imo I don't like jett on icebox, and this excuse that "he can only play jett" is so dumb. If you play a game 12 hours a day and can't play every agent, then im sorry you're braindead.

posted about a year ago

he played like 2 games and people say he's bad on jett, vlr brain. He played jett 1 map btw

posted about a year ago

No shit

posted about a year ago

Everyone uses recon now tbh

posted about a year ago

His ego is too big, he thinks he “deserves” franchising, or challengers, like bro, you gotta work you way back up. Look at bang, he coulda just said “BBG is too bad for me, I was on TSM, I deserve a VCT team” but he worked hard and eventually got a spot on 100t

posted about a year ago

asuna did

posted about a year ago

Valorant players don’t go outside, let alone work

posted about a year ago

nah EG just tried to troll harder than KC

posted about a year ago

If I gonna be honest, people don’t know how to play your, forsaken actually has a very good understanding, I think he’s underrated, imo he’s just a chamber w/ better to, if you awp with him, you get good value on ct side, which is his weakness. On some maps where you can’t get away like Pearl b, he’s the only agent that can safely awp close. The problem is that Jett is just too good

posted about a year ago

have you watched a lev game?

posted about a year ago

no way you think giants,prx,fut,c9 with yay, and fucking bbl are better than furia or lev

posted about a year ago

So tell me teams better than furia and lev that are not nrg loud drx navi fnc, not very many, which makes them by definition an a tier team

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

Fracture is hard so I like it, -Pearl or icebox, both are dogshjt

posted about a year ago

Liquid actually looked decent against vitality. By the end of the season they’ll be pretty good

posted about a year ago

nah, ange1 is just shit on gekko, if they had put shao, they would have gotten so much value from it

posted about a year ago

No, they actually played really well (besides their haven) vitality is just really good, tbh with more time Liquid look like top emea team. Btw why are you pro if you can’t play every agent at a effective level, this excuse of roles I fucking hate, it’s not hard to learn and play an agent. Chronicle played 5 different agents yet no one talks about it if they win, but when they lose it’s because “role issues”. In this meta players have to play multiple different agents and roles

posted about a year ago

Yeah, Prx look rough these past months

posted about a year ago

They were caught on a bad day imo, their fracture is abysmal

posted about a year ago

I’ll be honest, prolly not

posted about a year ago

Guard stole Trent after he 30 bombed against them on viper in a scrim

posted about a year ago

He called them better than M80 and praises pannc. Very interesting, 100t prolly scrimmed them at Lock/In, I don't know a lot about them but I'll def watch some more vods. Just thought it was interesting.

around 9:00

posted about a year ago

called a joke lil bro

posted about a year ago

He gave a lot of ones though, so prolly because of that

posted about a year ago

You counter strat their map pick not yours. Picking Pearl is just braindead. Plus you cannot rely on counter strats, teams fix their weaknesses

posted about a year ago

You are letting your opponent play 3 of their best maps, like it is just basic common sense to play a map they’re not good on

posted about a year ago

It doesn’t matter how good you look, you let them pick 3 of their best maps

posted about a year ago

Still throwing no matter how good you think your haven is, it’s like picking haven against drx, if you win, that’s fine, are you braindead still, yes

posted about a year ago

Holy shit why do these teams keep picking Pearl, ascent, icebox, or haven against these guys. They have never played split, fracture or lotus ever. Like someone pick fracture or split, stop being stupid

posted about a year ago

Tbh fennel and CR are better than dfm, and maybe zeta, but I wouldn’t guarantee that they are franchise level either

posted about a year ago

0/8 effort was so poor bro

posted about a year ago

Worst ini tbh

posted about a year ago

source? This tweet has nothing to do with the thread

posted about a year ago

He said that Reyna is good on lotus bcs of the flash 💀

posted about a year ago

Mark my words I will be the best

posted about a year ago
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