Flag: Qatar
Registered: July 8, 2021
Last post: June 5, 2024 at 3:14 AM
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it's actually for a mail stripper in which he opens peoples mail

posted about a year ago

Don't practice so it seems as authentic as possible

posted about a year ago

I wonder how well they could've done in their own circuits

posted about a year ago

The catch is, is that they can get paid for doing their own ads with companies as well as accept goods rather than money

posted about a year ago

I mean collegiate athletes get drafted to pro teams all the time
They then have to leave their universities though as pro players cannot compete in collegiate competitions.

posted about a year ago

I mean even if they were to qualify with their VCT teams they would all have to drop out of their respective university
Luckily they were able to compete in these qualifiers since the only prize was a qualifying spot in VCT

posted about a year ago

Collegiate athletes (this include esports teams) cannot play for money
So if they're on a collegiate team they cannot play vct

posted about a year ago

You are individually going to make people hate yay
Also RickyIndian already did this please be original

posted about a year ago

When they lost their Aussies they lost their tourneys

posted about a year ago

Can I get a rating of originality?

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

There is a F/A team named BabyJ eSports and you're saying everyone knows he's shit?
No lmao

posted about a year ago

That's not why we go to the gym

posted about a year ago

Day 148 is complete

posted about a year ago

No :)

posted about a year ago

tf is aheaad?
If you're gonna dog someones english dog it correctly please

posted about a year ago

Didnt he say he was trying new agents???

posted about a year ago

Thanks flo 🥺

posted about a year ago

So far not much has really changed, but this last week I've kinda slowly been implementing some changes in my diet and exercise routine.
Diet wise I've gotten some protein shakes and recovery bars for lifting and then just been trying to make better conscious decisions with what my body intakes.
As for my weight, it has stayed the same as of recently which is good and means I am still on track. In the summer I was dropping weight pretty quickly due to the 2.5-hour bike rides I loved doing, but rn since there is snow everywhere I can't really do that.
Hopefully with these few changes I can see what's working and what isn't so I can adjust as needed
Also as for weight I realized while I am not losing weight I am going down in waist sizes so there is a possibility that a lot of the fat is now being replaced with muscle

posted about a year ago

Day 147 is complete

posted about a year ago

Its called money 🤑

posted about a year ago

Subroza speaks French and is a far better option
I hate to agree with this garbage person, but DavidP was toxic and hard to work with
Along with being inconsistent both IGL and player wise he just doesn't belong anymore

posted about a year ago

You're gonna give yay a reputation that of Shahzam

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

No way you think SEN get beat by Fnatic

posted about a year ago

Deductive reasoning

posted about a year ago

Day 146 is complete

posted about a year ago

Nah NA clears them

posted about a year ago

Not anymore >:(

posted about a year ago

I mean I have apple recordings of all of my bike rides from this summer.
The post is for myself anyway I could give a shit about whether some random shitter believes or not

posted about a year ago

He's got no consistency like yay and cryo
Thats what makes chamber players good

posted about a year ago

No :)

posted about a year ago

Day 145 is complete

Taking my nutrition a bit more seriously now and got some more specific exercises for each area

posted about a year ago

I could give a fuck about Marved
I just point out the fallacies in peoples stupid arguments

posted about a year ago

Marved is flexing rn though

posted about a year ago

Not really dunks are my least favorite shoe I own

posted about a year ago

Why tf are there 32 teams

posted about a year ago

Day 144 is complete

posted about a year ago

Unless you're getting a premium dunk or SB dunks just get some AJ1 Lows or Air force 1's

Standard edition dunks is my main gripe

posted about a year ago

Always sold out in the us

posted about a year ago

Theyre dogshit leather quality

posted about a year ago

I got 9 pairs of yeezys 4 of them are 350 v2s and a couple other models
Also the leather on dunks are tragic absolute garbage.

posted about a year ago

Theyre better than dunks
Dunks are for people who have no brains
At least Air force 1 color of the month have good leather quality

posted about a year ago

Shittiest shoe there is
DO NOT get this shoe
Leather is garbage
The creases are like paper folds

Unless you're getting a premium dunk or SB dunks just get some AJ1 Lows or Air force 1's

posted about a year ago

Day 143 is complete

posted about a year ago

Good thing hes not in your region anymore

posted about a year ago

100T almost signed him solely for lineups

posted about a year ago

This thread resurfaces every month

posted about a year ago

Just like Shahzam

posted about a year ago
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