Country: Malta
Registered: May 22, 2023
Last post: May 1, 2024 at 6:40 PM
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As you already know LOUD will probably disband in 2024, I believe Saadhak, Aspas and Less will probably play in an NA team, my only issue with that is the way NA follows team hierarchy.

As you know, Sacy and Saadhak, when they were at LOUD, they basically could do everything, hire coaches, analysts, players, they indicated everything, the organization only paid what they needed.

As I've seen in NA, even players like Sacy are submissive to the technical staff and just accept all orders from the top of the organization, coach and analyst apparently are above the captain and players.
I believe it is difficult for a player like Saadhak to go to an NA team with so many limitations, just remember that when Shahzam was at SEN he wanted to hire coach name "X" (as an example) and the organization denied him.
This is something that would not happen at LOUD for example, as I said, the organization gives full confidence and power to the team captain to make these decisions.

I believe the only NA org that does something like that was NRG with the FNS letting him go after certain players, but it wasn't totally delegated to him.

Maybe 100T does something like that, I don't know.

posted 11 months ago

some info is saying that LOUD will be pikcing up Havoc, so maybe aspas will be leaving but not sure if NRG have money for it.
Saad and Less probably going to 100T since 100T is able to pay them and always wanted both, not sure if they gonna stay in Brazil even if LOUD pays the same as 100t, especially if they win another tournament.

my issue with NA management is that they heavily follows hierarchy, Coach, Analyst>>>Player

Maybe saad won't like this thing since he is used to be freedom at loud to be able to recruit whoever he wants to. but 100T is the only one how can give him this freedom, SEN won't at all, just see that even Sacy is being submissive by SEN management.

Like, Saad is the one who wanted Frod, contacted Frod, Contacted Cauazin, contacted Tuyz, he basically manager loud team lol. LOUD owner just pay. NA won't do this thing for sure.

posted 11 months ago

they started it because DRX had info about it during scrims.
LOUD is the one that started it during scrims, so FURIA copied them after it and played it as firs time.

posted 11 months ago

cara, pode aparentar teoria da conspiração mas está diretamente ligado ao aumento de cancer e tumores tanto cerebral quanto leucemia e outros que acontecem no sangue, uma coisa engraçada é que se tu pesquisar em inglês no youtube "airpods causing headache" tu vê a quantidade de gente que quando comprou o airpods teve dor de cabeça apesar de ter a mesma frequência da versão wired, não só isso, até mesmo qdo eu usei um wireless da steelseries actics que é wireless eu tive dor de cabeça por quase 1-2 semanas até que parou (e a frequência do fone já era algo que eu tava acostumado e era algo que eu gostava)acho que se tá causando dor de cabeça tem algo de errado nisso ai, enfim, apesar de ser um tema bem polêmico se tu pesquisar em inglês até mesmo no youtube tu encontra várias temas relacionado. tu pode usar mouse wireless e tals, só n recomendo tu usar um fone wireless na cabeça por 10h todo santo dia pq tu vai rodar cedo, com teu cerebro tu n brinca até pq os estudos sobre isso se contradizem todo momento e n tem resposta concreta, eu não arrisco.

fora que headset wired sempre vai ser melhor por ser mais fidedigno nas frequências.

posted 11 months ago

don't use wireless things near your head. life changing +20 years span. buy wired.

posted 11 months ago

NRG not going to win LCQ I think, they're weak when they have no info during new patch at LCQ.

ez for SEN or FURIA.

posted 11 months ago

I never heard one Analyst from BR, does this region have an analyst for valorant? I see in NA there are several famous analysts, in emea with several analysts, it seems that Brazil or SA in general does not have any good coach (only Bzka BR and Onur from LATAM) and analysts = zero.

I've seen people saying that the salary is precarious and they're not willing to quit their jobs because for it, any BR got info about this? I think FUR main issue is Analyst and Coach.

posted 11 months ago

he cant, he said it on stream.
the ones to decide everything is SEN management (coach, staffs, etc)
in LOUD he could do everything basically, even recruit new players. (Just like saad did when saad recruited Tuyz) Saad basically negotiated and LOUD just closed the contract, Saad and Sacy used to do these things for LOUD.
not sure if NA owners believe that much on players to let them do these things.

posted 11 months ago

Yeah but now seems like more teams are not willing to scrim with them, almost all SA teams not willing.

posted 11 months ago

When they accused a Brazilian player they didn't gave a shit but now they are suffering from the same thing and playing the victim LMAOOOOOOO, gonna get rekt tomorrow.

posted 11 months ago

FNS even said about this during Lock IN that NRG is really really dependent of information to win compared to other teams at same level.
seems like FNS and Chet study really hard to do setups, predicts, etc. but against a team like FURIA where they all play braindead if Victor underperform FURIA would win this I guess.

posted 11 months ago

Why do I feel that FURIA can win this since NRG is all about doing anti tactics but against FURIA where they're all dumb, how tf they gonna predict something about them?

I think FURIA can 2-0 this if Dgzin plays like a monster and Victor underperform somehow, ardiis not going to do shit he sucks after all.

posted 11 months ago

bro I just said that LOUD could not innovate to win against NRG since they would be exposing their new tactics for playoffs while NRG know this that LOUD would not be innovating and so they could just do a heavy anti tactics (while they're already known for being great at) NRG sucks when it's about playing against teams like FUR, (FUT) as example, since these teams play by their flow during mid game.

because LOUD >>> NRG for now since ardiis is shit if victor underperform they gonna lose.

posted 11 months ago

sou br retardado do carai, ta de meme meu parça?

posted 11 months ago

u smoking about NRG, they sucks.

they're the best team when its about doing anti tactics for sure that's why they won against LOUD since LOUD played the same two maps all season.

NRG gonna lose again, 0-2 soon.

posted 11 months ago

accuses brazil to leak vod but in the end they're the ones leaking vods for their "friends"
that's why they're the first ones to even accuses TBK to leak vods to LOUD since they're used to do these things lmaoooo

weaklings. gonna get 2x0 and stay home.

posted 11 months ago

pAncada is the one leaving people are so dumb lmao

posted 11 months ago

he is permanently benched, new player is either flex or even an IGL, not sure if they gonna get a T2 sentinel, I do not think so after zekken being able to play KJ.

posted 11 months ago

They can by emergency deals.
Seems like they had some language issues with pAncada as smoke (compared to marved), and zekken is able to play smokes and sentinel decently by some tests, so they are getting a new player but I got no leak about "who" is the new one.

Also pAncada firepower is way is far below what he used to be, he always bottomfragged almost every SEN matches (not all because dephh was worse)

posted 11 months ago

Seems like pAncada is out from active roster, looks like they're going to mess with roles again, zekken maybe will be playing smokes/sentinel, marved IGL, Sacy initiator, tenz to flex or duelist, I got no info about their new player yet. Maybe some cracked initiator/flex if tenz stay duelist or maybe even Yay as duelist/flex. But I'm still not sure about yay in this roster since I could not get any info about it.

posted 11 months ago
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