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Registered: September 5, 2022
Last post: July 26, 2024 at 9:51 AM
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T0nz lmao

posted 12 hours ago

Wait until sen dangling couple hundred thousand dollars in front of his face.

posted 23 hours ago

Nah. But they are definitely overhyped. Im so glad Drx made those reverse sweep, really shut them up.

And they probably bomb out on champs too, so no more prx fans here overhyping about how a great team prx is.

posted 1 day ago

Cristiano ronaldo - karim benzema - gareth bale

posted 3 days ago

Kai ( simply because I don't know how he perform on highest level, but regionally, he performed well )
Miniboo, same reason as kai.

Out of those 4, I choose governor as the worst duelists on champs.

posted 3 days ago

So thats your actual reason. Not because sen is a good team. Its Just because they good for viewership.

Lmao. I feel bad for u .

posted 4 days ago

Group B & D are hype AF. Cant tell who gonna make to next stage. C is the easiest, not gonna be any kind of upset there. Group A is meh but curious whos gonna make it through other than Fnatic.

Lets goo

posted 4 days ago

I love to see abyss. But Aspas probably back on ascent. Kill g2 with his jett

posted 5 days ago

True dat

posted 5 days ago

No top teams from apac play sova. So im gonna say

And crashies?

posted 5 days ago

Nah. Aspas will drop 30 on ascent

posted 5 days ago

Ugh. Prx is garbage.

posted 5 days ago

NT drx. More time for foxy9 & Beyn to prepare for champs. Lets go DRX !!!

posted 5 days ago

Even with so much time to prepare. Drx Just cant beat geng. At least not yet. But u should be proud, they are BACK!!! Much better team than prx.

posted 5 days ago

Start with comparing 2 players then proceed to bring up team achievements. What a fucking Moron.

posted 5 days ago

Peoples become sen haters after seeing how sen glazers act

posted 5 days ago


posted 5 days ago

I thought I already being mean to them :(

posted 5 days ago

Damn thats ancient history

posted 5 days ago

Yeah. Kinda confused about Kru. Not sure where to put them. Honestly I can put them above every Chinese teams. But for now, I won't.

posted 5 days ago

Looks good Man.

posted 5 days ago

I like NA / apac More than emea actually.

posted 5 days ago

I like prx, I learned the hard way not to expect much from them. But yesterday was horrible. Not sure how they gonna do in champs

posted 5 days ago

Yep. Edited :(

posted 5 days ago

Yeah. TH might have More chance than vit. But we dont know for sure how they perform internationally with miniboo. Seems like they stronger with patitek lol

posted 5 days ago

I want to put them higher if they beat Drx yesterday. But now im not so sure.

posted 5 days ago

My first time made a list, so take it easy on me.

  1. Gen G
  2. Fnatic
  3. G2
  4. Lev
  5. TH
  6. Vit
  7. DRX
  8. Sentinels
  9. PRX
  10. FUT
  11. EDG
  12. FPX
  13. KRU
  14. Talon
  15. TE
  16. BLG


posted 5 days ago

Prx have a lot of time to learn since last year. They still play the same gameplay. Nothing new.

posted 6 days ago

Yes. But lose immediately on first round playoffs.

posted 6 days ago

Talon lose simply because they got outaimed. When prx play against a team who know how to shot back And have an actual strats, they will lose.

posted 6 days ago

I cant believe they will get disband first before winning any international trophy. Sad for apac.


posted 6 days ago

Earth will explode first before that happens.

posted 6 days ago

Cooked. They cant do shit against prx.

posted 6 days ago

This is expected anyway. They always show up on regional matches, especially against drx

posted 6 days ago

Buddy sneak prx There for some reason.

posted 6 days ago

Sacy & zellsis need to step up More. Its like if enemy team shut down Zekken, the whole team start to play like shit.

posted 6 days ago

NRG on champs ew. No One want to see that

posted 1 week ago

Maybe. But As for now, they cant even clear trace esports.

posted 1 week ago

A team who only won once on ascent vs a team who only lose once (this year)

Hmm I wonder who's gonna win?/

posted 1 week ago

Yes. Americas should just sent lev & g2.

Even sentinels doesn't deserve the spot

posted 1 week ago

Nice call on last round, boostio. kekw

posted 1 week ago

Wait how?

posted 1 week ago

Sen doesn't have a chance.

posted 1 week ago

Ugh. Take a good look at mirror

posted 1 week ago
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