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Last post: May 12, 2024 at 12:18 PM
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No that advantage is only applicable for Grand Finals

posted about a year ago

It all comes down to who is the better team on that day. If Optic play really well with Yay just doing Yay things, then Optic has a good chance of winning. DRX do have a slight map pool advantage as you said and they are coming off the back of eliminating both Fnatic and FPX. So in terms of Momentum DRX has an advantage. I do want DRX to win so as to finally see a Non EMEA/NA team winning, but yeah I just hope we get to see a great match

posted about a year ago

In terms of like ranked play: Pearl
In terms of pro play: Split hands down

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

Jett Kj Kay O Fade Astra

posted about a year ago

Agreed with your views mate

posted about a year ago

Well it's true but DRXs Bo5s were in their own region where they won every Bo5 3-0
Optic has a deeper map pool. So going to be difficult but let's see
I am proud of DRX regardless of whether they lose or win because atleast now people can't say they choke and shit

posted about a year ago

Fact is DoomBros did tweet in favor of FPX stating that no hate towards both teams something like that.

posted about a year ago

I actually want a LLL vs DRX matchup in the Grand Finals. No disrespect to Optic but like it's kinda fun when you see a Non NA or a Non EMEA team fight it out for the championship trophy. It is a different feeling.

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

Didn't they have 2 days off?

posted about a year ago

Wow man they actually did it. Proud of them. Top 3 is a huge achievement among 16 different teams and with most of the teams who are actually strong. And who would have thought DRX aftr bing down 9-3 on their map pick..on Haven..just fuckin string up 10 rounds in a row to actually eliminate FPX and EMEA home. Man soo proud of DRX. Sad for FPX tho

posted about a year ago

Wait brother it isn't over till it's over

posted about a year ago

This is what happens when you let Daddy shoot

posted about a year ago

Gotta read fast then thanks for info :)

posted about a year ago

Isn't it tomorrow?

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

The match is over bro everything is kept aside let's move on to the next set of matches we don't need to analyze this drama and like spread the hate on both the teams. Peace !!!

posted about a year ago

No it's basically like the Ignition series which took place to like promote Valorant. This is like to show the world how this new circuit is and to have a look at the franchised teams etc. And yeah this happens on LAN in Brazil where there are a lot of passionate fans so should be a good start to 2023 I believe

posted about a year ago

I think it's best to ignore man. Just because of some baiters or haters we don't need to go to that level let's just ignore that.

posted about a year ago

Don't think Jinggg would be able to fit in a team which is more methodical compared to PRX where man just grows wings and flies

posted about a year ago

Yeah man I mean look APAC has reached top 4 twice and in Iceland 2 APAC teams reached top 4. It's a great achievement. To clarify I include every Asian team in APAC so yeah. Proud of all these teams who represented Asia and reached top 4

posted about a year ago

I agree he should be criticized for some of his decision makings but hating the man or like always asking him to be kicked something like that isn't nice you know. He is a great guy and has tried his hardest to make Fnatic a world champ. They have reached All the Lans except 1. I think that is a pretty good achievement. I hope this hatred against him stops

posted about a year ago

Yay because of consistency

posted about a year ago

Sad that Fnatic lost man. But chin up Fnatic fans the boys did well. I know it's sad to see Boaster and Alfa go. But still it's a good run and they did well ;)

posted about a year ago

Wtf does that have to do with IGLing

posted about a year ago

Yeah and also any Asian watching this because we thought oh no APAC having it rough this tourney, Who better than the grandaddy of APAC to step up. So proud man. Rb's neon is just beautiful to watch

posted about a year ago

I am soo happy for DRX man. Everyone of us kept saying ok 5th 6th again choke. But man who would have thought. I legit am soo soo happy for the DRX boys they deserved it man they played well. Heartbreak too to see Fnc go like they were fan favs and Alfa was getting huge cheers. Sad to see them go out. Overall a very very good game back and forth

posted about a year ago

Kind of a shock considering they did beat FPX 2-0 and then losing in the fashion they did against Loud...Guess Riot did pay DRX to lose the Upper Semis

posted about a year ago

I don't think that's gonna be ez

posted about a year ago

It's fine brother all good

posted about a year ago

Marved and Mako

posted about a year ago

It's not that. You see Scream is a primary fragger that is in other words a duelist. So his job is entrying and yes one tapping opponents. IGLing kinda limits that even though he did drop 91k against M3C. But still in Champs the primary fragging is done by Jamppi. So I think that IGLing kinda limits his aim and not only that he isn't able to like calculate and call out the mid rounds and stuff so yeah a proper IGL would not only help scream unleash but also improve the tactical side of TL

posted about a year ago

Wow who expected this to become a copypasta

posted about a year ago

II actually agree on you on 1 thing. Yes Group A on paper looked the most difficult to come out of. But EDG didn't play that well like how they played LCQ but yeah you can excuse them because it's their first tournament. PRX looked nowhere near the level of play they showed in Denmark or in Iceland. Because PRX in the other tourneys combined their util to perfection which allowed Jinggg to get the easier route into the site. Whereas this tournament the util sync was kinda off because the util is falling like 2 seconds after Jinggg has died. So that seemed off. And yes because PRX were the runners up of Copenhagen teams had come much prepared to expect what PRX are gonna do. Yes after seeing TL play in these 2 days every one of us would be like PRX should have been here. But I don't think they themselves played really well to think that they would beat them right?

posted about a year ago

Inconsistency yes. They looked pretty lost the entire game. The lack of a proper IGL cost them big time I guess. A lot of questionable plays by the individuals themselves. Overall next season I hope they find a good IGL. They have very good firepower. If they get a good IGL( whether he frags or not ), they can be really good. Fnatic played really well I hope they continue with this level and not choke. Looking forward for the next game tomorrow

posted about a year ago

Yay is consistent compared to the other great players that's why he hasn't fallen off

posted about a year ago

I don't think Riot can do anything bro because see it's a Turkey crowd where according to Valorant, it falls under EMEA. And since these guys have watched the EMEA stars play onlin, they obviously cheer for them more than NA. But yeah I do feel NA is the region which didn't get any cheer DRX yesterday got a lot of cheers including FPX

posted about a year ago

Exactly man like the sieze is in one position the molly is falling somewhere else

posted about a year ago

Yeah man completely agree. I think Scream could have run Raze instead like you can get more combos off Fade and also helps to like barge in a site because of Raze's Blast Packs

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

Yeah I absolutely agree on what you said about Scream's Phoenix because it's like they now understand how to play against him just not let them get free orbs for Scream to use his ult. Yeah I understand Optic trolled with their comp I guess if they used their normal comp maybe they had a chance to make it close. Bind yeah Liquid should prolly instaban that map

posted about a year ago

Yeah I agree with you brother

posted about a year ago

I really don't think it affected the pick rates
Only difference is earlier in pistol rounds Chamber players buy 6 bullets and 1 tradmark
Now they are satisfied by just buying the Ghost. Nothing much has changed in his pickrates and stuff

posted about a year ago

It wasn't only like Marved's Breach was troll. Victor on Breeze was trolling even hard like sliding into the Liquid members without even having anyone as backup or util support just him throwing a concuss who knows where that landed and sliding to death. Overall I think even Optic too were a bit shaky today yes they look slightly better than they did in Copenhagen, but I still feel Optic look shaky.

Liquid yes they have the edshot machine Scream Jamppi who is an absolute monster on the Chamber. But I feel today especially on Ascent they looked bloody shaky and like just running to take duels which ultimately cost them. Hope they improve

posted about a year ago

They didn't play the way they did against PRX. They kept challenging for duels kept dying to Yay. Honestly the way they played Breeze was awesome. Bind was ok considering it's Optic's best map and Liquid's worst. But on Ascent the way they played was holy shit what was I even watching. They need to play the way they played EDG and PRX in order to atleast win the round 1 lowers

posted about a year ago

Yeah he was but he threw quite a few rounds imo

posted about a year ago

Their mental game has improved a lot man not going to lie. The first map was brilliant both teams played well and Breeze is just DRX Playground. Overall very very good match. DRX man win or lose they have proved that their peek and best form. Well done brothers

posted about a year ago

What a fkin game damn both teams at their absolute best. Best Ascent match I have ever seen till date

posted about a year ago
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