Flag: India
Registered: February 4, 2022
Last post: May 12, 2024 at 12:18 PM
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Why are you trying to prove an already proven point

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

Who cares anyways

posted about a year ago

Bro what did that team do to you and why is it brought into every godamn thread

posted about a year ago

Source: Trust me Bro

posted about a year ago

RNT are playing really well at this point. Shows the potential of the country's scene. I think GE should pick one to two of their players for their trials I am sure that would not only help these guys improve but also the org and the scene as a whole

posted about a year ago

He is actually a good player but one thing he really really needs to work on is his bloody discipline. He can't be peeking everything everytime. Like many Pokemon games say " There is a time and place for everything ". His OP is good maybe top 10 APAC if I am to stretch that but discipline is important and I am sure maybe with the right guidance and with a good team maybe he can improve. Won't say they will be the best they will become slightly better I feel

posted about a year ago

Atleast they aren't toxic than Indo and Indian fans bro

posted about a year ago

Jinggg is more flashy than smooth tbh

posted about a year ago

I don't think that comes under talking shit. Besides I don't think most indians even care about GE at this point

posted about a year ago

Being in like the franchised league is more better I guess.

posted about a year ago

Subroza is kinda fluent in speaking French. And he also stated in his LFT post that he is willing to go to any team and that he can speak French and English fluently. So people are rumoring this move I guess

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

I'm with Jimmy

posted about a year ago

I know it's risky to tell this to him because you said he is an emotional dude but I think it is for the best that you tell him. Because there are chances he might find it sooner or later and that would be even more depressing for him. So I guess it's better to tell him as quick as possible and whatever happens is in his hands tbh

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

No man I haven't talked to a girl neither have they

posted about a year ago

Umm in Mumbai it is 65 ms ping on Singapore. But if you are in say Chennai which is at the South Part of India you will get 35-40 ms ping to Singapore servers

posted about a year ago

A good pickup considering Ayrins Experience comes into play and he was also the secondary caller for Xset. So I am confident with the right team GE pick Ayrin will help the team grow and also the players. So a W

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

In terms of OPing yeah maybe true Wardell is a better OPer but in terms of an overall player Ardiis quite easily is better than Wardell bro

posted about a year ago

I mean he also has made guides on how to play Viper on certain maps

posted about a year ago

Jamppi won't be leaving

posted about a year ago

HellrangeR は会議を招集して、目的の決闘に敗れたことでどのように試合が犠牲になったかについて話し合いました。チーム メンバー全員が KappA を追い出すことに投票しました。KappA はにやにや笑ってテーブルに写真を投げました。違反した彼の写真、彼はゆっくりとKappAに近づいて抱きしめ、KappAは「TRICKSHOT」とささやいた.

posted about a year ago

Great article brother looking forward for more of such articles

posted about a year ago

Couldn't agree more

posted about a year ago

EMEA - Idk someone in between KC and BBL
NA - Mibr or EG

posted about a year ago

Dude did you just say BR/EMEA fans are humble??

posted about a year ago

But the thing about Yay that makes him the best is his consistency. Sure Cryo is a beast but in terms of consistency Yay always is the best

posted about a year ago

Saadhak FNS Ange1
Honorable Mentions: Redgar Stax and Koldamenta

posted about a year ago

+Redgar too man

posted about a year ago

Thanks for the answer man much appreciated

posted about a year ago

I legit don't have any idea on what they're trying to do. It seems they're trying to like trial players and like confirm the team something like that. But my questions remain.

  1. If they trial these players and in the end choose to stick with the very same roster that they were having...what is the use of those trialings?
  2. Aren't GE supposed to be locking a 6 man roster by October 15th? if that's the case then why 10 man trialings

Don't get me wrong I am still not that familiar with what GE is trying to do so to the fellow Users out there can you guys just fill the details about the date of registering the 6 man roster?

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

W comment

posted about a year ago

Congrats brother. They played really well and they deserve this moment to be at the top of the world.

posted about a year ago

Congratulations Loud!!! very very very well deserved win. Played superbly. And to the entire Brazil region you have done proud, in fact for the entire South American Continent. Enjoy the day My brazil bros. You guys deserve every single one of the moment :)

posted about a year ago

Gl to both teams may the best team win and lift the trophy Cheers!!!

posted about a year ago

The thing is this roster is really young which means they have a whole lot of room to improve themselves. And as we know DRX always improve from tourney to tourney. Meteor is like a very aim oriented guy who just aimdiffs people. But he is slightly indiscipline and can go wayward from the style DRX plays. But yeah I mean Meteor does help increase the firepower but if Meteor comes then role changes might happen which isn't needed given this current roles for DRX is actually working for them.

posted about a year ago

My Favs are

  1. Copenhagen PRX ( Jinggg, Forsaken, D4v4I, Benkai, Mindfreak ): They looked too good with Jinggg wrecking havoc the entire tournament, defeating the likes of Guild Fnatic and Optic. Their util usage to help Jinggg barge into a site was really good and their firepower and clutch potential looked too good with Mindfreak stepping up in the clutch department.

  2. Berlin GMB ( Deffo, Nats, Chronicle, Redgar, Sheydos ): Those dudes looked near unstoppable. Their discipline was great. Nats was just unbelievable with his lurk timings I still couldn't understand how he was in certain areas of the map where he shouldn't even be there. Redgar's igl was great and the rest of the players played very well. I mean who could forget the 1v4 Deffo Blade clutch.

  3. Istanbul DRX ( Zest, Stax, Rb, Buzz, Mako ): This tourney was where DRX finally got rid of their Lb demons and broke the 5th 6th curse. They ended up 3rd but the way they kept up their mental and just got those comebacks from 9-3 or 12-4 etc etc. Was just a joy to watch. Their util usage, discipline and coordination was just very very good. Rb finally woke up and chose violence in most of the matches in Champs. Buzz on Jett is just beautiful. Mako doing Mako things and Stax's IGLing was superb.

Honorable Mentions

  1. Reykjavik Zeta
  2. Istanbul Optic
  3. Istanbul Xset
  4. Copenhagen FPX
  5. Champions 2021 Liquid
posted about a year ago

Great post brother appreciate your analysis. Imo they should just stick to their own style that is the same roster because I feel this time everyone looked comfortable. Rb looked too strong, Buzz Stax Zest and Mako playing really well. Although it might be more predictable or like lesser firepower compared to the potential superteams that might be formed, the coordination or chemistry doesn't change right. That's why I feel that this roster should be there for 2023 too. Idk what happens but I just hope this roster reaches more heights than the current one

posted about a year ago

Could clearly see that that's why ignoring him to an extent lol

posted about a year ago

Some haters have no business whatsoever bro we can't do anything unfortunately

posted about a year ago

Bro no one asked

posted about a year ago

Wp to Optic they played super well. Gl in Finals

posted about a year ago

I don't think anyone cares

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

I am slightly sad that they lost. But they can be proud of this run. What a team. Broke the curse vs Fnatic. Then proceeded to Once again 2-0 FPX. And they actually tried to reverse sweep Optic after being 2 maps down and then capturing Fracture and Ascent. Haven was close man feel very sad for them. Everyone played really really well. Props to Optic they played well showed why they were very consistent. As for DRX. No one will ever say these guys are just 'so called great team' as they have really cemented the fact that they have great mental great strats etc. Proud of DRX

posted about a year ago
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