Flag: Kiribati
Registered: October 19, 2022
Last post: May 30, 2024 at 5:15 AM
Posts: 666
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Raze- Zekken raze is million times better than his Jett and his satchel movements are basically anyone else's Jett movement. Nade and boombot are bonus util
KayO- meta on this map
Omen- meta
Fade- Really fkin good as showcased by both teams today
Killjoy- They are comfortable playing senti in their comps

posted 2 months ago

EMEA so butthurt alsways LMFAOOOO

posted 2 months ago

Delusion is an understatement. These guys are almost always wrong yet anywhere you go you can't refute anything they say, people will downvote you and call you noob until they are proven wrong of course.
Obv it's just a podcast and everyone has their own opinion but mimi and sideshow give their opinion with so much conviction that you would think they are giving factual statements. That's why like Bren, he has a bit of humility at least.

posted 2 months ago

I knew these guys were frauds brotha. tough luck

posted 2 months ago

I respect that but he doesn't have to play fkin Cypher dude? What's he gonna do holding down an island? Monyet is a great site anchor, was literally signed bc of his performances on smokes. Just put him on smokes or senti where you can! Forcing him on raze is just mad stupid after trying it out for like 4-5 months now.

posted 2 months ago

A good player can play any agent, I will die on that hill. However, is it optimal to put your best player on cypher or harbor? I am not sure. This flexibility argument is very boring and nonsense imo. He is a shooter ffs! Put the dude on perma duelists and he will get max value.

posted 2 months ago

They also qualified and dunked on rest of Europe with a stand in? So what's your point d-head?

posted 2 months ago

Tells me you don't follow them

posted 2 months ago

worth. I just love when shittalkers get shit on

posted 2 months ago

If you talk sht you gotta have the balls to take it as well

posted 2 months ago

STFU dumbass. TH players were literally shit talking him, he gave it back. His team won who tf cares. he clutched a huge 1v2

posted 2 months ago

SIT DOWN. mfers talked so much sht LMAO

posted 2 months ago



posted 2 months ago

How many clips so far? JarsoYT is feasting rn

posted 2 months ago


posted 2 months ago

Told yall

posted 2 months ago

Fuck the SG army. What's jingg gonna do in the Army anyway 😭

posted 2 months ago

Also the anti is gonna be stronger

posted 2 months ago

I feel like they are gonna win. The neon is not gonna have fun against sage

posted 2 months ago

you can see the frustration in his eyes. FELSBADMAN

posted 2 months ago

bro doesn't wanna lose. I feel for him. Get him to 100T or something

posted 2 months ago

Who would that be? There isn't another aspas in Brazil

posted 2 months ago

With phoenix flash specially you can anticipate when someone's gonna peek off of it

posted 2 months ago

He brings a lot but s0m/verno would bring a lot more no kap

posted 2 months ago

That's what I am saying, people get too hung up on this role thing. TenZ never played omen before and now he's the best player and i can tell you with a guarantee that he wouldn't be as good on astra. You just have to see if a players style suits the agent or not. s0m is like Zellsis, he could play KJ and do really well.

posted 2 months ago

Trust me I don't base this off of numbers, someone is always gonna botfrag that's how the game goes. Look at how he makes crucial mistakes in 2vX, 3vX situations. i could name 4 instances just from last game that they WON. The N4RRATE clutch, that one rnd where johnQT got killed with a tenz paranoia setup and instead of swinging with the paranoia he chose to throw his util they could have won that round, Shin 3rd round clutch on split in a 2v2 after zellsis gets the kill he doesn't swing off of zellsis, that one round where tenz wrapped heaven in a 2v2, tenz kills the yoru from heaven and he peeks insta instead of tenz to take the next fight, tenz already showed himself so why not play to trade him? These are simple things that will cost them down the road when other teams get better.

posted 2 months ago

Tells me you didn't watch their games. It's fine BR fans are always biased towards their own so I understand why you wouldn't notice even if you watched the games.

posted 2 months ago

He was arguably their worst player last year. Just saying.

posted 2 months ago

It isn't broke unless a better team shows it to you. NRG will catch upto them by next split and at that time every little mistake and bottleneck would cost them so much more.

posted 2 months ago

I know they are winning right now but if they are ballsy enough to replace sacy with s0m, they will become the greatest team ever built. I swear. Sacys util is nice, then so is s0m's. Sacy just looks very disjointed when playing off of his teammates in clutch situations. His trades are not always on point.
With a player as good as s0m with his CS fundamentals alongside 3 former CS players, this team will win trebles. No cope. I watch their games and some of these games shouldn't even be close if I am honest.
s0ms understanding of the game and understanding of timings would make him a phenomenal initiator player imo.
Thoughts? I personally don't think they would make that gamble unless they lose some matches in next split. But if you look at great soccer teams and NBA teams, they make changes and strive to be better even when they are winning, teams who don't( ex. FC Barcelona) fall off eventually.

posted 2 months ago

Can this brother never take an L with humility?
He is saying now that he was asking for tenz to be benched because he thought tenz's kayO didn't have any legs watching him play it on pearl and fracture! Like, brother when? Cause he didn't throw one set molly you expected him to throw on pearl? I thought it was common knowledge that his kayO was always good, even sideshow himself made the same argument when he made that infamous video and argued for tenz to be off the duelist!

posted 5 months ago

Why are these bums still scrimming in NA? Why couldn't they go to korea earlier? So many good teams like Bleed, Navi, Prx, Drx, EDG in that region rn to scrimm with. SEN decision makers including the coaching staff are just bunch of frauds. Such a missed opportunity!

posted 5 months ago

zellsis is no slouch when it comes to shooting. He ain't even the worst aimer on the team, it's sacy.

posted 6 months ago

tbf salty is right. If your teammate is already holding an angle why would check across that when your teammate would have seen someone crossing there? In pro level you try to avoid redundancy as much as possible since there are so many things to account for. We can't be accounting for comms because we would never know, so the best we can do instead is analyze based on what we see on screen.

posted 6 months ago

We don't know anything about what the comms and chemistry is like. Aim will only get you so far unless you are freaks like demon1, zekken,aspas,tenz etc.

posted 6 months ago

If dreSpark is a nerd like me, SEN is in good hands

posted 6 months ago

In the new SEN comms video you can hear sacy say "Tyson I wanna kiss you and also kill you at the same time" after TenZ clutched an 1v2 to win the sunset game against G2. So I thought tenz might have horribly messed something up so I rolled back the round. Here:

I think he was mad at tenz for not coming with him. I think they wanted to give the space. Correct me if I am wrong but in that situation you want for them to tap the spike and when they do you wanna take the 1v2 right? cz even if tenz were with sacy he couldn't have traded jonahP who went into cover immediately after the kill. So if anything sacy played it wrong no? Anyway, this is no big deal but I am just tryna learn the game at a high level. So, wanted to share.

posted 6 months ago

I don't think that assessment is true. They were ready to drop him in 2022 even and his popularity has only dropped since then. Regardless, he isn't the weak link performance-wise, only his availability- wise. He has bad rep as being late to scrims etc. If those things are not an issue and they are willing to take the bet he will be fit in matchdays then sacy is the only weak link performance wise.

posted 6 months ago

My pick is sacy or tenz. sacy hasn't been performing for a while now and on top of that his mistakes actually cost them a lot of rounds. My second pick is tenz purely because his health issues. getting sick during events is a major problem and the team has to fully restructure and change plans cz of one player, Also, if they don't trust in tenz being a capable flex player then zellsis would be the easiest swap since he played flex roles previously. However, tenz on his day(which are most days) is far better than just 'decent'. Against heavyweight teams like PRX, FNC etc they would need a hard hitter like tenz alongside zekken. We have seen zekken is prone to slow starts sometimes and tenz is the one in those rounds to hold it down so that the match doesn't spiral out of control.

posted 6 months ago

That world champ argument is a bogus argument imo. Kiles, bonecold are former world champs too but they are irrelevant now, so might be c0m, boostio etc in another team. You can't transfer a players impact 1 to 1 in another team. Regardless, pANcada is a proven smokes player and he is a player who deosn't make very many mistake. If SEN wanted to experience with a new lineup they should have changed someone else.

posted 6 months ago

Do you think he will refuse to stay if they bench sacy?

posted 6 months ago

If i have to, it has to be sacy. Even though he was decent this map he's definitely the weakest player among them in terms of aim and impact.

posted 6 months ago

These just live near the HQ street. We don't claim them

posted 6 months ago

not statwise just performance wise in general. You can watch back the games. regional and masters reykjavik etc

posted 7 months ago

Let's be honest, sacy was very inconsistent even in 2022

posted 7 months ago

Although the official announcement says "He is out sick", I hope it's not a propaganda tactic to get him out of the team. Because, pANcada isn't the problem, sacy is! Sacy's skye is horrible. He kept flashing his teammates, couldn't pop the flashes correctly, got flanked on way too oftyen, too scared to fight, loses too many crucial duels, can't use an odin properly despite being a sova main. I could go on and on. Ik he won a champions trophy but we can't act blind to him being a liability lately. On the otherhand, pANcada is always solid. He fks up his viper ults sometimes but I can excuse that since he hasn't been on his primary roles in the past year.

posted 7 months ago

Derrek?? I agree.

posted 7 months ago

what else was he supposed to do? On harbor u can't always put up the perfect walls with cascade, he was aware of the gaps and took advantage of them. That's the best he could do, rest of the util were fine.

posted 7 months ago

biggest fraud, even bigger baiter.

posted 7 months ago
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