Flag: Brazil
Registered: August 9, 2022
Last post: June 14, 2023 at 8:38 AM
Posts: 595
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fartiis KEKW

posted about a year ago

for a ranked player this is normal sometimes

posted about a year ago

Plug anal hero? wtf is that name

posted about a year ago

bro youre even more maindless than the Korea guy LOL

posted about a year ago

LOUD can beat these clowns with no monitor

posted about a year ago

Então seu argumento fica pior ainda,

O post é sobre MIRA no #11 voce disse que "Só assistir as trocações frente a frente, simplesmente n tem conversa."
E no #22 voce já se contradiz comparando eles por função, então logo assitir o VOD do #11 que voce mandou é perca de tempo, e seu argumento ja nao faz sentido, pois a FURIA não sabia oque tava fazendo no mapa, eles estavam perdidos e a LOUD em geral era totalmente melhor que a FURIA em todos os aspectos, e sem falar que isso foi a 1 ano atrás, logo não há comparação pra se fazer nesse VOD

Furia reformulou todo o time e eles estão muito mais cabeças no jogo, estão se consolidando um time forte pra bater de frente com todos. LOUD passou por reformas recentes e mesmo a ótima atuação do time chokou na final e não conseguiu finalizar o mapa pela afobação dos players novos, essa mesma afobação que a FURIA tinha quando jogou contra a LOUD.

O que eu acho: perca de tempo ficar comparando os dois times sem um novo confronto recente com as equipes em seu pico, aqui vai apenas da opiniao pessoal de cada um do que a gente assiste nos jogos

posted about a year ago

Mas nao da pra analisar um time que nem sabia oque tava fazendo no mapa direito, 1 ano atras é muita coisa que os cara melhoraram cara...

Mazin ficou 35/18 contra a T1 no LOCK IN sendo IGL, problema dele é que ele é inconsistente contra time grande e sempre acaba se afobando, e performando mal, coisa que nao acontece com o Saad, se MAZIN jogasse no seu pico sem afobar eu nao duvido que eles teriam ganhado da FNATIC. No Last Chance ano passado contra a TBK eles AMASSARAM o Tuyz, o garoto nem tava trocando direito contra a FURIA, e isso foi BEM mais recente do que o jogo de 1 ano atrás.

Na comparação função x função ele tem que abrangir muito mais coisa que só mira, cada agente se joga de maneira diferente, se executa diferente, o jeito que faz o uso das habilidades, TUDO é diferente, então só nisso a gente ja entende que mira nao se compara por função ou por 1x1 (a nao ser que seja só 2 pessoas, mas como é um time todo...)

Tutu e cauan realmente são otimos de mira, mas se for por isso a LOUD correu atrás do MW antes deles, então só nisso da pra dizer que na mira MW > Tuyz e cauan.
(e até mesmo um cego perceberia que o MW é melhor que os dois na mira)

posted about a year ago

Quando a gente ta falando de MIRA, voce colocar o NZR acima de MW e DG é maluquice pô, não vale nem a pena tentar argumentar com alguem assim sinceramente...

posted about a year ago

Quase 1 ano atrás isso... Foi o primeiro e único confronto oficial de LOUD x FURIA, enquanto LOUD ja estava se consolidando o melhor time do cenário sabendo fazer básico direito e as estrategias direito, a FURIA tava toda torta e mesmo assim pressionaram a LOUD mesmo não levando nem um mapa.

É inviavel levar esse jogo como base pra alguma coisa...

A preparação e evolução que o time da Furia teve é absurda, só no jeito dos próprios players se portarem voce percebe isso.

Eu ainda nao confio 100% no cauan e Tuyz pra dizer que eles tem mais mira que a da FURIA, e eu com certeza acho que o MAZIN tem MUITA mais mira que o saad, só que o saad é genio e isso vale 100x mais que mira.

posted about a year ago

Pra voce comparar a mira de um time contra o outro voce compara no Geral e não no 1v1 por role, comparar mira desse jeito é burrice.

E outra, Spacca jogava ranked diariamente contra esses caras, treinava e vivia com eles nos estudios Riot, mas quem tem razão é o random do vlr que comparar mira de um time pro outro no 1v1

posted about a year ago

go catch some rat to eat

posted about a year ago

"your attitude reflexing your education and your community"

what youre saying bro, youre from fckin VIETNAM LOL, its better to just stfu, your region is SHIT KKKKKKKKKKKKKKK

posted about a year ago

i dont care lol, you guys keep talking shit about br and players in this forum, so why should I be a good guy? who can talk shit must also listen to shit

posted about a year ago

Yeah keep saying shit things about BR, this is just a vietnam way, your are fckin ugly in all ways

i dont care if you guys keep saying, ''thats why people hate BR" bullshit, you guys just throw free hate even if we dont say anything, you guys are just Trash

posted about a year ago

Aspas is from where? Indonesia? think before you comment idiot

posted about a year ago

Who are you? are you fckin needy? go hug your bitch mother,

I dont care about what you think or what you say, youre just a rat, now stfu too kid who is mad because liquid get owned

posted about a year ago

Aspas one trick? do your really watch Loud games? or you just put a dick in front of your eyes and cant see a thing? Being one trick is not a problem, but you dont won world champions being a one trick, youre just a mad kid, fckin Vietnam shit, now stfu ugly bitch

posted about a year ago

youre crazy bro, this thing is fckin annoying LOL

much better if they had done this like Lotus on C side

I think it would be more dynamic and fit better with the map

posted about a year ago

Agree, and since the map has this desert/sand theme I wouldn't mind if they put a lot of sand in this place like they did with LOTUS on the C side

I think it would be more dynamic and fit better with the map

posted about a year ago

I liked the changes but wtf is this bro?

maybe to see the heads above A site Radianite crates? but still i dont like this thing, lol its annoying me a fckin thing in some random place

posted about a year ago

"Aspas is one trick jett too"

The dumbest thing ive heard today, people just love hating BR this is hilarious LOL

posted about a year ago

when that doesn't happen they will start flashing you, or there will be a cheater on the other team

it never fails

posted about a year ago

Tayhuhu pior player das que estão nos "times t1", só entrou pra Loud porque tinha fanbase grande

posted about a year ago

your opinion starts with "i have never watch a single south america team play except for loud cos they are the true definition of boring"

you just wanna throw hate on SA, youre a fckin cancer, besides that youre the DUMBEST person I ever talked

posted about a year ago

go to school now fckin dumb, go cry to your mom, tell her that you cant argue with a boring brazillian :'((( go cry little boy

posted about a year ago

Why you cant argue with me bro? youre this dumb? KKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK

posted about a year ago

I have no brain? I guess youre fckin blinded, you can't argue with what I say and you're just putting hate for free, besides a dumb rat you're disgusting

Prx eliminated by Clown9 2x0 and youre saying "paper rex is good too and better than 99% of SA" LOL cmon bro, no one is that dumb, even you dont agree with that.

Answer me when you get better, because currently you are just a cancer

posted about a year ago

Yes I agree w you... all EDG players are very good, I love watching their games, but in big tournaments (outside APAC) they always go below expectations :/

posted about a year ago
  • ZmjjKK
  • Aspas
  • Saadhak
  • FNS
  • Marved

(honorable mention to the entire DRX team, those guys are amazing)

posted about a year ago

right? thats why every international event people Hype EDG, and then they get eliminated in 2 games

posted about a year ago

All hype over again... dont Hype EDG too much bro, they are only good in APAC

posted about a year ago

So, in order not to be boring, teams should take 5 duelists? American teams also play in the meta game, but what you said is true, "NA will still carry with the drama because they are english speaking country so the dramas get spread more."
This is true, but if you want to watch just drama go watch a show on netflix or something,

SA region has always been fun to watch because of the fire power we have, that's what makes competitive interesting, good people going head-to-head, not backstage conversations like bitches gossiping.

And the reason Paper Rex doesn't go that far is because they keep trolling with those comps that you love to see, and the "no thinking" way of playing where they kill 1 and keep advancing and throwing spells forward, this happened a lot in the game against LEV and against Liquid last year (and in the Riot documentary you can see that they were shaken by it) so you can't say it's something they want to keep trying

And saying that our region is boring just because there is no gossip behind the scenes or non meta strats is stupid, you guys are just giving free hate in the SA region

posted about a year ago
  • Tacolilla Insane Operator, played very well last year (crushed your sweet PRX)
    kiNg, Shyy, Mazino, Onur, all Great players and persons from SA

  • With KRU, insane drama with Keznit last year, also Klaus, Nagz, Melser are insane,

  • Last but not least, Sacy and Pancada who were bought by American org that you suck

For you not to know these people, you must not have watched an international championship in the last 2 years or you live in a fcking cave
now you say we're boring and mention canada and america as an example, you must be such a dumb little bitch that all you have is cock in your mind

(APAC? your region suck, APAC is the most boring region in world, just cancer comps, luck in international eventsw, you guys SUCK, dont have right to say anything about SA, pls stfu fckin dumb)

posted about a year ago

bro never watched a SA game and says they are boring (????) LMAOO
the worst thing is to say that >>>CANADA<<< and America carry this

totally braindead, and on top of that comes this shit flag wanting to opine in our region

posted about a year ago

When did I say I didn't deserve bans?
learn to read first little bitch

posted about a year ago

I don't know, they usually give 1/2 week bans
(I get a lot of these lol)

posted about a year ago

now you saying random things because you cant argue with me,

this is the brain of a t2 european, a braindead
thats why every spanish suck, you guys are dumb and trash

posted about a year ago

and btw, the team that Kiles is playing for Spain is a team created by a BRAZILIAN, you don't even have your own team, we had to create something for you to be able to play, that already shows how shit spanish people are, inferior t2 Europeans rat

posted about a year ago

Kiles WHO????
A lucky guy who get carried by cNed and now hes on a shit team? yeah shit team like spanish people, every one of you guys are trash,
The guy was bottom frag in ALL games of the final against gambit LOL

Brazil OWNS Spain, Brazil are 100x better than any spanish guy, so STFU rat

posted about a year ago

Code geass best anime of all time for me

posted about a year ago

downloaded cs yesterday and my first match theres a cheater lol

posted about a year ago

Yeah we have much ego because we are world champs, and spanish people will never be, because you guys SUCK :)

get better

posted about a year ago

As much as valorant is toxic, I couldn't stand 1 game of cs, but even so, I always found cs more fun.

If the same cs toxicity remains there, I will definitely stay on valorant

posted about a year ago

Upvotes LOL who cares about upvote, that just prove my point that spanish people suck, you trying to argue about upvotes bro

dont talk about our region again, if your region is shit

posted about a year ago

How do I sell my account?

posted about a year ago

Father of valorant, but suck at valorant too

posted about a year ago

Let and Tayhuhu mainly, they are horrible, there are T2 players much better than her,

I understand Tayhuhu's hiring however since she has a huge fan base, now Let? I don't know either man

posted about a year ago

poor guy

posted about a year ago

srsly? I hope so, i rly love see him playing

posted about a year ago

Yeah Jinggg said in his live that something will replace him

posted about a year ago
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