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Registered: February 12, 2022
Last post: June 5, 2024 at 12:07 AM
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How do they not have to redo the match?? That illegal move literally won them the pistol round

posted about a year ago

Do you think the IGL is the person solo choosing the map veto? 💀

posted about a year ago

I mean it was a close match between them that DRX won but I think in current form with Lotus in the map pool Navi would win. Just my opinion but both are way clear of C9

posted about a year ago

I would say Navi instead of DRX for me

posted about a year ago

1) Some people actually have bubbly personalities in real life, and being an online content creator is all about amplifying your personality to create content.
2) Are you against women wearing makeup at all?? Why do you think women feel the need to wear makeup in the first place? Because they have been conditioned all of their lives that they are only pretty with makeup on and that they, as a girl, have to look pretty.

posted about a year ago

The only correct list is:

posted about a year ago

C9 over Navi 💀💀💀

posted about a year ago

If you say this is the worst meta than you don't clearly remember astra meta it was pretty bad...

posted about a year ago

How the fuck is mwzera that low?? He has been carrying Furia

posted about a year ago

ah yes team accomplishments = player skill. If you put Rb into that team they win at least that many

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

how is shao an honorable mention 😭😭

posted about a year ago

He would definitely be in my list except I think he has transitioned into just an initiator player (with viper). If he goes back to those roles I would definitely agree

posted about a year ago

Victor over Rb LMAO

posted about a year ago

Why are there so many threads about dropping him when he played well today?? Liquid needs to focus on building chemistry as their teamplay is probably the main thing holding them back rn. Dropping soulcas would achieve the opposite

posted about a year ago

1) Shao. He's played Jett, intiators, controllers, and sentinels all at a competitive level and been amazing on all of them.
2) Chronicle. His versatility is amazing
3) Rb. He also has insane flexibility in agent pool and he his consistency has drastically improved.
4) Nukkye. Honestly I feel like nukkye was overrated a year ago to the point where he is underrated now. He can literally play any agent while IGLing which is really impressive.
5) ??? Tried to think of a super flexible Americas player and I can't. Maybe Leaf??

posted about a year ago

Life got dropped by EDG and said lemme carry this team to the top

posted about a year ago

Agreed I think his chat have the most reasonable takes whereas other watch parties have braindead chats

posted about a year ago

Boostio lowkey

posted about a year ago

Honestly you have shit valo opinions but I'm happy that you have your life together fr

posted about a year ago

No one in China has a guaranteed spot either lmfao you still have to qualify like any other region

posted about a year ago

No way you're calling China dogshit 💀💀 let's just wait for Tokyo ig

posted about a year ago

that's BabyJ who doesn't insult him

posted about a year ago

literally what passes through my mind when something touches my leg

posted about a year ago

Exactly!! Honestly the global aspect is something that I really like about Valorant eSports. Just like why the World Cup is so good, as it allows the whole world to be somewhat represented

posted about a year ago

Like who?

posted about a year ago

Definitely the ocean. I hate the feeling of helplessness while not bring able to see what's under me

posted about a year ago

Thats a good point but tbf Lock-in was a completely new meta of Valorant where teams had no opportunity for prep and hadn't played in at least 2 months

posted about a year ago

I saw a lot of criticism over China getting 2 slots but it looks like, judging from their playoff, their region is very competitive. I feel like giving them 2 slots will turn out to be a good decision as more time passes and the region continues to develop

posted about a year ago

Literally just watch the vod

posted about a year ago

They have been playing better since the roster change. I'm not saying c0m is a better player but there is obviously a reason they keep him in there over BcJ

posted about a year ago

those are one and the same 💀💀

posted about a year ago

I think you meant to say "to let tenz into the lineup"

posted about a year ago

That's because syyko was SERIOUSLY underperforming with the talent that he had on that roster and they looked disorganized in game. As the coach of EG, Potter has proven to be capable of overperforming with the talent at her disposal. Seems like a weird time to hint that Potter should get fired when she has her team moving in a positive direction after having a close series with the #2 team in the world

posted about a year ago

Just say you don't know what you're talking about. The whole reason EG dominated on Split was because Loud were predictable and successfully anti-stratted by EG, meaning they did EXACTLY what they always do, they weren't fucking around. I think it's funny how you manage to take all of the credit away from EG by how closely they played Loud. I don't think Potter should get a get out of jail free card but I find it funny how people are calling for her to leave when there are worse teams and worst coaches in the leagues.

posted about a year ago

Nice table! but I think Furia win 2 more games against NRG and Sen :)

posted about a year ago

1) Who should she have picked instead?
2) They won 13-3 on Map 1 and lost 13-0 on Map 3, yet everyone acts like those 2 scores are totally different. They dominated one map, had a very close map, and got dominated on the last map against the #2 team in the world (from Lock-in). No way it doesn't reflect positively...

posted about a year ago

I literally cannot believe I am logging onto vlr to see criticisms of Potter after this game?? Are we gonna ignore the fact that EG completely outprepped Loud on Split and should have won Haven if not for 3 ecos going against them? Yes they did terribly on Pearl with a bad comp (god forbid a team have a bad map) but they played so well against the reigning Champions and finalists of the most recent international competition. Vlr is truly braindead to not recognize how good this bo3 reflects on Potter

posted about a year ago

Drop BcJ they look 10 times better in the last two matches

posted about a year ago

I disagree with everything you said, but ardiis definitely is the scapegoat for NRG. I think that the absence of Marved and yay was bigger than anyone realized and we had higher expectations than what they would achieve. Trying to change ardiis into a sentinel player doesn't look like it's gonna work and I think they have to do some role swapping to allow him to full-time Jett / Raze to make him comfortable again. He definitely isn't a bad player, just underperforming

posted about a year ago

Hasn't dephh gotten like 150% more criticism than TenZ and yet TenZ gets way more threads defending him? And those same TenZ fans will hate on dephh lmfao

posted about a year ago

Perfect NRG team:
-s0m +Marved
-ardiis + yay

posted about a year ago

huh?? he just won on LAN

posted about a year ago

Nope, Aspas clears because he has been this good for longer, Derke has had inconsistent patches. Derke #2 though

posted about a year ago

That's an issue of Pearl B site, not molly lineups. If you'll notice, other maps tend not to have the same issues when it comes to postplants

posted about a year ago

Maybe this is an unpopular opinion but I think BuZz's best agent has been his Killjoy for a while. His phantom has always been good and I think he makes good decision making for a sentinel player. Plus, I've never been to confident in his oping

posted about a year ago

Vlr user poses the fascinating question of "Should Riot remove strategy from the game??"

posted about a year ago

Until Sentinels beat a good team and because they got 2-0ed by NRG 2 weeks ago, NRG should remain at the top of the ranking. IMO the ranking of the franchised teams is :

1) NRG
2) Sentinels
3) Cloud9
4) 100T
5) EG

posted about a year ago

I agree that mastery over many agents is a skill that increases a player's value but that doesn't mean they are automatically better than duelist players (and Derke and Aspas aren't one tricks they play Jett and Raze)

posted about a year ago

Team Liquid aren't qualifying to Tokyo ngl

posted about a year ago
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