Flag: Brazil
Registered: August 9, 2022
Last post: June 14, 2023 at 8:38 AM
Posts: 595
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That LOUD B bombsite in PEARL isn't well drafted to be a map pick, NRG managed to plant it EVERY time in B and win rounds. The fracture was 10-5 for Loud and they let NRG make 7 points in a row practically, Fracture should have ended much faster

posted about a year ago

até brasileiro falando isso, voces devem ser cegos pra caralho nao é possivel

posted about a year ago

these guys can't be serious, I need to study how the American brain works, because damn, this head must be full of shit

posted about a year ago

being German or Belgian you don't have the right to say anything the same way, go cheer for your shitty teams and your garbage region

posted about a year ago

yes thats what i said, i do not included the skin money

posted about a year ago

keep with the copium dude, if youre happy with this just keep going

posted about a year ago

this guy is literally a lunatic

posted about a year ago
  1. Tenz
  2. Skrossi
  3. Boaster
posted about a year ago

bro trying to put Less under nAts clown and Shitgetsu LOL

posted about a year ago

who is the current world champion and who is the most flopped region of this LOCK IN?

posted about a year ago

LOUD is a great org that doesn't take even 1% of the money that team earns in the championship, the value of the world was divided entirely between players / coach / psychologist, but even so you are guaranteed a higher salary and a quality of life better is much safer than going tryhard for every championship and worrying about it

posted about a year ago

funny someone with a german flag trying to say something about our region
they don't really have a deep and sensible reason for this, but there are valid arguments within the community, save your comments for your region which is not doing well

posted about a year ago

Many Loud fans argue a speech from Sacy some time ago where he said that "I want to win many titles for LOUD and make history in this org" but after winning 1 tournament he left, that made some people angry.

For me Sacy and Pancada did the right thing, each one should think of himself and not of the other, it's just common sense

posted about a year ago

just an angry kid, let's leave him alone, must be in puberty

posted about a year ago

bro malding about a tier list and downfraing LOL youre a fcking loser

posted about a year ago


and what? How about doing something useful with your life besides being an angry kid?

posted about a year ago

youre fckin blind? I dont give a fck about a loser like you, get lost dogshit

posted about a year ago

I don't give a fuck about an idiot like you + LOUD owns DRX your clown

posted about a year ago

I'm not, because you came to offend me for free because of an opinion.

See? Youre the stupidest guy on vlr

posted about a year ago

1) DRX
2) PRX (they trolling at LOCK/IN, one of the best team in world, ranking them in number 7 is crazy shit)
6) EDG
7) GE
8) T1
10) RRQ
11) FPX
12) DFM

posted about a year ago

unfortunelly Liot only see money

posted about a year ago

riot killing the competitive with boring matches with chinese teams

posted about a year ago

China players are scared of PACIFIC teams, theyre horrible at valorant dude, they only can have +1 spot by paying money, because in efforts they dont deserve LOL

posted about a year ago

China sucks at valorant

posted about a year ago

Bring money to valorant, 5 spots for china 2 for EMEA AMERICA AND PACIFIC, let's take the money from these horrible valorant players

posted about a year ago

any team in any region can destroy EDG

posted about a year ago

no they dont, theyre horrible in valorant, only good in make money

posted about a year ago

another spot for a HORRIBLE region in valorant, thanks riot for the easy money for us, china number 1

posted about a year ago

there will be an extra team to be ashamed of, because you guys are HORRIBLE at fps LOL

ez money for us, thanks china

posted about a year ago

The guard fired everyone to pay Yay's salary

posted about a year ago

what do you mean, Paper Rex is much better than c9, are you even watch valorant?

you said didn't you? that I was comparing times with GE as if they played badly? and yes all these teams sucked are you fucking blind? the biggest disappointment was liquid which was hyped as one of the best in the world and was slaughtered by TS. Yes overall all the teams i mentioned played as bad as GE lol

with 9,000 posts and 0 stars for you to be proud of your life is a huge disappointment, I just hope you don't do anything against your life in the near future and preferably see a psychologist, it's not normal for someone to be as out of touch with reality as you, maybe getting away from the computer for a bit will help

posted about a year ago

"but GE and Vitality objectively played worse than the teams you're trying to compare GE to" 🤓
You say I don't understand anything and give me an answer like that?

Paper Rex and Zeta is a pain to watch, even Liquid who loses to TS too

but maybe if u spend less time on VLR forum your brain can stabilize back to normal bcs almost 9k posts in a Vlr forum and being reputed as a retard I dont think is a good thing.
(+ I have job and need to study while your life is being a dogshit in vlr forum your clown)

posted about a year ago

I'm just comparing as best I can because just by watching the games you can see that all these teams mentioned played poorly, but dear babysasuke here doesn't understand anything so I try to explain it another way

posted about a year ago


Liquid only has High ACS because of nAts, and even then it was a pain in the eyes to see them play, Paper Rex and Zeta were also bad games, and even then it didn't have the same commotion as GE, you know what I mean? Or are you too retarded to learn anything? Maybe your head is already corroded from so much time you spend on this forum, it's no wonder that in a post defending people from gratuitous hate you're trying to argue the opposite, I feel bad for your life

posted about a year ago

there are 2 people on this forum who are reputed to be the cancer of the community, one is trenbolone the other i am replying to him

posted about a year ago

we already understand that skRossi is not as good as all the hype that indians put on it, but honestly do you guys need to make all these posts to hurt someone?

Your life must be very bitter for so much unbridled hatred like this, comments like "best player in india KEKW" "he is garbage" honestly the real garbage is this forum, leave the boy and the fans alone.

Zeta, Paper Rex, Liquid, Heretics and other teams played as bad as GE but there wasn't all that commotion, you just want to offend the Indians for free for some stupid reason.

ggwp GE good luck in the next events!

posted about a year ago

Last year same history, " omg becareful with chineses theyre cracked aim ", get owned by Liquid 2-0, and more, they lost to FunPlus Phoenix ZHUQUE 3-1, what the fuck is FunPlus Phoenix ZHUQUE? stop this fraud Chineses, you guys are terrible on FPS

edit: my flag is EDG since last year because I really like zmjkk but you guys trying to hype chinese team is something ridiculous lol

posted about a year ago

Chinese trying to justify saying that China shouldn't participate in the PACIFIC league because they would win all the PACIFIC teams LOL

posted about a year ago

Because theyre mid

posted about a year ago

Squirtle squad

posted about a year ago

guy makes a post generalizing the entire BR community and still wants to say that Less is only better for having IGL? this dick riding is crazy bro lol

posted about a year ago

Letss go XANDECO

posted about a year ago

I'm not saying anyone is bad or anything, just saying that nAts is not that kind of player you guys sell. And I really like nAts hes very good but not the best in the world, hope he can perform better in the future

posted about a year ago

"undoubtedly" LOL, I feel bad for you who only watch emea league, must be hard to be a EMEA fan rn

posted about a year ago

keep with the copium dude

posted about a year ago

Yeah I agree, nAts is very good, but hes faar to be a best player in the world, all the hype on TL and nAts, fans saying he's the best player in the world saying that TL would clears omega bracket and downvoting anyone who disagreed.

posted about a year ago

nAts is nowhere near being one of the best in the world, what world are you living in to create this debate? Last year there was absolutely nothing relevant and you continued with this copium on vlr, I hope you guys back to reality now

posted about a year ago

Ngl I respect taco, hes such a great player and now with nzr I have anothet reason to cheer to lev

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

I will never respect you Americans as long as you continue to be arrogant, while you think you are superior for N reasons, even when a Brazilian team beats an American team we do not see Americans saying that LOUD played well, but that NRG or Optic played badly or that it was ''harmed by the audience'' (Sangares youre a fckin clown). so yes, as long as you americans continue with this ignorance I will never respect you

posted about a year ago
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