Flag: Palestine
Registered: June 27, 2023
Last post: July 24, 2024 at 2:18 PM
Posts: 589
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they're either about to become the best team in the world or replicate champions 2021

posted 3 days ago

Is this your revenge for them dropping pancada?

posted 4 days ago

The power of friendship

posted 6 days ago


posted 1 week ago

Ah so "Teen Heretics"?

posted 1 week ago

Unlikely because I think Drake's a co-owner of 100 thieves. (Probably because he thought 100T stood for 100Teens)

posted 1 week ago

The eren yeager war mention gave me flashbacks

posted 1 week ago

aint no way bro got all his info snatched

posted 1 week ago

sacy did a lil victor cosplay there

posted 1 week ago

if the 100t players were even slightly off their game sen would've made the clutch happen

posted 1 week ago

It looked like they had some ideas in mind but couldn't execute them because 100t kept outplaying them every round

posted 1 week ago

you've just made me feel smart

posted 1 week ago

tenz spread his 2023 luck to the rest of the team

posted 1 week ago

it wasn't an excuse 100t genuinely played awesome today

posted 1 week ago

apparently johnqt was sick too. saw his twitter

posted 1 week ago

stfu lmao

posted 1 week ago

its not even over yet...

posted 1 week ago

How do you conclude he's a sen fan he doesn't even have a flair

posted 1 week ago

shouldn't have said that

posted 1 week ago

FNS's stream right now is hilarious

posted 1 week ago

hope things get better for you and everyone else there

posted 1 week ago

Bro what are you on about

posted 1 week ago

eren_yeager alt spotted

posted 1 week ago

Any decent human must point it out bro. idk why you're so defensive of him

posted 1 week ago

racist unlettered moron mistakes the palestinian flag for the UAE one

posted 1 week ago

Oh poor him he'll have to face the consequences of his actions :(

posted 1 week ago


posted 1 week ago

Bro's a real champion

posted 1 week ago

Loud having the mental strength to having missed playoffs, getting 13-1'd in first map and still coming back and winning must be respected.

posted 1 week ago

That eren yeager guy was unbelievably incompetent

posted 1 week ago

NRG could in fact, not beat them :(

posted 2 weeks ago

makes me feel bad for the indian flairs that are decent people

posted 3 weeks ago

the FNC ajay guy's a pretty big loser bruh imagine being so pathetic

posted 3 weeks ago

reciept thread when??

posted 3 weeks ago

Just read the thread wtf is this shit bro

posted 3 weeks ago

this entire chain reaction from a single bait is crazy

posted 3 weeks ago

Sen with the addition of SACHY look so strong

posted 3 weeks ago

In the second last round zekken started flying lmao

posted 3 weeks ago

Haven was c9's pick bruh

posted 3 weeks ago

That second half was so smooth

posted 3 weeks ago


posted 3 weeks ago

Am i wrong though?

posted 3 weeks ago

This map indicates that the blue countries fill the criteria

posted 3 weeks ago

should've listened to you. fell asleep at the wrong time because i got so tired and missed the game

posted 3 weeks ago

yeah but i got work to do :(

posted 3 weeks ago

stay up till 5 am so I can watch sentinels play

posted 3 weeks ago

they probably went 11-13 after that

posted 4 weeks ago

Correct, but I have a feeling what we saw against SEN was not even close to their possible best performance. They had barely any time to practice while SEN had a whole vacation. It's very possible they pull it off.

posted 1 month ago

They don't suck, they almost pulled off an 11-3 comeback against SEN with very little practice time. I think they'll do good

posted 1 month ago
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