Flag: Sweden
Registered: December 5, 2021
Last post: August 19, 2023 at 7:58 AM
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FPX's map pick

posted about a year ago

but his aim is always very good for an igl, it's his individual decisions that make him die alot

posted about a year ago

because that wasn't an eu dominated crowdu dumb fuck no one cares about val there, that's the reason why it didn't fill at all
there was people from NA and other regions there

posted about a year ago

i still don't get it, never mind i lost interest
u could've just explained it instead of this mystery play

posted about a year ago

dude ur such a baiter u sent a wrong clip

posted about a year ago

he's a baiter don't take him seriously

posted about a year ago

fns (igl)

posted about a year ago

but at what cost

posted about a year ago

i don't understand what vandal episode means, i genuinely don't understand anything

posted about a year ago

can u explain it? i don't get the reference and the istanbul answer

posted about a year ago

i hecking love anime, although i've not watched any for more than 2 years

posted about a year ago

honestly for the heroine part ur spot on, at first i was just enjoying the story not thinking about the female lead and just treating it as the show wants but after watching so much anime i'm finding it to be less and less enjoyable and extremely cringe
i feel like i would enjoy the anime more if the heroine had some kind of character development or even a decent character to begin with

posted about a year ago

i wish i knew about PCs so I could help u minte
but i don't :(

posted about a year ago

i don't give a fuck about what you think

posted about a year ago

oh come on, i don't know if i became brainwashed by americans and their social media dramas but that's very normal

posted about a year ago

and boo'ing is banter

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

so ur saying that nats is ass and not top5 in his role? got you bro

posted about a year ago

cned 2nd and we're good

posted about a year ago

i genuinely thought this was another NA baiter thread 🤣🤣🤣

posted about a year ago

were you at the event?

posted about a year ago

dude, just be happy and go on HLTV i genuinely don't give a fuxk about the CS comparisons

posted about a year ago

i saw that clip, fuxking sadge

posted about a year ago

that's very different there's so much things to mention that would explain why but the most important is that the crowd in turkey is literally just people from turkey unlike csgo events where the game has loyal fans for the teams that would travel to be there for their team

honestly i hope we have an international event in NA next year, i promise u it will be similiar

posted about a year ago

such a chad take, although there should be a level of respect but when u have a 75%+ crowd from the same region u can't expext them to cheer against their teams

posted about a year ago

did u see the threads 😂 i told u

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

they do tho, it's just the NA vs EU matches that looked like this

posted about a year ago

ok man did u not watch DRX vs FPX? give them some credit like you and i and everyone knows that if an EU vs NA match happened in the states the crowd would be so much harder on EU teams, it's the same so let's not make NA vs EU matches the standard

imo u should look at NA vs other region
or other region vs EMEA and if the crowd is very biased then it's an L crowd

posted about a year ago

can u elaborate more?

posted about a year ago

for the past couple days how did the crowd do compared to your expectations.
put in mind the following :

  1. compared to masters Copenhagen's crowd
  2. meeting ur expectations for turkey as it's considered to have one of the biggest player bases in the game especially in EU
  3. having it be 75%+ EU biased
  4. the game's first sold out arena crowd (VCT)
  5. would you want istanbul to be a host of international events in the future

and if you can write the reasons or what made you think that way

from 1==>10
1 worst
10 best

posted about a year ago

Acend should've won.... nvm

posted about a year ago

fuck that second line hurts

posted about a year ago

this an emea fan speaking or na?
important pls answer

posted about a year ago

understandable but
scream go kill
derke go kill
didn't happen?

posted about a year ago

i was extremely busy today that l couldn't even check scores and hoping for a 1-1 between EU & NA (optic beats liquid and fnatic beats xset)

BUT FUCK ME MAN i was shocked, how did we lose like this ?

posted about a year ago

ASCENDANT 3 my fps goes from 5 up to 30 when there's no util at all and every five second or so my laptop freezes for a split second
screen 60Hz

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

no i mean turkish fans don't care about these stuff, unless a turkish team was on the other end..... that i can't guarantee

posted about a year ago

don't worry probably won't happen

posted about a year ago

yep exactly

posted about a year ago

i even wrote keep it creative man

posted about a year ago

let's check the threads tomorrow when fnatic play shall we? you'll be surprised

posted about a year ago

i'm doing this for you guy, don't expect the crowd to cheer for xset as much as fnatic tomorrow (of course some will but u know what i mean)

this is probably 75%+ turkish crowd and tomorrow Alfa the turkish player and Derke and boaster who are very liked in the turkish community are playing so FNC will most likely be crowd's favourite

i'm just saying, so don't have much expectations bcz it's normal if they don't cheer against FNC

not a toxic thread just a reminder so NA fans don't think it's personal, this will probably happen for all FNC games

as for liquid it's NA vs EU, i don't know if turkish fans care about NA vs EU but since Scream a very well known and liked player in turkey they will probably cheer for LIQUID more. Not so much tho.. i think

baiters ur welcome bait but keep it creative

tldr: tomorrow's crowd will be biased towards fnatic for reasonable reasons, and for liquid but not as much as FNC
it's normal so let's not shit talk the crowd tmrw ty love u

edit: baiter pls keep the baits creative. Ty love u

posted about a year ago

np man u do u

posted about a year ago

no way, i have complex feelings i don't think they will fo the manhwa good and will change a lot

posted about a year ago

always have been

posted about a year ago

of course

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago
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