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Registered: February 12, 2022
Last post: June 5, 2024 at 12:07 AM
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Chronicle over Mako is actually insane. Mako has been a Top 2 controller for the past year and doesn't make the Top 5? Chronicle is great, but him over Mako is simply incorrect to me

posted about a year ago

GenG are really good but this is delusional. K1ng supremacy though

posted about a year ago

Different meta =/= fraud. I think the valorant community should start looking at the "best in the world" in terms of metas. Yay was the best in chamber meta, now he's not.

posted about a year ago

What job do you have? Here, if you are shit at your job you are given a warning and then fired. Not given an ass kicking...

posted about a year ago

What's your unpopular competitive Valorant opinion? Mine's that Fracture is my favorite map to watch

posted about a year ago

🙏🏻 Thank god

posted about a year ago

But you just said players aren't supposed to read hateful comments??? You make negative comments for the players to read but then blame the PLAYERS for reading said comment. You are a walking contradiction bro

posted about a year ago

Trash talk is entertaining but that's between player v player or fan v fan.

posted about a year ago

Funny how you blame the players for reading hateful comments but not the people making them. That seems so backwards to me

posted about a year ago

Obviously, people that are going to hate exist but that also doesn't mean it's the right thing to do? I don't get when people defend hate by saying "well it's always gonna happen" like ok but YOU don't have to be a hater. Let other people be negative and spread positivity yourself. You can acknowledge that someone isn't playing well without creating threads to shit on them.

posted about a year ago

Why are you acting like this is a brand new phenomenon as if vlr hasn't treated other players like this? Not condoning but they literally treated shahz as bad if not worse

posted about a year ago


  • Sane in his Manchester City form
posted about a year ago

People are gonna be rude to Newzera but I honestly respect him a lot for this. Stepping down is a selfless, team move and I wish the best for him in the future!

posted about a year ago

Anyone watching this right now? I'm pretty sure this ref is getting paid 100,000 every time he makes a worse decision

Edit: supposed to be Off Topic mb

posted about a year ago

Right how is Link leaving Liquid in any way affecting his current team? He has probably been one of the worst IGLs in franchising but let's blame some irrelevant past event

posted about a year ago

So the answer is no? Vlr ratings provide information but they don't say if someone is a good player or not

posted about a year ago

Worst player ban? Do you watch pacific?

posted about a year ago

same player, worse team. I feel like a lot of people don't acknowledge how Gambit set up nAts for success just like how Optic set up yay for success. Both great players that were the best players in the world in the right team setup.

posted about a year ago

You typed up a whole paragraph just to say: Valorant is more than just aim

posted about a year ago

Biggest weakness of Sentinels is definitely their map pool. They are very competitive on a few maps and terrible on the others

posted about a year ago

Sushi :< Happy he escaped vlr and got a life tho

posted about a year ago

Mako, stax, suygetsu, Twisten, kiNgg, k1Ng, geeza

posted about a year ago

:) I would like to thank C9, for giving me this opportunity. I take this award in honor of all vlr users

posted about a year ago

I think this is where the eye-test comes in. They didn't suck, but they should have looked a lot more prepped and innovative for all of the time and talent they had. On Icebox, it was extremely concerning that they couldn't adapt to DRX's Harbor comp, especially since DRX didn't show a lot of depth in that strategy. All they had to do was spam the cove and the planter to stop DRX's strategy but they never adapted and I think that falls on Vanity. Yay was because of money, Vanity had his chances imo

posted about a year ago

If you watch the VODs on DRX's Fracture when they played Neon, Rb has the best movement and use of her abilities in the world.

posted about a year ago

For me, king of Haven is Stax. He is the best breach in the world on that map and also IGLs very well on it. DRX have long been the standard for Haven and everyone has used their strats on it.

posted about a year ago

I already know that, my point was more on how they were experimenting with Gekko and with different Lotus comps in a way that is different to how they used to change comps to anti-strat other teams

posted about a year ago

I feel like NAVI are being very smart by experimenting with comps when they are confident they can fall back on reliable strategies on the other maps. That's something that will keep them at the top of the game and ahead of others. Other good teams (DRX are you listening?) should do this

posted about a year ago

"on icebox" reading comprehension is important haha Zekken was insane on Map 1 tho

posted about a year ago

Probably. I just think it's funny that so many threads are made on TenZ when the whole team other than Pancada played terribly on Icebox. Team Issue for me, not player

posted about a year ago

No, he's a chamber/Jett player.

posted about a year ago

VLR users when they look at stats in a vacuum

posted about a year ago

How do you say the main issue is when the primarily Duelist player doesn't play Duelist? That applies to any player that plays outside of their comfort zone lmfao

posted about a year ago

G2Shahzam talks like someone who doesn't watch the game and only forms opinions based on Valorant twitch chat

posted about a year ago

That's the fault of your own fanbase. No other club has the reputation for sacking managers as quickly as Chelsea and half of that is because the fans demand perfection and give the manager no time to recover. Just to turn to Lampard 💀

posted about a year ago

Chelsea fans are so ridiculous lmfao. They have one off year after winning the Champions League and complain about how painful being a fan is when clubs like mine are fighting relegation. You will get a new manager in the summer and call for his head after 2 losses in a row.

posted about a year ago

They don't have to drop ScreaM they just have to move him away from IGLing. He still has good aim he just needs someone else to take the reins for calling and strats.

posted about a year ago

Yeah Pearl is pretty much FNATIC's perma ban so idk about that one for his list

posted about a year ago

KOI??????????????????????????????????? I thought you were answering well

posted about a year ago

I barely typed anything 💀

posted about a year ago

As a DRX fan, be fr

posted about a year ago

I'm interested to hear which team you guys think is the best on each map?








posted about a year ago

For a while after Pearl and Lotus came out, DRX have had both of them as their perma bans in map picks. In my mind, DRX were one of the best innovative teams in the early days of competitive Valorant so it's weird to see them so slow to adapt to new maps. Why are DRX so behind other teams when it comes to new maps?

posted about a year ago

FNATIC logo goes hard tho

posted about a year ago

I think it's safe to say that no vlr users represent their overall nationalities accurately. Luck having the worst takes I've ever seen doesn't mean that Aussies are also like that

posted about a year ago

Barely anyone talks about tuyz but anyone that does rates him super highly as a player so not sure that is underrated.

posted about a year ago

Everyone responding like we all don't see the high number of threads shitting on GE and their fans compared to other shit teams in the leagues. Be fr

posted about a year ago

"Gekko is good but Harbor is not that great" To me, that indicates that you think Gekko is in a better place than Harbor. Also, agent buffs/nerfs should not be based on ranked performance it should be based on competitive play. Harbor is especially bad in ranked because a lot of people don't play Harbor well, not because he is a bad agent.

posted about a year ago

How are you saying Harbor is worse than Gekko? Harbor has maps he is proven to work on like Pearl and Icebox while Gekko looks pretty underwhelming on every map imo, maybe except Lotus

posted about a year ago

idk DFM are clearly improving I think they deserve a chance. They dominated a good GenG team at Fracture and played them closely on Pearl.

posted about a year ago
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