Flag: Wales
Registered: March 26, 2022
Last post: July 26, 2024 at 10:38 AM
Posts: 3118
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if i was a pro i would want my flag to be Wales


posted 11 hours ago


posted 4 days ago

may i know this alt

posted 4 days ago

i think he was botting anyway post wasn't even up like 5 mins and already had like 5 upvotes and all of his comments had 10 upvotes

posted 4 days ago

pretty sure the one person i can remember from the thread was a guy with a OPTC flair and it was like xenan or something like that

posted 4 days ago

i cant really name them off the top of my head

but as soon as i see the name i immediately know who it is type of thing

posted 4 days ago

ye i know but most of the people doing it on the other thread were all OCE and they were attacking me for defending him

i thought most of you guys were chill like you and the other popular OCE people

posted 4 days ago

but that's banter tho he didn't mean it badly

posted 4 days ago

mainly that and the other day back in Shanghai when he was playing most of the threads were calling him a fat fuck and he should off himself

i tried to defend him and got like 10-13 downvotes then i got attacked

posted 4 days ago

why do so many people hate this guy i even saw a couple of people telling him to off himself

like wtf has this guy done he just plays the game

like am i missing something

posted 4 days ago

the EMEA version

not Chinese version

posted 4 days ago

i really dont see the issue with having 2 non LATAM players

they still represent the region and the majority of the roster is LATAM

posted 6 days ago

i mean C0M is a world champion

nzr is not

it was obvious LEV would take the chance to try and win

posted 6 days ago

that doesn't mean they don't represent LATAM just because they got like 2 players and a couple of staff

posted 6 days ago

how do they not represent LATAM

posted 6 days ago

saying LEV doesn't is crazy

posted 6 days ago

Rapid Lofi is the best team

no other team comes close

posted 1 week ago


posted 1 week ago

dont hate on teams and players

look at me i barely get upset and love all the teams and players

posted 1 week ago

hopefully the team will be back in high spirits by Champions we seen that they were in a good mood for the 3 games then against G2 you could see it changed

just praying we bounce back

and LEV will probs keep this form seeing aspas in playoffs would be good

posted 1 week ago

for winning you guys played amazing and wish you luck in Champions

im just praying SEN can get out of this little slump they have had since their game against G2 and hope the mental goes back up

i hope we do well in Champions and hopefully win it if we can get back into our form in Kickoff, Madrid and the 3 games of split 2

posted 1 week ago

my femboy addiction stays a secret

posted 1 week ago

im hoping that most people on this site are normal people

posted 1 week ago

pretty sure a Indian reported me cause i called him out for being a dick

honestly its hard to remember

posted 1 week ago

i used to have them but they were taken away from me

posted 1 week ago

hopefully but i think we bounce back

we've seen it happen throughout this year aside from split 1

posted 1 week ago

we go next hopefully this loss will make the team have more of a drive and incentive to win to secure Champions

we just had a very bad series but G2 played extremely well

we bounce back hopefully

posted 1 week ago

for the whole TLN and TS thing my bad gang I was wrong

posted 1 week ago

hopefully I kind of want TLN to go but we dk what will happen

posted 1 week ago

they are currently third only behind EDG and FPX but its still possible they don't go

posted 1 week ago

well if TLN lose this match they don't go and TS quals because of points

posted 1 week ago

This is my opinion so sorry if this upsets you









posted 1 week ago

was hoping they made Ascension

posted 2 weeks ago

kinda upsetting ngl

posted 2 weeks ago

with the points they have or is it done for them this year

posted 3 weeks ago

we'll see

posted 3 weeks ago

helps SEN secure their spot as second seed if SEN beat G2 seeing that EG is the only team that has a h2h with SEN currently

posted 3 weeks ago


posted 3 weeks ago

i mean i would say im ight

posted 3 weeks ago


posted 3 weeks ago

I think SEN got playoffs

posted 3 weeks ago

Na Sacy good there's more than just getting kills like maintaing mental, being a leading figure and helping the IGL whenever needed

Sacy just perfectly does everything SEN needs him to do

posted 3 weeks ago

Not really I got driving lesson tommo 😭

posted 3 weeks ago

Sadly I couldn't watch the match cause I had a fucking migraine but I'll watch highlights tommo

Glad to see how well we came back from split 1 sadly 100T is now experiencing it hope they can bounce back

I love my SEN boys

posted 3 weeks ago

bookmarking this just in case

posted 3 weeks ago

tbf EG have been insane surprisingly

posted 3 weeks ago
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