Flag: Spain
Registered: November 20, 2020
Last post: June 7, 2024 at 3:00 AM
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posted about a year ago

Typically yeah, specially with 30 teams but can be done with bo3 Ig

posted about a year ago

Poor tebhotol that guy has no clue what he just did joining the team

posted about a year ago

Idk what the format is gonna be but it has to be Swiss right? Right? Right????? I swear if Riot does groups it's gonna be a fucking shitshow cause they are gonna do em full random since there's no seeding yet

posted about a year ago

Yup, also redgar is so humble and nice too

posted about a year ago

Worked xD

posted about a year ago

Fair enough, my point is, the xnfri, suggest, seldom core is really good

posted about a year ago

based on what

posted about a year ago

Only mixwell and xms are likely to play out of all of those

posted about a year ago

Chronicle no shit bro you think if Heretics was in position to sign him they wouldn't have? ssk is already signed with Istanbul Wildcats, and Deffo? Yeah maybe that's fair, but man, Kcorp has xms, Vitality might be getting Alive, Giants has Fitinho, but still there is not a thread saying "xms a franchised player?"

posted about a year ago

Idk, but is definitely a good option for what they had

posted about a year ago

Exactly, there's 3 people linked to vitality and twisten is not one of them

posted about a year ago

I mean is not definitive, could be -reita +neth or something, the other 4 are really good tho

posted about a year ago

Nah the only possibility for that to had happened was someone else to pick up FPX core and NaVi to get this guys but it’s impossible now

posted about a year ago

yeah I'm sorry man but if Kcorp goes full French the Classico is gonna be Scream vs qw1

posted about a year ago

Actually might be one of the most solid options for teams needing an Oper now that you say it

posted about a year ago

True I used to not really like Liquid but tbh I think I like them a lot rn, maybe even more than Fnc or Navi

posted about a year ago

Well you might not be getting nats, but you get the incredible xms, might not have Jamppi anymore but you could get the incredible keloqz yk

posted about a year ago

Twisten is not going to VIT, it's Alive, Molsi, cender, Bonecold

posted about a year ago

Musashi's numbers are not even better than Mixwell my friend, but you can keep thinking that if you want

posted about a year ago

I could try and argue but doesn't seem like we are gonna get to an understanding so we're just gonna have to agree to disagree

posted about a year ago

Okay man, so do musashi and ssk have his experience then? Do they help outside the game as much? Do they have his mid round calls?

posted about a year ago

2 out of Twisten/Monster/Trexx is what I'm hoping for

posted about a year ago

Based on what

posted about a year ago

Like who, he is better based on what?

posted about a year ago

They have practiced with this the smurf is Seoldam

posted about a year ago

Idk man, I hope they don't troll the last 2 players, all I know is they wanna win so hopefully they make the roster accordingly, Barbara and kolda seem to have the whole power of decision

posted about a year ago

I agree, I would understand if they do keep him but it's definitely not what I would do. Trexx twisten are way better options

posted about a year ago

I think Detonation's roster is actually looking real real good

posted about a year ago

Barbar and Kolda already wanted him for LCQ so actually likely

posted about a year ago

Apparently they are considering keeping Famsii yeah, he seems to be flying on scrims, I'm guessing this tournament is gonna be a big part of the decision

posted about a year ago

Hopefully not, ironic but I hope they get twisten as their Op player instead, and we already know Kolda and Barbar like him so maybe yk

posted about a year ago

Don't touch the game so much, I feel like smokers are perfect rn, all of them are played on their own maps, Fade might need a slight change to equal but Initiators are all used too. Only problem are sentinels and Duelists and I think chamber is the problem for both, nerf him and give slight buffs to Phoenix and Yoru.

Lastly Reyna needs a little rework imo, it's really good for rank but shit for competitive I feel like the idea I once saw here in VLR was perfect, it was something like Reyna being able to use the dismiss without a kill but taking Hp away if she does and consuming 2 charges, that way Reyna would be able to open space like other duelists and not play everything to hitting your shots

posted about a year ago

Everyone got diffed by aspas on champs, are we gonna hate everyone but aspas xD

posted about a year ago

Fair enough tbh, I don't think no one has ever claimed he is a world class player more like a mid tier 1 player, but I think it's the best decision Heretics could have taken

posted about a year ago

Lev is your last hope Mca

posted about a year ago

I think that really is Giants best option and tbh it would make them a solid top 5 team

Fitniho is really really good and I believe in him, he is not a superstar tho

posted about a year ago

Yeah he has the most games on smokers so shouldn't be an issue

posted about a year ago

They were supposed to be an Indonesian team, ended up signing tier 2 Philippines players

posted about a year ago

What would you think of a Fitinho, Zeek, Boo, Hoody, Cloud?

posted about a year ago

I agree, I really hope nivera goes back to oping and chamber but that is his choice to make and if he decides not to I think keloqz is the best French speaking Oper

posted about a year ago

I didn't know Cloud was practicing with them, where did you hear it, I really hope it's true cause he is insane

posted about a year ago

nah, both Quitoner and qw1 are better imo, but russz is a great Initiator too

posted about a year ago

I'm glad too, I like arguing with you tho, you're a very reasonable guy, is that Giants flair serious?

posted about a year ago

I think the whole combined Buyout of the team is like 400K if I'm not wrong, so Mixwell and Nukkye being double or triple than Meddo, Avova and Hoody, but yeah still a big deal for orgs to pay

posted about a year ago

I've seen Fut analyst say they are not gonna make any changes but idk

posted about a year ago

russz could be a solid option for initiator

posted about a year ago

Have always said this too, see that's a more fair claim. Even tho I feel that rn there's a big shortage of Chambers and a lot of good flex players available yk

posted about a year ago

Looking decent ngl

posted about a year ago
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