Flag: Ukraine
Registered: March 10, 2021
Last post: October 15, 2023 at 3:47 AM
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Navi didn't apply for EMEA league?

posted about a year ago

No Valorant map is T or CT sided

It's about momentum, the more rounds you get in a row, the harder it is to break you and regain the economy lead

posted about a year ago

I'm ready for 21-23 overtime loss and 5th-6th exit

posted about a year ago

This is a very weird game

It feels like both teams can play much better but they don't want to

posted about a year ago

Nah they look very rusty
d3ffo on duelist is not it

posted about a year ago

Trembolona was right again

posted about a year ago

Man if it happens again and lucky TL then clinch Champions slot because of it
God no

posted about a year ago

You mean the players? All of them including coach did openly share negative thoughts about the war on social medias

posted about a year ago

Rare? Dafuq

posted about a year ago

I guess Indonesia is the best right now

Onic, Alter Ego, Boom, every team they send is a threat and likely playoffs attendant, Bigetron is around that level too

Maybe Indonesia doesn't have good peak teams which can qualify to Masters (like Paper Rex or Xerxia), but they are on average the strongest

posted about a year ago

Oh but everyone was telling me Philippines is the most stacked SEA subregion?
How the turntables

posted about a year ago

Why people rate Secret so high
Didn't they drop 6 maps throughout VCT PH against the likes of Oasis lol

My favourites are PRX, ONIC, XIA, I think 2 of them will go

posted about a year ago

Land of initiator indeed

posted about a year ago

Wrong century

posted about a year ago

Do you get the point I was trying to make?
Valorant esport is dogshit as it is right now

Ask BIG, OG LDN, Navi players whether they liked having to compete in 10 series throughout 2 splits

posted about a year ago

CS salaries are much bigger, best pros earn up to 50k/month although they are not streamers and don't have dedicated fans like Tenz or Shahzam.

Why? Because there's a fuck ton of exposure, sponsorships and tournaments.

In Valorant you scrim 100 times more than you play officials. Who will offer big salaries for this piece of shit esport model?

posted about a year ago

Nobody wants 20 matches per year like it's common in Valorant
Garbage system and you keep defending it

posted about a year ago

NBA teams play 82 matches every season (much more if we're counting pre-season / playoffs), that's fucking real life sports, they travel from city to city every 2-4 days

BIG played 20 series this season (10 quals + 5 split 1 + 5 split 2) ONLINE, not travelling anywhere

Man this is just funny if you think about it

posted about a year ago

Yea s1mple would love to play 20 matches and 3 international tournaments per year!

posted about a year ago

Yea feels like desperate liberal keyboard warriors are waiting to type out thousands of insults in these kind of threads

posted about a year ago

Another fool

Only capable of typing simple one-symbol messages, because brain potential is too small to win an argument

posted about a year ago

Where did woman hater come from?

posted about a year ago

Welcome to western society
Randomly calling people misogynists and sexists without listing any reasons for it

Literally NPCs programmed to attack when there's any controversial comment

posted about a year ago

6/16 slots to whole Asia at Champions is racism too?

posted about a year ago


-0.2 because of how short games are (13 rounds), how over impactful pistols are, how big momentum is

posted about a year ago

SEN fans after this loss: it's all Kanpeki fault, bring zombs back, he will fix everything

posted about a year ago

Fnatic and getting top seed?
I see you're new to Valorant

Fnatic always burn out after a few wins and then can't perform

posted about a year ago

Entire group B is shit anyway, will get clowned on by group A reps

posted about a year ago

Man DRX is so good, they're definitely going far this tournament, I mean do you remember their 100 win streak?
DRX will win Copenhagen, previous 3 tournaments were just flukes and jet lags!
I love Korean Valorant so much, best strategies in the world!!!
In my opinion Korea deserves 4 slots to Champions!!!

posted about a year ago

D is so much weaker than other groups, it's crazy

posted about a year ago

LEV won pistol, anti-eco, bonus, another anti-eco and 1 gun round, but KRU is a better team that's why they started winning after LEV fluked 5 rounds with only 1 being full buy

I don't even watch the game but that's what probably happened lol

posted about a year ago

Who thought it was gonna be true?

M3C playing like shit (not gonna lie), only having LCQ slot left, missing playoffs, missing LAN events, experiencing serious role issues and d3ffo being worse than ever before

Of course G2 not gonna waste money for this

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago


  1. M3C are done for split and they only have LCQ in August, signing them is throwing money away

  2. CIS fanbase in Val is small, Spirit wouldn't be able to get any sponsors for this esport, they wouldn't be able to get the money they spent back

posted about a year ago


Why'd you sign a team which is probably out of playoffs and will only play LCQ in 2 months from now, which they'll obviously lose

CIS orgs not gonna enter Valorant, forget about Spirit

posted about a year ago

They choked both to Liquid and BBL

Anyway org is shit so it's for the better

posted about a year ago

M3C also have 2 wins

posted about a year ago

If Navi, M3C, BIG tied, then BIG qualifies by map diff, no?

BIG 2-0 M3C, 1-2 Navi, overall 3-2
Navi 2-1 BIG, 1-2 M3C, overall 3-3
M3C 2-1 Navi, 0-2 BIG, overall 2-3

posted about a year ago

In Valorant you barely have time to think
One flop and you're done for season

This system is shit and it doesn't allow orgs to give time to players and work out the best possible chemistry

That's why G2 Valorant were rather radical with moves - zeek, ardiis were good, but back then they couldn't satisfy G2 ambitions and were putting G2 at risk of missing every Masters and Champions tournament

Again, Valorant system is shit, it's not really G2 fault but more of Riot esports management fault

posted about a year ago

When a team acquires new player, it means they've been doing good in dozens of scrims before it

G2 roster in Stage 1 was the best in EMEA (apart from robbed FPX) and went relatively far during Reykjavik (better than anyone else from EU)

posted about a year ago

Gambit won't make a roster change even right now, because that'd be a waste of money for nothing

It's a finished org, they are shutting down
They have already said goodbye to all players in all games except Valorant

Gambit wait to get good deals on their players and farm some money at the very end

posted about a year ago

In Valorant you can't rely on "structure for years to come", game is very fast and random, you need results here and right now, because else you won't be able to play anything for the rest of split / year, cuz Riot bans almost every non-VCT stuff

posted about a year ago

I still think M3C isn't gonna stay together for longer than 3 months from now

After they lose LCQ there's gonna be disband and poaching by tier1 orgs

posted about a year ago

Nobody's gonna buy M3C as a 5
It's clear they're slumping hard and it's been too long like this

nats, sheydos, chronicle are worth signing
deffo, redgar aren't

Maybe someone like Rogue or Misfits next season enters Valo EMEA league and gets these 3 insane players + other 2 non-russians from other teams

posted about a year ago

My englando not that good

posted about a year ago

Yet, there will be X times more men than women with that unreal work ethic, who came this far and didn't give up

X times more men means X times more men than women, who achieved their goals in the end, ignoring all biological differences, only taking into account proportions

Now these selected ones may be equal between each other because of human limits, but gender wise there's gonna be >y men per 1 woman, where "y" may vary from digits to hundreds

posted about a year ago

Where's politics
Just educating some people who believe everyone and everything is even

posted about a year ago

Top tier of women will be less proficient as a whole, given that girls are on average less hard-working than boys

The more hard workers you have, the stronger your "top tier of talent" will be

posted about a year ago

More men per capita fall under "hard-working mindset" criteria than women per capita

Please don't tell me you disagree on this one, I mean it's a known fact

posted about a year ago
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