Flag: Mexico
Registered: June 16, 2022
Last post: June 7, 2024 at 6:14 PM
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See ya in ascension ya british twat

posted about a year ago

It's wrong to assume as much when your entire argument crutches on there being a "difference between hyping up and pure delusion"

What is that difference? You stated there is one, so there must be a reason you're assuming she's delusional and not just hyping up her teammate, right?

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

Real question, how old are you?

posted about a year ago

leo v leo kekw

posted about a year ago

Bro's talking like Shownu when he first showed up

posted about a year ago

To say and think something are two very different things. Why are you assuming the former?

posted about a year ago

bro dephh, hop off Bryan's dick. If you're gonna go into an online forum to vent out your woes then at least don't make an alt with a british flag exclusively replying to every discussion about you online. It's obvious af.

posted about a year ago

100T just needs a coach with a strong voice tbh

posted about a year ago


Aspas - Entry duelist & primary awper
kiNgg (IGL) - Flex
MaKo - Controller
Less - Sentinel
Leo - Initiator

Coach - Onur

Americas (NA):

Yay - Jett/Primary Awper
Xeppaa - Flex/Secondary Duelist
Valyn (IGL) - Controller
trent - Scan Initiator/Viper
Leaf - Flex/Sentinel

Coach - mCe

posted about a year ago

Where have I seen this before

posted about a year ago

a python api would make me coom

posted about a year ago

People keep putting the worst players on their comfort roles. If you truly want supertrash, you need to make them play random agents:

Ejay - sentinel
NagZet - smokes
Newzera - Flex
xms - Duelist
2ge - Initiator

and good luck figuring out the 3 language barriers.

posted about a year ago

"Butter chicken" is something me and my friends would laugh at when we were 9 years old

posted about a year ago

What if they just use their parents phone number or smth, or even better, a smurf plays on someone elses' account for them?

posted about a year ago

aveces así es wey

posted about a year ago

Throwers and low ranks with an ego

posted about a year ago

Are you literate

posted about a year ago

My best advice to you is to queue up a bunch of unrated, lock in Cypher or other info agents, and do nothing but look at the map and mentally take note of where each agent on the enemy team shows up on the map and what abilities are used--even if it means inting the match.

You'll eventually learn to do this subconsciously while playing normally

posted about a year ago

If you're asking about pure mechanics?

  1. Something
  2. TenZ
  3. aspas
  4. jinggg

I think derke and yay have cracked aim, but they rely more on good positioning and clearing angles methodically. the above players can consistently flick across their screen and hit one taps.

posted about a year ago

Getting tilted at incompetent smokes players

posted about a year ago

This is the case in any professional team sport.

posted about a year ago

yeah, why talk about what's on everyone's minds rn, let's talk about Masters Berlin 2022 instead

posted about a year ago

Viper Harbor comps are becoming increasingly common, so there's a lot of room for Marved and pAncada to both play

posted about a year ago

They thought they could just keep him doing nothing like with Sick

posted about a year ago

To be fair, they contributed to said mental health episode

posted about a year ago

didn't realize you included Valyn in your reply, no Runi is a good IGL as he is. Let mCe work his magic and birth the 3rd best IGL in NA

posted about a year ago

Xeppaa and Leaf on EG is a travesty of justice

posted about a year ago

It's not his first time in the US, he was living in Texas when he was with optic

posted about a year ago

mate, nothing is going according to expectations rn, betting is a stupid idea.

Furia hypothetically should win it all but that doesn't mean they will

posted about a year ago

trent isn't a smokes player

posted about a year ago

I tried to tell everyone, but all I got were messages about how team synergy and 2 months of practice somehow makes Sacy better suited to playing controller over Marved lmao

posted about a year ago

there was a world where Marved signed with C9 a few weeks ago

posted about a year ago

I guess it's not NA without praying for our last hope.

posted about a year ago

bro xeppaa is NOT mid. he aces thrice per match, whether the team is winning or losing.

posted about a year ago

sometimes you have to go for new names though, I mean just look at EG. Keeping their core did NOT do them any favors

posted about a year ago

Marved was signed as their 6th prior to the roster lock, they can sub him in to the main roster at any time

posted about a year ago

When the off-season came around it looked like every team in North America was a contender for the best in the world.

100T, which had managed to beat Fnatic had signed the hottest young star of last year in Cryo

Sentinels signed the 4 S-tier players, two of which were the best in the world, and dephh
NRG had found a flexible replacement for Yay in this new meta, ad s0m stepped in to fill marved's shoes.

Cloud9 managed to put together 4 aim gods and a proven igl.

EG was doing something idk

It's all come crumbling down.

posted about a year ago

I'm not about to put my hopes and dreams on Zellsis. South America surpassed us, and they're the only ones with a chance against Fnatic.

The NA dream is dead for another year.

posted about a year ago

Jakee is cracked, but it's clear that Xeppaa, Leaf, and Zellsis are the team's main firepower, while Runi is performing better than Vanity ever did.

I would like to see him develop into a cracked smokes player with time tho

posted about a year ago

Honestly, imagine if C9 had dropped vanity at the start of the off-season, replaced him with Runi, then signed Marved instead of Yay.

I mean, they could've probably paid whatever Marved was asking for using the 4 months' worth of Yay's salary they threw down the drain.

Leaf - Main Duelist/Awp
Xeppaa - Flex/Secondary Duelist
Zellsis - Flex/Secondary Duelist
Marved - Smokes
Runi - Flex/Sentinel

posted about a year ago

NA had 3 T1 coaches, now we only have two in the form of CheT and mCe.

posted about a year ago

ok the actual team aside, this is the coolest looking logo and name ive ever seen for a team

posted about a year ago

Loud looked shaky the entirety of Lock-in, but they made it through regardless. I'm assuming they're just a team that relies a lot on counter-stratting, so they'll always be on par with, or slightly better than their opponents, similar to NRG.

If they were to play right now, LOUD would win.

posted about a year ago

DRX is 0-2 against LOUD rn. They have never beaten them and so long as they haven't, I will never consider them better--especially given that they've placed 2nd in two international lans and 1st at champions

posted about a year ago

it's harsh, but it's fair. The majority of the punishment that comes from cheating in esports is your public image ruined, as it should be

posted about a year ago

o shit... im startinng to think... he's really not a time traveller :OO

posted about a year ago

he talkin to me

posted about a year ago
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