Flag: Mexico
Registered: June 16, 2022
Last post: June 7, 2024 at 6:14 PM
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Gekko, Skye, Brim, Raze, Viper

posted about a year ago

John Titor the Cloud9 fan

posted about a year ago

zexrow is good, his personality fits too

posted about a year ago

im making fun of diceyzx, i dont get ur reply

posted about a year ago

Bro mad that the player they signed for his flexibility is playing other roles. You think NRG should've signed diceyzx?

posted about a year ago

Since everyone is in the same city now, wouldn't it make sense that both Brazilian and NA teams would have the same schedule?

posted about a year ago

And d00mbros hasn't?

posted about a year ago

Stupid statement. Doesn't understand that Sacy has 0 experience as an IGL, only secondary caller

posted about a year ago

(message sent twice cus of wifi idk how to delete replies)

posted about a year ago

BUMP, minte friend

posted about a year ago

Aspas, TenzZ ScreaM, Stellar, I actually have kind of a thing for yay tbh (not during copenhagen tho he needed to brush his teeth back then)

posted about a year ago

what does bagre dor mean

posted about a year ago

Loud didn't select them.

Sacy, Saadhak, Pancada, Less, and Aspas all made an orgless team together and shopped around for orgs to sign their entire roster; loud was the one that took a chance on them.

posted about a year ago

1 in Reykjavik vs optic, another in Istanbul vs optic, and including lockin vs fnatic

posted about a year ago

Because Saadhak can aim and play duelists. FNS is so shit mechanically that when his team beats squads of aim gods it makes you wonder how tf he pulls it off.

They each have their strengths, but when it comes to tactics and mid-rounding, FNS is marginally better.

I mean just look at SEN vs NRG or LOUD vs NRG. You can't say he got carried by Yay and marved after those two performances.

All of this not mentioning how Aspas diffed yay at times even in peak chamber meta

posted about a year ago

Bro when did Yay fall off?

posted about a year ago
  1. Chet
  2. Frod
  3. Onur
  4. Bzk
  5. Sgares
  6. mCe
  7. Syyko
posted about a year ago

Steel is S-Tier IGL

Yay top 5 Awpers, and his slow angle clearing fits well with Steel's vision of slow, methodical play.

Steel - Smokes
Yay - Awper/Jett
Riku - Sentinel
XXIF - Entry duelist/Scan initiator
Clear - Flash initiator

posted about a year ago

"You haven't won anything recently"

"Proof that we're getting better!"

posted about a year ago

Once again Crashies goes underappeciated

posted about a year ago

ardiis 1v3 vs drx

posted about a year ago

I think khalil has to prove himself a little bit more first

posted about a year ago

Patiphan but thats because of his wrist injury

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

Best player in the world gets cut by shitty org and smurfs in ranked until he decides to make a newbie team to compete against the top teams in his league.

posted about a year ago

Heisenberg clears

posted about a year ago

s0m? he's doing good but please Marved and Pancada exist

posted about a year ago

Marved against Zeta Reykjavik Lower Finals

posted about a year ago

Nah I already knew it was gonna be Yay.

posted about a year ago

It seems like the roles will instead be:

Awper/Jett - Yay
Clear - Smokes/Initiator (although i'd prefer for them to experiment with putting him on kj like PRX did with forsaken
Steel - Smokes/Initiator
XXIF - Scan Initiator/Entry Raze
Genghsta - Kayo/Breach.

Riku has been performing really well on KJ so I'm kind of hoping they switch him onto the main roster

posted about a year ago

I think Steel is an S-tier IGL ngl

posted about a year ago

He won 2nd place against Gambit in the 2021 Berlin Grand finals

posted about a year ago

Not reading allat

posted about a year ago

Not all these players play exactly the same role, Derke, dgzin and Qw1 are awpers while mwzera is a hard entry

posted about a year ago

When Jett got nerfed, this game was already heading in the same direction as it is now.

With no easy awping agent, games became less dominated by a single player (with those around them trying to set them up) and relied a lot more on set plays and decentralized strategy This was an era where teams like The Guard or Gambit were able to shine their brightest.

Then, chamber showed up.
Not only did teams have the ability to structure their playstyle around setting up their Awp gods again, but those same vanguards also had the ability to secure flank and gather info across the whole map. By doing so, comps no longer needed a dedicated Awper agent and a dedicated flank-watcher, they could just put the same person to do both things and gain an extra slot for other agents (This is the only reason triple initiator worked on ascent).

Say what you want about Chamber one-tricks, but I think the biggest nerf to Cryo isn't the agent change, it's the strategy change. It's not worth it for his team to set him up to the same extent as XSET did in 2022.

You can see this in the way 100T plays, incredibly methodically, trying to execute their set plays flawlessly and without too much variation. In this kind of team, Cryo's game-sense as someone specializing in taking duels is wasted, he has to fill roles other than main awper at times, and he's lacking in his teamplay and his ability to play the perfect valorant that 100T is trying to accomplish.

He's an aggressive hard-carry made to play slow, methodical valorant.

I sincerely think he would've done way better if he were put on a team like Cloud9 or SEN

posted about a year ago

steel's on DSG lil bro

posted about a year ago

Well tbh I thought Furia was just a firepower team but they seem really decently coordinated, so I wanted to know who the S-tier IGL that beat leviatan was.

posted about a year ago

who's Furia's IGL, I need to know.

posted about a year ago

Sayf looking like ABX Yay rn

posted about a year ago

Bro made the most scuffed roster imaginable in APAC and managed to almost beat DRX--without Cryo chamber.

That being said, with regards to SEN: STOP SAYING SACY IGL, he just isn't fit for the role.

posted about a year ago

Sign the world's best smokes players

create a shortage of good franchised smokes

resell smokes players at a profit.

posted about a year ago

FC Bayern clears

posted about a year ago

go to sleep

posted about a year ago

i play better valorant when im hungry

if you did a fuckton of sports as a kid and have decent metabolism you're going to have more trouble gaining weight than losing it

posted about a year ago

fuck quick how do i change it

posted about a year ago

mint said you're in NA and about the same rank as me, wanna yoru 1v1?

pls i dont wanna do taxes rn

posted about a year ago

asc 1

posted about a year ago

I can officially say NRG is better suited for this meta than Optic would've been

posted about a year ago
1 •• 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 •• 101