Country: United States
Registered: May 31, 2022
Last post: April 9, 2023 at 6:57 PM
Posts: 1

For the people that have just started watching comp: tenz is a very talented player don’t take that away from him but the image of him in some peoples minds are absurd. People think he is at his prime or better like yays prime. People gonna realize that tenz is human like others. Maybe he isn’t practicing as much maybe he’s just getting older maybe he’s just inconsistent(I’ve been watching him for a while it’s not new that he goes triple neg), but people perform bad sometimes like ardiis on week one he went like 2/15 and I ain’t hear people clownin on him much at all. He has a lot of pressure let’s not make it worse his gf is dying of cancer as well. Don’t give him hate and make it harder if u heckin love tenz for real.

posted about a year ago